Most Online39,925 Dec 30th, 2023
legal emigration at its finest
1 hour ago
You cannot live a perfect day without doing something for someone who will never be able to repay you. ~ John Wooden
In Queens, he's called an angel. Around the world, he's being hailed as a hero.
Bus driver Jorge Muñoz has selflessly been serving free meals to thousands of hungry strangers for years.
Muñoz, 45, has become a regular fixture beneath the elevated No. 7 line in Jackson Heights, where - each night for more than four years - he has doled out hot food from a mobile food pantry.
"My mother said we'd have a better future here," said Muñoz, who emigrated from Columbia in 1981 and later became a U.S. citizen. "Now I want to make sure others are fed so they can have futures."
Muñoz's home has turned into a makeshift food pantry: His living room is filled with cartons of milk and boxes of graham crackers. His basement is overflowing with food.
Each weekday, he rises at 5 a.m. and spends his mornings as a bus driver ferrying children to school.
By the afternoon, he is in his Woodhaven home slaving over the stove with his mother and sister before they pack the food into cartons and dish up at least 125 dinners each night.
And his generosity seemingly knows no bounds: He also has housed and fed a homeless man he met at church for the past two months.
"You just have to share whatever you can," said Muñoz, who spends about $150 a week of his own money on supplies and relies on donations and food handouts for the rest.
"It's a mission that I am on. God helps me on this mission."
Muñoz has been short-listed as one of 10 heroes around the world, from a pool of more than 9,000 names.
The finalists, who win $25,000 each, will be profiled on TV and online.
Muñoz says he will use his $25,000 winnings to pay his credit card bills and help pay off the Toyota Tacoma truck he uses to deliver food.
And if he wins the $100,000 prize for Hero of the Year?
"If I won it would be great because I'd have a budget to help people for at least two years," he said.
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Lake Worth Workingmans 2025
1 hour ago
Hello Lake Worth anglers!!!
We’re kicking off the 2025 Workingmans Tournaments on Wednesday April 2nd, 2025. Mark your calendars now!! More details to come as we get closer so check back here or our Facebook page Lake Worth Workingmans. Hope to see you there!
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1971 Gibson Les Paul Custom $3900.00, Ibanez JEM77P $1100.00
2 hours ago
Selling off the last of my collection.
1) The 1971 Les Paul custom "black beauty" I bought around 1977. It had a small neck repair, (shown in picture #6) in 1979 by Rene Castillo from Charlies guitars> if you know or knew who Rene was, you know he was the man in all things guitar. It has never been an issue. Guitar has always played straight and no problems with the repair. At that time I made the unwise decision to have him also replace the bridge pickup with a DiMarzio. We also replaced the bridge with the one shown. I had him install new tuners as well, but we did NOT screw them in. Rene said if they are tightened down they wouldn't slip, and by golly he was right. They've been on since then and worked flawlessly. I still have the original tailpiece and tuners. I do NOT have the original pickup. Comes with the original hardshell Gibson case with purple lining. $3900.00
2) The second guitar is a shredder Ibanez Jem77P and I believe it's a 2023 model. Pristine, all original, and with an excellent factory Ibanez hardshell case. $1100.00
No trades please.
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2013 Skeeter TZX180
Michael Curbow
11 hours ago
2013 Skeeter TZX180 with 2014 Yamaha 115HP 4 stroke. Motor only has 124 hours, is super quiet and sips gas. I have only used this boat on the 230 acres of private Hideaway Lakes. It is in great condition and ready to fish.
Dual console Keel guard Cover 2 fishing seats Step ladder for trailer (not currently installed) Lowrance Elite 12 with side imaging at dash Lowrance Elite 12 up front Lowrance HDS 12 with Active Target up front Lowrance Ghost 24/36 volt trolling motor Minn Kota 10 ft Talon shallow water anchor Lithium batteries
Boat is located and can be tested at Hideaway Lake. I have clear titles for boat, motor and trailer. $23,900
Michael 903-312-6051
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Lake nagogdoches
11 hours ago
I am going to lake nacogdoches never been there before anybody got tips for bass or crappie or any other information would be greatly appreciated.
