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Lynn's Catfish Calendar [LCC] 2018
12/30/17 11:56 AM
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Catfish Lynn
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Here is an early preview into January 2018, in case you plan to do some Early New Years' Catfishing. The full January should be posted New Years Eve, New Years Day, or the day after. I just shared this on another thread, but some might not see it, so here it is a bit modified.
Well, I managed to get the replacement 12' Alumacraft flat bottom boat on December 3rd, instead of Black Friday weekend, as I finally got the SS luggage rack transferred to the 1990 Geo Metro the day before. I ran into a slight problem & had to modify the way I was going to do it, only about 3 times. The luggage rack is sturdy & if it goes, the car goes with it. It (the boat, not the luggage rack) is for more research in the shallows at Running Branch on Lake Limestone, from RB out to the Near Corner of the RB Fork. It replaces my Dad's 1962 Sears Elgin 12' (I miss that old boat, as I last had a 15 HP Sea King/Chrysler on it- ran up to 25 MPH, I could even go up or downriver sideways; even if only paddling for its final years- very sturdy boat- deeper hull too) that was stolen while chain & padlocked August 1999 down the road 1.5 miles at the 2nd bridge on Navasota River. The Elgin was used in the early research of the Catfish Calendar from 1981 thru 1986 on 3 rivers- Brazos, Navasota, and Trinity [all off of TX 21].
Anyways, I have not been able to put the numbers on, due to too cold, and damp lately. Or, set up my front brace setup for running lines (needs to be warmer & drier for the clear silicone to set up properly). It will be made of overlaying treated 2 x 4s and will have the plastic cleats, plus absorb impact to banks & such, instead of direct hull. Then there is the Dip Net Tube shoot (to hold upo to 5 nets), which I have not figured out where (other than which side) it will be. And I plan to have a little scope (fish finder) as well. If you ever saw my setup with the 14 foot Mon Ark, everybody knows it by the PVC roof frame (a couple were reinforced with 1/2" rebar inside). I plan to at least do a front flip up frame with LED adjustable lights (can be used for cruising at night or flipped down to run & bait lines), but easily detached when time to exit.
So it looks like I will be stuck winterizing the place out here on Saturday, then working on the Hard Copy layout of the 2018 Catfish Calendar. But I will be looking forward to February/March as to getting back on the water & testing a few new things. And we'll see if "The Giant" is still roaming in the No Wake Zone near RB, or if perhaps somebody caught it.
Oh yeah, let's see, Saturday & Sunday (30th/31st) are BlueCat days (aka BC). And Monday/Tuesday (1st/2nd) are YC (YellowCat days), but the Blues still bite good on those YC days (but more plentiful on BC days). Also, 31st/1st/2nd (Sun/Mon/Tues) is a 3 day PYC run (My Personal YellowCat days according to the YC pattern I found). Then BC days come back in force (May the Catfish Force be with you, Always!), for a 4 day run Wed thru Sat to start off the New Year. But then turns to a 2 day dip in action, as to ZIP marked for Sun/Mon (7th/8th). Then perhaps some good ChannelCats (CC) action on BFT [Buffet days) running from 9th thru 11th (Tues thru Thurs). And in there, the 10th & 11th (Wed/Thurs) are also PYC days. There ya go, a preview of the front part of January for New Years.
And July 4th & Thanksgiving Holidays are looking good for 2018, if I recall. Hold on ... YEP!
Speaking of the Force, if you have not seen it yet, "The Last Jedi" (#8 of the 9 original Star Wars episodes of the Skywalker clan) is Great!!! Old Heroes, New Heroes, lots of tricks & ingenuity to get out of those moments when you think they can't get out of grim & hopeless situations. I hope to see it once more, then get the DVD when it comes out.
Have a Great Start to this New Year!!! WEAR YOUR LIFE JACKET, it is Your Life!!!
