Public has access to family's once-private lakes
Ray Sasser - Dallas morniong News
10:01 PM CDT on Saturday, May 30, 2009
ALEDO – It wasn't exactly a hand-crafted fly, but the small chunk of nondescript, brown plastic worm on a wire hook cast about like a streamer. If I could cast it into the churning maelstrom, it was a pretty good bet that a fish would nail it.
Sure enough, a fish hit the worm with a solid jolt, and the four-weight fly rod arced like a rainbow. The only question that remained was the identity of the mystery fish that was streaking toward the open lake, pulling drag in a continuous whine.
"I think that one's a hybrid striper," said Chuck Bradley.
"I don't know," James Brown said. "There were some pretty big bass hanging around here. That could be a bass."
It took five minutes to declare Bradley the winner. A four-pound hybrid striper is a tough customer on a light fly rod. By the time Brown scooped up the fish in his landing net, my forearm was aching and I was glad the fish didn't challenge the Supreme Bass Fishing hybrid striper record of just over seven pounds.
When Brown first constructed three small fishing lakes on his 100-acre Tarrant County property a few miles southwest of Fort Worth, his idea was to provide recreation for his retirement and his family. Five years ago, Brown and his friend Bradley, both retired, decided to open the lakes to the public.
Most fishermen buy annual memberships that range from $1,095 for an individual to $2,195 for a family. A membership for two adults is $1,595. You can also access the property for a half-day fee of $60.
"We've been told that our prices are too low," Brown said, "but we don't really need to make a profit. We're just trying to pay for our fisheries management."
That's a considerable bill, just for fish food. Supreme Bass Fishing's veteran fisheries manager, Harrell Arms, estimates the bass population at 300 pounds of fish per acre. That's about 10 times the concentration of bass in a good public lake. The ranch-record largemouth bass weighed 12 pounds, nine ounces.
Bass get fat eating the bluegill swimming in swarms by the docks, but the latest stockings consist of bass trained to eat fish food. It's the latest innovation for private lakes managers who sometimes have more game fish than their forage fish will support.
As long as you're willing to pay for the feed, you can have as many of the trained bass as you want. They're not necessarily easy to catch, but they will bite an artificial lure. The bass I caught were interesting because their mouths seemed smaller than the bucket mouth on a wild bass.
In fact, there were so many bass, both largemouth and hybrid stripers, that I had trouble catching a big bluegill for a photo. I caught two good ones, both about the same size. Brown weighed one of the fish at 13 ounces. That's 17 ounces smaller than the ranch record.
The rainbow trout stocked during the winter months are dying off as the water temperatures rise to levels higher than trout can tolerate. That's too bad, considering the ranch record for rainbow trout stands at 10 pounds, nine ounces. The trout stocked each winter by Supreme Bass Fishing are not the nine-inch stockers that are mostly used in put-and-take trout stockings.
Brown has built a pavilion that anglers can use for picnics, and he has a trailer with bathroom facilities as a retreat from bad weather. The lakes are loaded with structure, and the banks are kept mowed so fly fishers don't have to worry about their back cast.
"We're just having a good time," Bradley said, "and we particularly like to watch children have a good time catching fish."
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