Guys I'm sorry for dragging my heels on this. Those of you who were at the GV NTKT heard Ninja's announcement but here's some more elaboration. I've known for a little while that I can't do the Amon Carter event because of some changes to my wife's schedule this summer and how that has affected some vacation plans, but I wanted to try and solidify a plan to do something to make up for it and it's hard to come to a decision. Bear with me, I'll be asking for input later...
First things first: THE AMON CARTER EVENT AND THE CROCKETT/COFFEE MILL EVENT ARE CANCELLED. In the place of these TWO NTKBF events, we're gonna do ONE at world-famous LAKE FORK TEXAS on JULY 27th. I do realize that the PKAA tourney of champs is also scheduled there about 6 weeks later, but hey, its FORK!
Now I've talked to many of you already and the idea of doing something different in the form of a two-man team format seems to have a lot of traction. I'm 90% committed to it, but for this one I'm gonna ask for some feedback. Read this post, pick the option that you think makes the most sense and reply with your option and reason why...
Option A : Two man team event. Best five fish per team. 50 dollar entry per team, big bass 20%. Each team member must contribute at least 2 fish to the team stringer. On-the-water communication IS allowed. Teams are formed independently. You get to pick your partner as soon as you like. We'll put up a running thread of guys who need a partner and aggressively try to get them matched up ASAP.
pros: The ability to strategize for prefishing and on tourney day is awesome. Two guys can cover twice the amount of water. You get to team up with a buddy.
cons: THIS IS A BIG ONE GUYS: people who say they're coming but then don't! Sorry fellas, but this board has its share of this. If we establish, say, 12-15 teams and then 5-6 guys just don't make it on game day, then the single partner is stuck with paying the entire entry fee and has the disadvantage of fishing alone and covering less water. Also, for this event, individual stats won't count, so it won't go toward AOY.
solutions: Figure out a way to pre-register. That way, if you don't show, your partner isn't hung out on the entry fee. Also, any singletons on tourney day are matched up at registration.
Option B : Two man team event. Best five fish per team. 50 dollar entry per team, big bass 20%. Each team member must contribute at least 2 fish to the team stringer. On-the-water communication IS allowed. Everyone shows up at registration and is matched up with a partner randomly (assigned numbers then drawn out of a hat).
pros: No one is left out to dry by a partner who doesn't show.
Evens the field since everyone has a partner no matter what. You end up fishing and strategizing 'on the fly' with someone who you may or may not know.
cons: You end up fishing and strategizing 'on the fly' with someone who you may or may not know. Again, pretty much impossible to do AOY points with this. Random matching with someone who isn't 'trying' as hard as you...
Option C : Traditional single angler tourney. Best 5. 20-25 dollar entry fee? 5-10 dollar big bass side pot?
pros: simple, easy.
cons: none really aside from the fact that there's nothing new here.
So again, in your replies include the option you'd like to see and try to elaborate why you think it's the best. I realize that stuff comes up, and we're about 7 weeks out right now, but try to refrain from having a strong internet opinion if you think there's a good chance you won't be coming...