Lynn aka "Catfish"
Re: Lynn's Catfish Calendar [LCC] 2018
[Re: Catfish Lynn]
01/11/18 08:53 AM
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Catfish Lynn
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Greetings for 2018!!! I guess I best post this, as the Preview expired yesterday if I recall correctly. Nope, it runs out today. I just looked. As much as we are having a couple of bitter cold Arctic Blasts, it probably is a good thing, as this past Spring here, we & others locally got hit with a Millipede Stampede. I'm talking not thousands, but probably millions of the little critters. They drive you nuts & they really have a smell if you step on them. They crawl the floors, walls, and ceilings. And get into almost everything. The deep freezes are good to knock them down. And hopefully keep them to a minimum this next Spring. We finally called the Texas A&M research (Agriculture division), to get their take & possible reason. We were given a special item (pesticide) name to look for. It seems the stuff runs about $50 for a dose of the concentrate, not your ordinary priced type. We almost bought some, but they were finally dwindling down. But if they flare up again this year, we know what will supposedly knock them down. Not sure, but I did not try any millipedes for bait. They definitely climbed & hung around Post Oaks, Live Oaks, and Pin Oaks trees. And I am sure the trees really like the deep freeze, as they can finally get a vacation for the winter. All of this weather going back & forth probably drives them "nuts". And of course, this good cold bite, helps to knock out thermocline, for sure. And that of course helps out on Cold Weather months for Big BlueCat fishing, from late Octuber thru the end of February. Of which is Big Blue month for some, speaking of February. You'll be happy to know, that if you only are available for weekends between now (Jan. 11th) thru the end of February, there are a few to be found (Sat/Sun BC days). Look for them on this Saturday/Sunday in February: 10th/11th. Also on Sat Feb 3rd. For more BC runs for January, see below for the list. Just in case you are just now tuning in, you can back up to a little of the background behind the Calendar and tips along the way shared in the yearly threads. I was blessed to have been taught by two YellowCat teachers, and learned from what they had been taught, as well as learned from their experience. However, I stumbled upon the Calendar by accident (or was it?). I tell everybody I didn't create it, I just discovered it. The pattern was already there, but due to circumstances it unfolded & then I had to wonder. Well, there is no wonder any more. Many are finding out that the Calendar works. As of the end of the 2017 yearly thread, it has averaged out to more than a 1000 hits per month. That should tell you something. I am amazed at the testimonies over the years & always thrilled to receive your feedback. You know its (Catfish Calendar) results are impressive, when you not only hear feedback that it works from one person, but their whole family-- be it husbands & wives; husbands, wives & kids; multiple families of siblings; bass fishermen who also fish for YellowCats; groups; and more. So, if you are new, or keeping track, here on the TFF are your links to the previous years, as well as this current year's thread: Previously since about mid-2010 here on the TFF... 2010 <> 2011 <> 2012 <> 2013 <> 2014 <> 2015 <> 2016 <> 2017 <> And this year's [2018] thread started with a preview into the first 1.5 weeks of January... 2018 <> And of course, in side news, I am working on the next phase of research, outfitting my new AlumaCraft 12' flat bottom for Shallow water Calendar research of Lake Limestone's Running Branch fork, from RB Marina Store & Campground and all the way out to the bottom of the lake at the water pump station, but especially in the big 15 minute putt-putt drive of the No Wake Zone. We will see if "The Giant" is still around. In case you have missed it, I am estimating this big Op (spotted Yellow) at over 100 pounds. Its tail spans at least a foot. Its head fills a spotlight (speaking of shining your light on it). I have not seen it, but one of my early 2008 Calendar & YC students have. I myself had it on several times while running trotlines. It runs like a Tractor Pull, going slow, but in full control, as it even takes you & the boat for a ride, until it gets off. And yes, I am working on the hard copy (printed) 2018 Catfish Calendar. The standard wire bound is the first to get rolling. Hopefully this year I will be able to get the other versions out as well. As soon as I have it at the printers, I'll give you a shout. As some people like to map out the whole year for their Catfishing. OK, 'nuff said. Be safe, Wear those Life Jackets! They only work if you have them on. Here ya go ... Lynns Catfish Calendar [LCC]- JANUARY 2018 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Sunday / Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday / Saturday ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ XX / 1 YC | 2 YC | 3 BC | 4 BC | 5 BC | 6 BC 7 ZIP | 8 ZIP | 9 BFT | 10 BFT | 11 BFT | 12 ZIP | 13 ZIP 14 ZIP | 15 ZIP | 16 ZIP | 17 BC | 18 BC | 19 YC | 20 YC 21 YC | 22 ZIP | 23 ZIP | 24 BC | 25 BC | 26 ZIP | 27 ZIP 28 YC | 29 YC | 30 BC | 31 BC +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Lynn's Catfish Calendar [LCC]- January 2018 Moon Phases--- 1st- Full Moon 8th- Last Qtr 16th- New Moon 24th- 1st Qtr 31st- Full Moon Lynn's Catfish Calendar [LCC]- January 2018 Lynn's PYC (Prime YellowCat) Days--- (31)/1/2 (Sun)/Mon/Tues 10/11 Wed/Thurs 19/20 Fri/Sat 28/29/30 Sun/Mon/Tues EXTRA--- Targeted BC (BlueCat) days this month, by each week, are: 1st Week- 3/4/5/5/6 (Wed/Thurs/Fri/Sat) 2nd Week- None 3rd Week- 17/18 (Wed/Thurs) 4th Week- 24/25 (Wed/Thurs) 5th Week- 30/31 (Tues/Wed) ***Always be sure to note that YC days (not PYC, as this only refers to the YellowCat underlying pattern) are also great for Blues. So when you have a clump of BC & YC days, press forward. As to the KEY, it is the same as the 2017. But you never know, by press time of the "Hard Copy", I may add another Tip. Lynns Catfish Calendar [LCC]- 2018 KEY: +++++++++++++++++++++++ YC = YellowCat // BC = BlueCat // BFT = Buffet (assorted) // ZIP = Zip (not very good) Tip- Always bait out lines the night before a YC or BC day. Tip- Gator Gars (GG) run ahead of YellowCats, so bait out late (between 11 PM to 1 AM). Tip- BlueCats also bite good on YC days, but you can rack em up on BC days. Tip- Some variations or alterations are due to weather or other external influences. Tip- For Rod-n-Reelers, use Solunar Tables (etc.) also for best times with my calendar. Tip- Near Full Moon, Gator Gars & YellowCats seem to feed a few hours later. Tip- Your biggest YellowCats may hit best towards beginning & end of YC or PYC days. Tip- My PYC Days keys in on the YellowCats Feed/Roam Days Underlying Pattern. Tip- Bleedover works both ways- Before & After a calendar day. Take advantage. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Have a Warm, But Good One!!
