Thanks for your interest in the Black Salty.
First and foremost, credibility has always been number-one for me in spreading the word about the baits. I was approached in fall of '01 by a representative of I.F. Anderson Farms, back when I was host of the SportsRadio 610 Outdoor Show on Houston radio station KILT 610AM (now hosted by Capt. Wayne Vinton and his co-host, Capt. Bennie Hatton).
The farm representative wanted me to do live on-air endorsements. I declined to do so until I had personally tested the baits with positive results.
Shortly thereafter, Capt. Wayne and I tested the baits for the first time off of a private pier in Galveston, not far from the Bolivar Ferry Landing's Galveston side. Capt. Wayne caught 8 flounder in 55 minutes, and as a result I agreed to promote the baits as a flounder bait.
I then posted photos and a trip report to Since then, every claim of fish being caught, and every photo of fish taken on the Black Salty, is documented. These posts are based on experience and results, and I never have, and never will, claim the Salty does something it will not ... for example, catch fish every time out, no matter what.
There are no "magic bullets." I don't care what kind of bait you're referring to; the results vary from trip to trip. Most of that variation has to do with being in the right place at the right time ... not only being where fish are, but where FEEDING fish are.
That said, I have been really gratified to see the Black Salty perform as well as it does, on everything from inshore saltwater species to offshore game to, likewise, a broad variety of freshwater species.
I won't bore you with the details here, but I do respectfully ask that before you draw any conclusions, you check out ... the forum postings, the photo gallery albums, the endorsements from pros and amateur anglers alike ... in essence, the whole works on the website. The dowloadable "Ultimate Live Bait" flyer virtually says it all, documenting all the reasons why the Black Salty is both cost-efficient and fish-catching-efficient ... not to mention environmentally friendly.
The Salty is a selectively-bred species of goldfish ... no genetic alteration, any more than a Chocolate Lab is a "genetically engineered" breed of dog.
The fish were bred over sever generations and roughly five years to focus on breeding fish with 1) the recessive gene that allows for the color pattern, roughly a cross between mullet and shad/menhaden, and 2) the propensity to withstand saltwater exposure longer than garden-variety goldfish. Basically, they were bred repeatedly in waters with continually increased levels of salt, with the survivors being set up to once again reproduce in water with even more salt.
I encourage you to contact me personally if you have questions about the Black Salty. My e-mail address is, and I hope to hear from you soon, and help you in any way I can with the goal of helping you catch more fish, and do it with a bait that allows you to keep the unused ones in a freshwater baitwell at home, as such being ready to go the next time you are.
Again, your consideration of the Black Salty is much appreciated. In 30 years of outdoor writing, photography, broadcasting, public speaking, etc., I have ... aside from select contract consulting jobs ... never signed on to to paid over the long-run to promote a fishing-related product of any kind.
It's a decision I have never regretted ... an opinion that is only bolstered every time I work with an angler who wants to learn about the Black Salty, and who comes away from the experience with improved fish-catching odds and a great new alternative for choosing, ordering and fishing live bait.
Speaking of ordering, to do so, or for more information, contact I.F. Anderson Farms sales rep Max Vickers at 1-877-GO-SALTY (467-2589).
Max and anyone else at the farm can be counted on to simply tell you the facts, facilitate your purchase and handling of the fish and never fall back on "hype" to get that job done.
Give the baits a chance, and I am confident ... again, based on experience ... that the Black Salty will speak for itself.
Good fishing to all ...
Larry Bozka
P.S: To the gentleman who mentioned largemouth bass, the Salty is indeed a killer largemouth bass (and striper, and hybrid striper, and catfish, etc.) offering. Check out the posted streaming video, available at the home page, to see what largemouth in the lakes and ling, offshore, do when they are presented with a live Black Salty.
Again, I am confident that video will speak for itself.
With much appreciation ...