No rain and the lake is going down the drain.
This ramp was usable about 2 months ago.
Notice all the salt cedar and willow in the background. That was all under water last year around July.
We drove down it and took another shot from below the ramp.
When the reservoir goes dry the salt cedar and Willow Baccharis grows everywhere.
When the lake fills back up. This is what is left under the water.
It grows everywhere, except for really hard or rocky areas.
Right now, at depths from 13 feet to the shore, the bottom is covered with this stuff. It grew during a previous drought and when the damn had to be repaired. 2002-2003 I think.
This stuff will steal your slabs!
The next few images we were floating in the old river channel. The lake hasn't got shallow enough for the stuff to grow in the channel at that location, but it surrounds both sides of it.
If we don't get rain and the water is released at the current rate, by my calculations, it will be a mud puddle by November.
Spoke with someone at the local TPWD about keeping all legal fish. We usually release most of our fish, but they advised keeping legal fish to relieve stress on fish and bait.
Pray for rain! We all need it!