Lynn aka "Catfish"
Re: Lynn's Catfish Calendar [LCC] 2018
[Re: Catfish Lynn]
02/02/18 04:23 AM
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Catfish Lynn
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Greetings for February 2018!!! Sorry for not posting last night, but I fell asleep at the keyboard while putting February's together. I heard a sound with my headphones on. Even asleep, I realized it was Skype texts coming thru from my Wife Elena in Kiev. So I did not get back to finishing February to post it. Still working on the hard copy for 2018. I will let you know as soon as it's done. I only had one good weekend so far, due to weather, to work on the new 12' Alumacraft flat bottom. I sure hope some rain finds its way to Lake Limestone area very soon, or I am going to have work a little extra, as current level is 4 1/4" low. That is the borderline to get out thru Running Branch in a small light boat. I guess I could rig up a few inner tubes to haul the gear out for setting out lines, in order to get the flat bottom thru the shallows (about a 50 yard stretch). Anyway, I'll figure something out. In case your lake is in this regional category (includes Lake Limestone), here is a site that has some current lake levels- <> Here ya go ... Lynns Catfish Calendar [LCC]- FEBRUARY 2018 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Sunday / Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday / Saturday +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ XX / XX / XX / XX / 1 BFT | 2 BFT | 3 BC 4 ZIP | 5 BFT | 6 BFT | 7 BFT | 8 ZIP | 9 ZIP | 10 BC 11 BC | 12 BC | 13 BC | 14 BC | 15 BFT | 16 BFT | 17 BFT 18 ZIP | 19 ZIP | 20 BC | 21 BC | 22 ZIP | 23 ZIP | 24 YC 25 YC | 26 BC | 27 BC | 28 BC +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Lynn's Catfish Calendar [LCC]- February 2018 Moon Phases--- 7th- Last Qtr 15th- New Moon 23rd- 1st Qtr You just missed it. Two Full Moons in January, 2nd included the deluxe package deal- Partial Eclipse, Blue Moon, Blood Moon, Super Moon. No Full Moon for February 2018. Lynn's Catfish Calendar [LCC]- February 2018 Lynn's PYC (Prime YellowCat) Days--- 6/7 Tues/Wed 15/16 Thurs/Fri 24/25/26 Sat/Sun/Mon EXTRA--- Targeted BC (BlueCat) days this month, by each week, are as follows: 1st Week- 3 (Sat) 2nd Week- 10 (Sat) 3rd Week- 11/12/13/14 (Sun/Mon/Tues/Wed) 4th Week- 20/21 (Tues/Wed) 5th Week- 26/27/28 (Mon/Tues/Wed) ***Always be sure to note that YC days (not PYC, as this only refers to the YellowCat underlying pattern) are also great for Blues. So when you have a clump of BC & YC days, press forward. For the 2018 KEY, back up to the late January listing. OK, a HEADS UP! In March, the 2nd weekend (Sat/Sun) 10th/11th kicks off a 5 day BC run. It goes from Saturday 10th thru Wednesday 14th (Valentines Day). Hmm, just a thought, anybody ever tried chocolate for catfish bait? Have a Good One! And don't forget, wear the Lifejacket (it works best that way)!
