#1 -14/0 used once in good shape. Has brackets
#2- 14/0 used once in good shape has brackets
#3- 14/0 used in good shape has very minor spots on chrome bars
#4-12/0 used has typical blemishes and spots on chrome
#5 -16/0 in fair shape has typical blemishes and spots on chrome
#6- 9/0 new with bracket
#7- 9/0 used has very minimal spots on mount

Can work out shipping on whole lot if needed
Rather sell all together not really wanting to ship individually, prefer face to face might could work out a meet up
Located in poolville West of ft Worth
2150 for whole lot. SM me and will get back asap thanks

Attached Files IMG_20250302_110925630.jpgIMG_20250302_110918543.jpgIMG_20250302_110209774.jpgIMG_20250302_110145247.jpgIMG_20250302_110136156.jpg