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Lake Granbury
12 hours ago
New to area. About to get boat ready for lake. Is it a good lake for whites and strippers or hybrids?
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out with the old in with the new
13 hours ago
Lowrance hook 7 x si di gps $350 Lowrance HDS gen 2 with 2 d transducer $325 1992 15 HP Johnson outboard pull start. 0 minutes on bottom oil and only a few minutes on impeller $1200 Old MinnKota 12/24 with heavy duty Mount. No idea on Thrust or age MIKAC 22100 on band around upper shaft. $120 WW GRigg Float tube $60 Raker stainless steel prop 13 1/2 X 18 $60 A few nicks Shimano Citica 200 D $75 Pfleguer criterion $40 Tournament classic $25 Skeet Reese victory reel $30 David Fritts Cranking reel $30 Old Quantum with Braid on spool $20 2 inexpensive fly rods $20 each $50 for all 4 A few inexpensive bait cast rods $20 each Fly tying box with all you need to tie flies or jigs $25 2 old style fillet boards $10 for both 2 Boxes new Bunk Slicks $30 each both for $50 Box with pedestal parts $50 Box of 24micro baits With box 2 old Finnish fishing knives $75 each ALL REELS RIGHT HAND 2 Diawa mini cast 2 on rods $35 each Lady fish reel ( pink ) on pink lasy fish rod $35 Quantum rod ALC6101 mh $55 Quantum energy rod QEC 706 F$50 castaway 6'10" jig / worm rod $75 Angler 7' mh $30 Quantum tour rod 7' PTC 706 F $65 Located at Calender Lake Murchison Tx If you want specific pics email works best or can send via text but it is S L O W Eric 972 740 1243 pm text. calls iffy at times
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Canik 9mm FS/FT
Yesterday at 09:58 PM
![[Linked Image]]( ![[Linked Image]]( For sale or for trade ( plus cash on your end or my end) Canik TP9sf 9mm $375 cash OBO Text is best 903-948- three 67zero I have 20 reels for sale on the site. Open to combining the pistol and reels ( all or part)
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4th annual pop's open Bridgeport 4-5
Wylie bass man
Yesterday at 09:56 PM
4th Annual “POPS” Open Our Bass club will be hosting a open on Bridgeport- 80% payback to help grow our club and championship. We fish 12 tournaments a year from Oct-Sep with a top 10 championship at the end of the year.
4-5-25 Bridgeport Wise County Park 7-3pm (Last cast at 3pm must be in line by 330pm) registration from 6-645a 5 fish all state laws apply- 1lb dead fish penalty 1lb short fish penalty $100 team tournament (can fish solo) with optional $20 big bass- 80% payback and 100% big bass payout 1-9 boats 2places 70-30 10-19 Boats pay out 1st, 2nd, and 3rd. (50%, 30%, 20%) 20-29 Boats pays out 1st - 4th. (50%, 30%, 15%, 5%) 30 + Boats pays 1st - 5th. (50%, 20%, 15%, 10%, 5%) All winners subject to a polygraph
We will also have a raffle with prizes given after the tournament. Shimano Curado reel and more. Tickets are $10.
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Scorpion MGL 150
Yesterday at 09:41 PM
Shimano Scorpion MGL 150, 6.2:1 gear ratio. The reel is in excellent shape, I’m asking $125. Im located in Bullard but willing to ship.
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Yesterday at 08:40 PM
Hello all,
My wife and I are new to river fishing. We are searching for catfish. But are unsure when are the best times and ways to catfish at the rivers. Is it better when the dam gates are open and it's flowing well or is it better when it's lower and flowing more slowly? We usually like to use cut bait or shrimp. Any ideas or info would be greatly appreciated. We usually fish lakes but we have been trying our luck bank fishing rivers. Thanks for reading!