Lynn aka "Catfish"
Re: Lynn's Catfish Calendar [LCC] 2018
[Re: Catfish Lynn]
03/01/18 09:29 AM
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Catfish Lynn
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Greetings for March 2018!!! Yes, I am still watching Lake Limestone levels due to the recent rains. Seems tough though, as I figured there must have been a few good rains to fill it up, but it has not yet succeeded. In case your lake is in this Fort Worth District regional category of the Army Corps of Engineers (includes Lake Limestone), here is a site that has some current lake levels. Most of the time, it is updated once or twice daily. But the other day, there was over a day before a new entry appeared. Maybe you too are watching for your lake to get to that level you like or want. As to me, I am looking for at least back up to a 2.5' to 3' low level to get out from Running Branch Marina easy. Once it gets to 3.5', the going is tough for small boats. But 4.5' low, it is practically impossible even for a small boat. Currently, it was showing, as of 2-25-18 Sunday 4:21 PM- 359.46 of 363.0 (full level) with a release of 6 cfs (cubic feet per second). That is 3.54 feet low. <> And at this very moment, Lake Limestone shows to be 359.51 feet, not much difference, so I guess the rains have not been just above the lake to raise it much. But there is still chances the next week ahead. Sadly, I am still working on the Hard Copy (for this year's printed version) of the Catfish Calendar. But it is a slow go, when you plan time at the keyboard, only to be pulled to do something else, whether you want to or not. Such as the weekend of February 3rd/4th for just one example. Timing Belt blew on the Metro, so Life takes us down pathways unexpected sometimes. OK, Spring Breakers, let's look ahead for this month. Depending upon when your area, as well as school level (local or university), takes it. Here ya go ... Lynns Catfish Calendar [LCC]- MARCH 2018 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Sunday / Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday / Saturday +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ XX / XX / XX / XX | 1 BFT | 2 BFT | 3 BC 4 BC | 5 BFT | 6 BFT | 7 ZIP | 8 ZIP | 9 ZIP | 10 BC 11 BC | 12 BFT | 13 BFT | 14 BFT | 15 BFT | 16 BFT | 17 ZIP 18 ZIP | 19 ZIP | 20 BC | 21 BC | 22 ZIP | 23 ZIP | 24 YC 25 YC | 26 ZIP | 27 ZIP | 28 BFT | 29 BFT | 30 BC | 31 BC +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Lynn's Catfish Calendar [LCC]- March 2018 Moon Phases--- 1st- Full Moon 9th- Last Qtr 17th- New Moon 24th- 1st Qtr 31st- Full Moon You just missed it. Two Full Moons in January, 2nd included the deluxe package deal- Partial Eclipse, Blue Moon, Blood Moon, Super Moon. No Full Moon for February 2018. Lynn's Catfish Calendar [LCC]- March 2018 Lynn's PYC (Prime YellowCat) Days--- 6/7 Tues/Wed 15/16 Thurs/Fri 24/25/26 Sat/Sun/Mon EXTRA--- Targeted BC (BlueCat) days this month (March), by each week, are as follows: 1st Week- 3 (Sat) 2nd Week- 4/10 (Sun/Sat) 3rd Week- 11(Sun) 4th Week- 20/21 (Tues/Wed) 5th Week- 30/31 (Sat/Sun) ***ALWAYS ... be sure to note that YC days (not to be confused with PYC days, as this only refers to the YellowCat underlying pattern) are also great for Blues. So when you have a clump of BC & YC days, press forward. Like they say in pool (or billiards), Rack 'em Up!!! For the 2018 KEY, back up to the late January listing. HEADS UP! *** OOPS! I goofed & just caught it. I hope you did too. I noted March (in the Feb LCC TFF posting), when I should have said February. But in the second sentence of it (or portion), I noted it ended on Valentines Day (which clued in on the month that it was taking place. It was in February that the 5 day BC run took place (1th thru 14th)). In March, it is a 5 day BFT run, which is usually means good ChannelCat runs for me. Looking ahead to April (glimpsing a bit into May)... 3 day weekend BC run- 6/7/8 (Fri/Sat/Sun), in case you want a good weekend of BlueCats. 5 day BC run for 24/25/26/27/28 (Tues-Sat), followed by 2 YC days (29/30) and into May- a 5 day BC run (1st thru 5th) Be Safe on the waters!!!
Lynn aka "Catfish"
Re: Lynn's Catfish Calendar [LCC] 2018
[Re: Catfish Lynn]
03/03/18 02:48 AM
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Re: Lynn's Catfish Calendar [LCC] 2018
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03/05/18 09:03 PM
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Mark's Fence Repair
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Will this chart help for fishing in the ocean lynn? I always look at this before i go tuna fishing
Re: Lynn's Catfish Calendar [LCC] 2018
[Re: Catfish Lynn]
03/06/18 05:36 AM
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Catfish Lynn
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Not a problem gar1970. It seems everything & everybody here is keeping me stretched thin as to have any spare time to do anything. Was hoping to get Calendar done & fish Feb/March. Then I was shooting for Mar/April. Looks like I won't hit the water until April/May now.
Mark, the Calendar is geared for Yellows, Blues, & Gator Gars. The Gator Gars run the same pattern as do Yellows, but seem to take the lead, meaning their timing is a few hours ahead of Yellows. Ron, my boss, is supposed to be making records of his Crappie trips, as I gave hima notebook full of cheat sheets for him to jot down simple & brief info. Once he has a pile, then my plan is to sit down, compare his catches to my calendar & some other data, to see if I can pin the "tail" on a Crappie pattern. As for the salt water fish, all I can say, is keep logs as to conditions (such as weather & such), your catches & baits & how or what way you were fishing. You don't have to write a 50 page report, but one page of notes for a day's trip is priceless. As to Channels, my best with them is during the BFT days. But ChannelCats, WhiteCats, and MudCats (Bullheads) were not part of my research. While I was researching Yellows, I stumbled into Blues sort of by accident. And in the early phase, I also started catching a lot of big Gator Gars (30 to 45 pounders) while I was researching the pattern for Yellows, so I stumbled into that as well.
