1 oz of shake, use food processor to make it a fine powder.
2 1/2 cups water
5 sticks of butter
Bring water to boil then cut heat and add butter, allow to slowly melt.
After melted, add powder.
LOW LOW LOW heat! If you have a gas stove, you might want to get a "flame tamer" to keep the heat down low enough. Let set, stirring occasionally for about 8 to 12 hours. Boiling it hard will overflow and degrades the product. DON'T "COOK" the butter! Excess heat is beginner's mistake.
Remove from heat and let cool.
Using a strainer and a piece of cheesecloth, pour contents into a bowl. Wring out butter from remaining plant material when cool enough (gloves help). You will have a bowl with water and butter.
Place this in the fridge until butter is solid. Throw out the water and the plant material.
Now make a double batch of Toll House cookies. Makes about 90-100 cookies.