A blow out on the yak trailer didn't slow us down much, and Cuda scored some cool roadside lotto stuff while waiting for me to run and get tools to change the tire LOL! When I returned with the tools, a fellow kayaker stopped to try to help out

sure nice to see that.
We had lots of hooks in the water between 6 of us and most of us was skunked. I still had a good time goofing off and shooting the bull with friends.

After no fish for hours, and it was getting a tad warm outside. We had a little meeting to get a game plan on what to try next. We where all talking about all the fish on the FF we pasted through, but they didn't wanna bite.

Christian was saying something about deep water re-entry Aggie style

After the meeting in the middle of the lake, we decided to load up and head for the AC and lazy boy chairs.
Nice meeting a few of y'all for the first time in person, cant wait till the next trip out!
Thank y'all for the fun and laughs!