If you take notes, you might find that the fish you are trying for, is hitting on one of the 4 "sigs" of My Catfish Calendar. I can tell you this though, Nothing is by Chance. Chance is Law not Recognized. There is nothing in Creation which does not have underlying patterns. As the Native American saying goes, Man does not weave the web of Life, He is merely a strand in it. It is merely in Observance & finding the patterns, that you learn of how fascinating the Physical Realm has been layed out.
Anyway, the simplest manner is to take notes, compare to the Calendar, then see which fish you are going for, is closest to as my 4 "sigs", as to greater volume catches.
To the best of my Knowledge, the Catfish Calendar works not just in Texas, but across the USA. I am sure it extends up into Canada, as well as Central America & into South America. The pattern is for YellowCats, BlueCats, and Gator Gars. And possibly a glimpse into ChannelCats.
The closest thing to a YellowCat in Europe is the Wels Catfish & the Sheatfish. I am betting it will work on them (as to YC pattern).
Lynn aka "Catfish"
Re: Lynn's Catfish Calendar [LCC] 2018
[Re: Catfish Lynn]
04/02/18 06:16 AM
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Catfish Lynn
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Greetings for April 2018!!!
Well, my lake level has risen & its almost show time. Lake Limestone, as of a few minutes ago, is officially at 362.05 foot (of 363.0 feet set Lake Level). So it is now just under a foot low. Darrel used to tell me at Running Branch, that they used to keep it at 362.5 feet (6" low). Possibly to help control flooding. Which in the past 8 or so years has not really gotten out of hand since the 2011 drought that brought it down to an unreal 10' low.
I almost have the new 12' AlumaCraft flat bottom outfitted the way I want to run set lines, mostly jugs & trotlines. If I get my sister's Johnson 3.5 HP, I might make it down to the Near Corner (where the Running Branch fork hits at the bottom of the lake by the water pump station). If not, then I will be getting pure exercise paddling around from RB Marina to about midway into the No Wake Zone. If you see it, it will be easy to identify, as it will have 3 Squared upside down "U" PVC roof frames (with electrical metal conduit inside to brace it. And a sleugh (5 or 6) Dipnets standing up, along a few gaffs from an array of 1 1/2" PVC setup up front to one side for a hand's reach from the front seat. Currently will only be using portable battery operated lights. I have the new LED ones (using 3-> AAA) & the older style as Back up (uses 2-> D).
Just put up the tent, and luckily it had pictures on or in the bag, since it has been about 5 or 6 years since I used it last. James finally found the Eagle Cuda 300 Fish Finder, as it was buried in his side of my storage building. My grandson Willan & he almost had to empty it out to find it in there on Friday (9th). For now, I don't think i will be running lights, bilge pumps, or such, so I may just borrow my little battery from the Predator 8750 watt Generator.
Well, we just had a Blue Moon at the end of March (second this year & no more for 2018). I won't make it for this coming weekend, plus it looks to be raining. But hoping for the 14th. Naturally that is a ZIP weekend. Oh well, I will be spending the first day setting them out. And return every weekend to hit it hard. I will be testing a few things, as to baits, the boat setup, and items related to Lynn's Catfish Calendar. Research, don't ya know!
Also, for those taking the Brazos River YellowCat Night Tourney on Saturday April 21st, see what the Calendar & also the separate PYC days reveal below.
Here ya go ...
Lynns Catfish Calendar [LCC]- APRIL 2018 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Sunday / Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday / Saturday +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 1 YC | 2 YC | 3 YC | 4 ZIP | 5 ZIP | 6 BC | 7 BC 8 BC | 9 BFT | 10 BFT | 11 YC | 12 YC | 13 ZIP | 14 ZIP 15 ZIP | 16 ZIP | 17 ZIP | 18 ZIP | 19 ZIP | 20 YC | 21 BC 22 ZIP | 23 ZIP | 24 BC | 25 BC | 26 BC | 27 BC | 28 BC 29 YC | 30 YC +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Oh, by the way, last year I got this testimony, thought I would share it, as they are concerning April & May ... ++++++++++ Friend and I caught 4 and had 2 more hung up we didn't land in April using your dates on the South Llano. Another friend caught 15 in three days in May on the Leon and when I checked your dates they coincided! You are making a believer out of me! ++++++++++
Lynn's Catfish Calendar [LCC]- April 2018 Moon Phases--- 8th- Last Qtr 15th- New Moon 22nd- 1st Qtr 29th- Full Moon
Lynn's Catfish Calendar [LCC]- April 2018 Lynn's PYC (Prime YellowCat) Days--- 2/3 Mon/Tues 11/12 Wed/Thurs 20/21/22 Fri/Sat/Sun (*** even though the Calendar says BC, my PYC days reveal it to be the 2nd of a 3 day run for Yellows) 29/30 Sun/Mon
EXTRA--- Targeted BC (BlueCat) days this month (March), by each week, are as follows: 1st Week- 6/7 (Fri/Sat) 2nd Week- 8 (Sun) 3rd Week- 21 (Sat) 4th Week- 24/25/26/27/28 (Tues/Wed/Thurs/Fri/Sat) 5th Week- None
***ALWAYS ... be sure to note that YC days (not to be confused with PYC days, as this only refers to the YellowCat underlying pattern) are also great for Blues. So when you have a clump of BC & YC days, press forward. Like they say in pool (or billiards), Rack 'em Up!!!
