Been running a few trips this week on Richland Chambers Lake, weather (wind) permitting. The bite has started to improve with the better action coming in the morning from 10:00 to 11:00 as the water temp hits 60 degrees.
I have been using mainly chartreuse for color but you never know chrome might be even better.
Most of the fish we are finding are holding in water around 20 feet and its still a very light bite. Places like the area around Pelican Island and Windsock Point are producing and good places to start.
Larry Salisbury with a quality sand bass.

Beau Jenkins and friends enjoyed catching fish with great fellowship to boot.

Want to go fishing, dont hesitate to give me call at 214-728-3310 and lets schedule a trip on beautiful Richland Chambers Lake. You can visit my web site at for trip information and more pictures.