Most Online39,925 Dec 30th, 2023
Re: Contrast
8 minutes ago
Haha. Trump shows up in NC, the guy introduced him, said more or less trump Wasn’t there to get your vote or talk politics, just to help. Trump gets up, first bit out of his mouth was more or less how thankful he was for having won NC in ‘16,’20 and ‘24. I like trump, but that dudes ego is beyond massive.
Sounds like plenty of cleanup to do in NC, hope it gets done soon. FEMA and to a lesser extent the USACOE have been train wrecks for quite awhile, FEMA has been a mess since the beginning. So much red tape.
What is wrong with thanking the people in NC for voting for him? Nothing is wrong with it, just kind of funny that the guy introducing said he wasnt there to talk about politics and votes and that was the first thing he talked about. Not anything like, let’s get down to the brass tacks and get you all what you need to solve your problems. Which I think is what he is there for, so roll up your sleeves. Get crack in’ It’s always weird to me no matter who it, when someone like a president shows up to a place like western NC, Biden, trump, musk, none of those people belong there or relate to those folks in any way shape or form. Get some excavation equipment Imin there to rebuild roads and bridges. Hopefully that starts tonight.
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Syms - An educated consumer...
40 minutes ago
... is our best customer. Anyone else that patronized this awesome clothing store near the south end of Love Field? Just bought a new suit for the first time in about 20 years and remembered going to Syms back in the day for good quality suits, slacks, jackets, ties and shoes at great prices. Nothing comparable now that I know of.
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Re: Texans vs Chiefs
1 hour ago
Slowick needs to go. His playing calling is to predictable.
Why on 3rd down everyone can see the blitz is coming and you should be expecting it at that point in the game and you don't leave a RB in the backfield to help block when you have a chit oline.
4th down your late trying to decide if your going to go for it or not and the play clock almost runs out and the O is rushing to the line to get the play off and then you get sacked(not surprising). Demeco you got see what is going on and call the timeout.
Caserio your lack of moves need to be questioned FIX THE OLINE!!!!!!!!!!
Fairbarin you probably just kicked your way out of Houston. The McNair's must be on TFF and saw my post about Slowick needing to go. He gone. Texans have to win now with CJ on the rookie deal.
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Re: Trolling motor gurus
1 hour ago
it's just an option, but, how big is that 36v battery? you say you don't use the tm too much, get a couple group 26 flooded batteries, they're under 9"x 6" or even smaller, a group 151. both can be had for under a c note each
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Re: Jerry be Jerry…
1 hour ago
That's who I liked before he was snatched up.... Kingsbury right behind him, by a microscopic smidge.... Now Kingsbury by miles over what's left.... HC experience, and in a bit of chaotic behind the scenes environment. Really good offensive mind. Younger without being wet behind the ears. He knows the Jones bunch and they know him... etc etc. I sure like him over Moore, Schottenheimer, etc by a million miles. (plus you steal your rivals OC, etc) Bellichek failed in Cleveland.... Carroll in NY.... .... Both learned... ...... then they figured "it" out.... I think Kingsbury might well be next....
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Re: A$AP Rocky
2 hours ago
Part 3: There are two incident locations: 1. First incident Illz and 12vvy try to separate Relli and Rocky. They are grabbing each other’s hoodies. Rocky appears to be the aggressor. 2. We clearly see Rocky with a gun.
3. Relli will testify that Rocky pointed the *un at his chest and was threatening him, “I’m going to kill you” Relli will testify that he never believed Rocky would shoot him.
3. After this, Relli's mindset about the confrontation changed. He knows that they never meant to mend any rifts with him. He realized that the friendship, as it once was, was now, forever changed.
Second incident/location (Selma and Vista Del Mar) 1. This video is grainy. 2. Illz, 12vvy, Rocky, and Relli are at this location as well 3. We hear *un shots, we see running, car alarms going off, dogs are barking
Injuries: We see tiny wounds to Relli's knuckles. We don’t know if they are from the bullets or not. That is not relevant to the case.
10:27 pm Police respond to 911 Call to “shots fired in the middle of Hollywood” -Officers are not given a precise location of where the event took place. -They are doing what they can to investigate. -The 911 callers wouldn’t meet with them. -They searched the streets but retrieved nothing.
-Relli will testify that he went to the location with his girlfriend and found two casings.
-2 hours after the shooting Relli and Rocky are having a text fight. Relli accuses Rocky of trying to take him from his daughter. Rocky tells Relli to stop making stuff up.
The next day, Relli sends a message to a friend and says he wants Rocky's money because he *hot at him.
Relli filed a civil lawsuit against Rocky.
2 days after the shooting (Nov 8) Relli takes two casings to the police.
Rocky's house was searched April 20, 2022. They recovered a magazine for a 9 mm semi automatic weapon. It was loaded with 6 rounds of live ammo.
Prosecution mentions the starter pistol defense! Jurors appear unaffected. Prosecution tells them not to leave their common sense at the door.
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Re: Windshield time
3 hours ago
When I started out in the Glass and Mirror business in Dallas in the 70's besides a Mapsco I ended up hand drawing a map. A big circle was 635, a vertical line in the middle was Hillcrest Ave and the horizontal line in the middle was Northwest Hwy. I then made shortcut notes in each quarter section for instance to know where areas like Richardson/Garland was at. For a few years I would take my Mapsco and make a small dot at jobsites for quick reference and just to see what areas had more jobs.
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Re: metal roof on our home
3 hours ago
16 inch Standing seam. Hidden. Fastener. 14 years old still look like new Saved on insurance premiums And has been through several bad hail storms. Best Bang for your buck. House across the street has had 3-4 roofs in this same time.
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Re: Lady Nip - What can i say - Lover her!
4 hours ago
Awesome, Do you pucker up everytime you hear the ice cracking? Most times not. Do pucker though when the crack sounds loud and close and if accompanied by movement under my feet. Those are the ones that make water come up out of the holes.
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Re: Scars - How many
4 hours ago
I got you all beat but the story is R rated. I will PG13 it.
I was a with my gal in high school. She was doing the old hand jive on me. I said "faster, oh yeah, harder" and she did, but to my dismay, her ring turned around backwards on a stroke and I had to have 9 stitch's on my gentleman sausage.
Told you, I win. Oh, you got your foot caught in a tiller and had to have surgery and do PT for 6 months? Childs play! Try keeping Mr Happy from doing what a 16 year old boy's thing does 30 times a day, and when you fail which was inevitable, the stitches feel like fire! Oh, and the story got passed around school...I was the frankenweiner guy. it was not until I moved, got married that that stigma was shed. Uncomfortable? Try explaining to your new wife about the scar on your man Most embarrassing so far for sure. Just tell the wife it was your own ring that caused it. I'm sure she knew what 16yo boys do. I agree.....saying "you should see the other guy" just doesn't seem to work in this instance..
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