For the 2018 KEY ...
Lynns Catfish Calendar [LCC]- 2018 KEY: +++++++++++++++++++++++ YC = YellowCat // BC = BlueCat // BFT = Buffet (assorted) // ZIP = Zip (not very good) Tip- Always bait out lines the night before a YC or BC day. Tip- Gator Gars (GG) run ahead of YellowCats, so bait out late (between 11 PM to 1 AM). Tip- BlueCats also bite good on YC days, but you can rack em up on BC days. Tip- Some variations or alterations are due to weather or other external influences. Tip- For Rod-n-Reelers, use Solunar Tables (etc.) also for best times with my calendar. Tip- Near Full Moon, Gator Gars & YellowCats seem to feed a few hours later. Tip- Your biggest YellowCats may hit best towards beginning & end of YC or PYC days. Tip- My PYC Days keys in on the YellowCats Feed/Roam Days Underlying Pattern. Tip- Bleedover works both ways- Before & After a calendar day. Take advantage. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Looking ahead to May ... 5 day BC run- 1/2/3/4/5 (Tues/Wed/Thurs/Fri/Sat), in case you want a good run of BlueCats. 3 day BC run for 21/22/23 (Mon/Tues/Wed) 3 day BC run for 28/29/30 (Mon/Tues/Wed)
Be Safe on the waters, Wear Your Life Jacket!!! Set an Example for others!!!
Lynn aka "Catfish"
Re: Lynn's Catfish Calendar [LCC] 2018
[Re: Catfish Lynn]
04/02/18 02:22 PM
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Can you post a pic of the 12ft alumacraft? Especially the upside down pvc U
Re: Lynn's Catfish Calendar [LCC] 2018
[Re: Catfish Lynn]
04/04/18 08:48 AM
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Catfish Lynn
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I unassembled & flipped the boat back over on the treated 2x4s on plastic sawhorses, due to the rain coming, right after I tore down the tent, Monday after I got in from work with just an hour left before dark.
If it turns out OK Sunday (as to no rain), I might flip it back over, get the apparatus ("fixins") out & then do a qwik assemble of items. Taking pictures of items, before & after assembly. You see, I have to fashion the items, so as not to cause a problem as it will head to the lake upside down on a steel luggage rack, via a 1990 Geo Metro. And Yes, it drives fine, between 55 MPH to 65 MPH. I have a small plate of plywood, that I put on the luggage rack. It helps to absorb impact metal to metal (aluminum to steel).
Currently, I have not worked on getting my truck (72 Chevy C10 P/U) since it broke down in 2012 (after I did too, as to heart & BP issues). So, I have taken the steel luggage rack off the 75 Olds Vista Cruiser SW & put it on the 93 Ford Tempo. I was attaching Jo's (my sister's) 12' V-style PortaBote on the rack either folded up, or put together. But the AT went out (on the Tempo) in May 2016, so I finally got the rack on the 90 Geo Metro (completed that task the 1st weekend of December 2017). It is really neat, as I can look over the boat while it is on the rack.
I called that Saturday evening (Dec. 2nd) & asked Academy what time they opened Sunday. Then told them what I planned to get. I said it was their AlumaCraft 12 foot aluminum flat bottom boat. The guy looked it up & noted they had not had an 12 footers in many months. While I was telling him- if thats the case, then they needed to pull one in for me, as it said online that it was only availble in stores, not by internet. I explained that if they did not have one in, then how do they expect a sale from it. All of a sudden, he said they had two 12 footers coming in the next morning & would be there before I arrived & they opened at 9 AM. Go figure, what are the odds? Sure enough, there was at least one, of which I bought ($619.99), no tax, as now you pay it (taxes) at TP&W when you apply for Title once you get it in the mail, along with registration.
Anyway, I will try to get pics within the week & post, along with an explanation (details) of why I did it this way or that. I'll post it in another thread. Inside the 3/4 Schedule 40 PVC is metal electrical conduit, to make it stiffer, and it keeps the PVC from sagging.
The roof frame (3 of the squared "U" setups) is for several reasons. I can also set up several items, other than provide a holder for a tarp which can keep the midday sun off you, as well as most rain, but you can also hang lights from come dark time.