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Jackpot Kickoff March 8th Lake Brownwood
Joe Dogg
Yesterday at 07:43 PM
Wednesday Jackpot kick off Open will be Saturday March 8th. From 6am to 3pm. Sign up from 5:30am to 6:00 am and weigh in will be at the dam ramp. 3 fish tournament. $25 entry fee big bass included. $500 guarantee for 1st place 100+% payback. This is an Individual tournament and everyone in the boat must be in the tournament.
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Lucky Craft BDS3 Lot
Yesterday at 07:22 PM
Five NIB bait lot that consists of one color each......Rayburn Red, River Red Shad, Aurora Citrus, TO Chartreuse and Tn Shad.......$60 shipped.
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Denton Creek 3/2
Yesterday at 07:07 PM
Hit Denton Creek this morning walked a good ways back in - not quite to the Hole though. Caught 14, 2 were little dink males the others were 11-14", biggest was around 15, was kinda sporadic. LOTS of people even way back in there, more than I have ever seen in the 10+ years of fishing there. 1/8 oz 2.25" pearl/white paddle tail and they were running the banks on both sides. One of the females seems to have spawned out, her belly was pretty loose and soft - seemed empty - but I didn't see any fry yet. Neither of the males were milking but they may have been too young (about 6" ea). Water seemed really warm and was lightly stained.
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Lowrance HDS Carbon 7
Yesterday at 06:07 PM
Nice shape, updated to latest software, just picked this up to trying something in my setup, but not going to work for what I wanted to use it for. Head Unit, Gimble/Knobs only, no cover unfortunately - but they are pretty cheap to pickup, or can go with neoprene style, etc... $425 shipped Paypal G&S. ![[Linked Image]](
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daily devotional 3-2-25
Yesterday at 05:39 PM
The eternal God is your refuge, and underneath are the everlasting arms. - Deuteronomy 33:27 (NIV)
After many years as a stay-at-home mom, I was preparing for an interview. I was anxious, not feeling certain that the Lord wanted me to work outside the home. Just before I left for the interview, the mail arrived. There was an envelope postmarked from the United States. “Embraced by his grace” was written in the corner of the envelope. My heart jumped. It felt like the Lord was saying it directly to me: “You are embraced by my grace.”
I opened the envelope and inside were some stickers I had ordered a long time ago. The sender’s business card had 2 Corinthians 12:9, my baptism verse, printed on it: “My grace is sufficient for you.” Her tagline was “Grace: where our weakness meets God’s strength.” She had also included a free sticker that said, “Follow God’s heart.”
In these messages, I felt God whispering to me: “I embrace you. My grace is still enough for you. My power is made perfect in weakness. Follow my heart.” I went to the interview knowing I walked with God, whatever the outcome. As today’s quoted scripture reminds us, “Underneath are the everlasting arms,” and they are arms of grace.
Today's Prayer Loving God, may we always know that we are embraced by your grace. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
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100lb propane tank
Yesterday at 05:34 PM
I have 2 100lb propane tanks for sale. These are $199 at tractor supply. $100 each located near Terrell. I think they are 2 years old and like new.
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Penn reel collection
Yesterday at 05:27 PM
#1 -14/0 used once in good shape. Has brackets #2- 14/0 used once in good shape has brackets #3- 14/0 used in good shape has very minor spots on chrome bars #4-12/0 used has typical blemishes and spots on chrome #5 -16/0 in fair shape has typical blemishes and spots on chrome #6- 9/0 new with bracket #7- 9/0 used has very minimal spots on mount
Can work out shipping on whole lot if needed Rather sell all together not really wanting to ship individually, prefer face to face might could work out a meet up Located in poolville West of ft Worth 2150 for whole lot. SM me and will get back asap thanks
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