Our jig swaps here are off to an exciting start! If you'd like to host a swap, please respond to this thread. I'll keep this first post updated with the list as folks sign up. Then, as jig swaps come up, we'll know who we can get in touch with for the swap.
Some folks have been wondering just what a swapmeister's duties are for the jig swap. It's exciting to run a swap but the swaps are only as good as they are run. Therefore the swapmeister needs to do a few things in order to have an exciting and successful jig swap....
When it's your turn to run a swap you'll need to do the following:
Step 1: Announce the Jig Swap
*You'll need to start up a thread in the "Jig Tying/Jig Making" forum. Use a subject line that folks will easily recognize that your thread is for the jig swap. A simple and concise subject line would be "Jig Swap #X (where "X" is the number of the jig swap you are assigned to).
*Set the # of tyers to be accepted into the jig swap. A maximum of 20 is highly recommended.
*Set the deadline date to sign-up for the jig swap. This should be a fairly soon date because these swaps fill up fast!! It is recommended that the sign-up deadline date is set 2 weeks from the date the jig swap is announced.
*Set the deadline date to mail the jigs to the swapmeister. It is recommended that this date is set 2 to 3 weeks after the sign-up deadline date.
*Specify any tying specifics. In your swap you may request that a certain type of material be used. Or there may be other specifics that you'd like to see the tyers adhere to.
*Also post up a link to the jig swap guidelines in your announcement.
Step 2: Prepare for the rush!
Be ready for a lot of responses in a short amount of time when you announce your jig swap!! You will need to keep the list of tyers continuously updated so that everyone will know if there are any slots left available to join in on the swap.
Step 3: Continuous updates
A good swapmeister will keep everyone informed of the progress of the jig swap. One of the easiest ways to do this is to keep the announcement post updated. You will want to keep updates on a few things: (1) as the tyers are mailing in their jigs, you need to let them know you got them ... simply by putting "SM rcvd" (or something like that); (2) you need to let folks know of the date when you mail out the jigs back out to everyone ... therefore you can replace "SM rcvd" with "Mailed 'date'" (where 'date' is the date you mailed them out; and finally, (3) you need to update the list as each tyer lets everyone know that they got their jig packets .... simply by replacing the mail-out date with "Tyer rcvd".
Step 4: Need Help? Contact previous Swapmeisters
From time to time things come up and you need to bounce some ideas off of someone. For these swaps, it's best to bounce ideas off of those that have run them in the past. You can refer to the list below and get the names of those previous swapmeisters and send them a private message (PM).
1.Radtexan (complete) 2/28/09
Swap #1 2.keyboard (complete) 3/30/09
Swap #2 3.txcrappiehunter(complete) 4/30/09
Swap # 3 4.Big Possum (complete) 6/01/09
Swap #4 5.fishinaholic2 (complete)8/15/09
Swap #5 6.RedTopLady (complete)11/26/09
Swap #6 7.Dink Dodger (complete)1/20/10
Swap #7 8.sloedown(complete)3/21/10
Swap # 8 9.Silver Fox (complete)6/01/10
Swap #9 10.RodneySr (complete)8/01/10
Swap #10 11Beer980 (complete)
Swap #11 12.General Jigs(complete)11/01/10
Swap #12 13.Hunter7711 (complete)12/10/10
Swap #13 14.jig this (complete)2/27/11
Swap #14 15.Pondbass (complete)4/15/11
Swap #15 16.millman(complete)5/30/11
Swap #16 17.crappiehappy (complete)7/30/11
Swap #17 18.Millman(complete)9/30/11
Swap # 1819.Jig Man (complete)11/30/11
Swap # 19 20.Hunter7711(complete)1/26/12
Swap #20 21.Raiderland (complete) 3/31/12
Swap # 21 22.northtexascrappiehunter (complete)5/29/12
Swap # 22 23.CrappieHappy (complete)10/26/12
Swap # 23 24.Bull Squat (complete)12/28/12
Swap # 24 25.Bentley (complete)2/20/2013
Jig Swap #25 26.Farmfish (complete)4/19/2013
Jig Swap #26 27.Slabhappy (complete)8/1/2012
Jig Swap #27 28.Radtexan (complete)1/25/2014
Jig Swap #2829.Pepop (complete) 4/01/2014
Jig Swap # 29 30.Outlawelectric (complete)7/01/2014
Swap # 3031.BLueNitro (complete)10/01/2014
Swap # 3132.Txmedic033
Jig Swap #32 33.Pepop (complete) 1/24/15
Jig Swap #33 Page 1 -
Page 2 -
Page 3 34.BuckeyeKdog (complete) 3/4/15
Jig Swap #34 Pictures 1-6 -
Pictures 7-11 35.plateboater (complete) 5/3/2015
Swap #35 36.Pepop (complete) 3/12/16
Jig Swap #36 37.stabgnid (complete) 6/16/16
38.Jerry T