Lynn aka "Catfish"
Re: Lynn's Catfish Calendar [LCC] 2018
[Re: Catfish Lynn]
04/04/18 04:50 PM
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Hey Lynn, Thanks for posting the calendar! I just wanted to give you a little feedback from a recent trip. My crew fished on the Brazos last Thursday/Friday night. Our numbers were not great but decent for fishing behind a front. We fished up north near Calvert where the water level was a little more consistent. We caught 26 blues up to 24# and 10 yellow cats up to 8 lbs. One yellow had a 12" shad in his belly. I went back and looked at the calendar to see that it was a primarily blue cat trip and our findings were right in line.
Congrats on the new boat. I've got a good 6 HP 1993 Yamaha 2 stroke that runs great for sell that would be great on that boat. PM me if you or any member is interested. I'll do another post on here as well since you get bumped off by bass boats on the classified area.
Re: Lynn's Catfish Calendar [LCC] 2018
[Re: Catfish Lynn]
04/05/18 04:06 AM
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Catfish Lynn
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"gar1970", when I get some pics, I'll get with you, as to best way to put them up. The squared "U"s for the 14' aluminum wide MonArk flat bottom, are a tad different from the way I made the ones for the 12' flat bottom.
Hey "ScooterG", I never did hear the final bit on the guy's boat that took the Brazos River trip awhile back. Was it ever found? If so, was it salvageable? Glad to hear you are still river fishing on the Brazos! Thanks for the update (Fish/Calendar report)! Yes you can tell it was not a YC run, as to being small ones. Wow, a 12" shad. Yes, those Yellows are like a vacuum cleaner. As to motor, it sounds good, but I am about tapped, as I am also funneling funds into the Geo Metro. This week it is both CV joint Half Shafts. For this upcoming 1 month run (on weekends), if my sister's BM does not run, then I plan to get plenty of exercise paddling. I need the exercise & of course, to get back on the water & recharge. I sure do miss my old 1982 Sea King (by Chrysler) 15 HP (shallow shoal motor). It was short & stocky, weighed only 47 to 48 pounds. I got it on sale new from Montgomery Wards for half Price (about $800, was normal $1500). You said up around Calvert. Black's Bridge? If so, did you go up or down? From Black's bridge, going down, there was a YellowCat area past the second 90 degree bend (I never got there, but heard of it). Going up, after fiorst bend, then the very slow bend, it runs along rockwalls eventually up there. I am bettin' a good YC area there. We were in my Dad's 12' Elgin flat bottom & it almost turned us over, as it sucked one side of the boat down. We managed to throw our weight to counter it & kept from having a major problem. I think that was 1979 or 1980.
I better get some Vitamin Zzzzz (hopefully not at the keyboard like Tuesday night).
Lynn aka "Catfish"
Re: Lynn's Catfish Calendar [LCC] 2018
[Re: Catfish Lynn]
04/05/18 06:46 PM
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BNL's 14 Monarch is in the history books. We never heard a word on it after it went under the Hwy 60 bridge. I laughed last weekend because I saw the other boat that was the reason I didn't find it. They had borrowed a 12 ft boat with a 5 hp 1959 mercury to look for the lost boat and it broke down on them. Instead of me putting in at the Yegua and coming up river I had to go rescue and then go down river to find them.
It's gone and BNL built a new boat. His new one is 10 times nicer but cost 10 times the money. I'm two season's into my new one since a jerk off stole my motor 3 years ago. Same thing......way nicer boat but way more money.
Re: Lynn's Catfish Calendar [LCC] 2018
[Re: Catfish Lynn]
05/01/18 11:00 AM
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Catfish Lynn
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Greetings for May 2018!!!
on the fly (go) here ...
Yes, I finally made it to the lake. Got delayed twice due to higher winds & work. Still getting use to a 12 footer (flat bottom). Very tipsy after using a 14 footer (flat bottom) since the turn of the century. But I am glad I added my raised front end, as it sure looks like I would be dipping water when running lines. I really have to wonder what will happen if I do encounter the "Giant".
And Sunday AM, I thought my sister's motor had the water pump go out, so I had to paddle out to the lines, about 10 to 15 minutes of paddling. But I can make a 12 footer cruise pretty good (as fast as near low speed with the motor running). But I played with it after running lines. It must have had something stuck in it, and it worked again. So no repairs for now needed. And I only walked away with 5 keepers- CCs (Channels). I was mostly using new & experimental baits. Running Branch does not currently have access to perch, which is what I used most of all over the years. So I will have to regroup on my bait strategy. Plus I realize I have some new mapping as to where lines need to be, as the lake is almost full & I am used to stumps showing at about 2.5 feet low. So I am having to refigure where exactly the "Giant"'s path is.
Here ya go ...
