Funny story.
I was out at the State Park about 4 weeks ago staying for the weekend. I parked my small 16 ft (old) bass boat on the shore by my campsite, tied and tarped it as I heard rain was coming in that night.
It rained for sure, and my tarp didn't quite make it, so my boat had taken about 30 gallons of water (it seemed) which had accrued throughout the night. I took the boat out by the damn where i could open it up, got to the back, and tried to pull the plug to let some water out. After unscrewing the plug nearly all the way, the ring broke off. I panicked knowing I had a loose plug and with my fingers tried to screw it back in as tight as I could.
Then I remembered I had a spare plug in the glove compartment but it was too late, I couldn't with my fingers get the old plug out.
I hurried to get back to shore, landed the boat and then had to get in my girlfriends car to go get my truck and trailer. Went and did that, back to the campsite to drop her car off. I told her to take my truck and meet me at the State Park Marina while I got the boat over to the ramps.
I had forgotten, she had never EVER backed a trailer into the water to load a boat.
I took the boat to the ramps and tied up. She had parked the truck. I got in the truck and backed it perfectly onto the ramp. I told her, once I got in the boat all she needed to do was ease the truck back 5 feet. I thought having her do this would save some time as my plug wasn't in the best of shape. I should have just put the trailer in the water myself.
As I got in the boat, backed up and told her to come on back I guess she lost control of the truck. She stopped about 3 foot into the water.. I started to bring the boat in and then all of a sudden my truck started to move even more backwards.. into the water..
My heart stopped.. i was screaming and yelling STOOOOOOOOP!
She finally got the truck stopped but at this point, water was above my tailgate falling into the bed of the truck. I don't know how much longer it would have been before I lost it, but it couldn't have been far.
Everyone at the ramp had one thing on their mind (all looking at me like I had a crazy woman here).. They wanted to get the hell OUTTA there before they had to deal with the assistance of a sunken truck with a unsure female and a dog in the back.
All I could think of is 'get the boat on the trailer and get the hell outta there'. I did so with such fashion that i overshot the rollers by quite a bit (i was freaked out and it happens when you can't even see the trailer).
Then pulling me out, she turns the wrong way on the one way lead road..
I just got out of the boat and had one phrase 'GET OUT OF THE TRUCK!'
funny now.. not so much then

She swears my brakes failed and that was the cause of all the issues.. but regardless.. she's not allowed to back up anything anymore