Lynns Catfish Calendar [LCC]- MAY 2018 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Sunday / Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday / Saturday ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ XX / XX | 1 BC | 2 BC | 3 BC | 4 BC | 5 BC 6 BFT | 7 BFT | 8 YC | 9 YC | 10 YC | 11 ZIP | 12 ZIP 13 ZIP | 14 ZIP | 15 ZIP | 16 ZIP | 17 BFT | 18 YC | 19 ZIP 20 ZIP | 21 BC | 22 BC | 23 BC | 24 ZIP | 25 ZIP | 26 YC 27 YC | 28 BC | 29 BC | 30 BC | 31 BFT ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Lynn's Catfish Calendar [LCC]- May 2018 Moon Phases--- 7th- Last Qtr 15th- New Moon 21st- 1st Qtr 29th- Full Moon
Lynn's Catfish Calendar [LCC]- May 2018 Lynn's PYC (Prime YellowCat) Days--- 8/9 Tues/Wed 17/18/19 Thurs/Fri/Sat 27/28 Sun/Mon
EXTRA--- Targeted BC (BlueCat) days this month (May), by each week, are as follows: 1st Week- 1/2/3/4/5 (Tues/Wed/Thurs/Fri/Sat) 5 day run 2nd Week- NONE 3rd Week- NONE 4th Week- 21/22/23 (Mon/Tues/Wed) 3 day run 5th Week- 28/29/30 (Mon/Tues/Wed) 3 day run
***ALWAYS ... be sure to note that YC days (not to be confused with PYC days, as this only refers to the YellowCat underlying pattern) are also great for Blues. So when you have a clump of BC & YC days, press forward. Like they say in pool (or billiards), Rack 'em Up!!!
For the 2018 KEY ... Back up to the April calendar to review it.
Looking ahead to June ... As for me, as to the BFT (Buffet) days), I usually catch more ChannelCats on those, even though CCs were not part of my original Catfish Calendar research. I have proposed a Lake Bryan weekend trip with my Daughter & Son-in-law & grandkids out of two possible 3 day BFT weekends (Fri/Sat/Sun) in June. Those are June 1/2/3 and also June 22/23/24 (weekend after Father's Day). You might want to try & see if you get better ChannelCat volume. I am open for feedback, as to to whatever your results might be.
Be Safe on the waters, Wear Your Life Jacket!!! Happy Mother's Day!!! Have a Safe & Happy Cinco de Mayo!!!
Lynn aka "Catfish"
Re: Lynn's Catfish Calendar [LCC] 2018
[Re: Catfish Lynn]
05/08/18 02:48 AM
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Catfish Lynn
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Just an added note for May here ...
I just wanted to take a moment to stop & say Hi to all the new faces I met at Running Branch Marina & Lake Limestone over the past 3 weekends, especially those over the May 5th & 6th one. And to let you know that each year, a new thread is made for my Catfish Calendar. And in January or in the first month, I usually post the URLs (web-dresses) of the previous years threads. So you can link back & work your way up to current for understanding the Calendar better & how to optimize its use.
Of course, I also touched base with familiar faces too. However, I did run into an old friend out on the lake (in the RB No Wake Zone) as I was running one of my 2 trotlines. When I first got there about 5 PM or 5:30 PM, I had hopes of swinging one end around to go the other direction. Anyway, as I was going, I felt a little tug & realized I had one farther down. As I progressed, I was beginning to realize that it was a YellowCat tugging. And at this point, I now conclude it must be bigger that originally estimated, say a good 18 to 20 pounder. But as I got closer, those regular rhythm tugs were like clockwork & getting much stronger. I recall now having to rethink the game plan. Yes, this one will probably go a good 60#. That is how good & strong it felt. I now realized that it was awakening or becoming more aware. Then <<<Click>>> it dawned on me, that if what I was just thinking, I may be in trouble. I already had gotten the big net down. I was getting closer & was sure it was on the next leader/hook. It brushed the bottom of the boat. All of a sudden, it dove like a powerhouse. As I held on to the main line, there was a pop & my hand with the line went up.
You guessed it. That old friend was "the Giant". It popped the #36 green braided nylon cord (my leader) like butter. It kept the hook. This was my 4th encounter & I still have not gotten a glimpse of it. Jeff & James had 3 encounters if not mistaken. James (Jeff's son) got to see it's head one night. He said there was nothing but "head" in the spotlight. But then it turned. As it did, its tail raised up as if to wave bye, to which James said its tailspan had to be 12 inches across or more. It took off with their leader & hook. I forget if it broke their swivel, or broke off at the swivel.
As some of you have followed the tale of "The Giant", you have heard me estimate that it is about 115 pounds. After that last tug, before snapping the leader off & taking the hook, I may have to re-evaluate my estimate, as well as upgrade my main line & leader lines.
And I have to wonder, would it have caused me to dip water in the front or roll the new 12" flat bottom over. I have said, this one is like a tractor. It just keeps moving on & on.
Until next time, Be safe!!! Wear your Lifejacket!!!
Lynn aka "Catfish"
Moderated by banker-always fishing, chickenman, Derek 🐝, Duck_Hunter, Fish Killer, J-2, Jacob, Jons3825, JustWingem, Nocona Brian, Toon-Troller, Uncle Zeek, Weekender1