I know the weather is not setting up the best for comfortability but I'm betting the fish are going to be biting! Red River Kayak Bass League is having our 2nd stop of the season this sat at Amon G. Carter lake if anyone is interested. No membership fees just tourneyx registration and show up and fish!
Hope to see yall out there!
Long post and pic heavy!!!
What a day!!!! We had our 2nd stop of the Red River Kayak Bass League (RRKBL) at Lake Amon G. Carter this past Sat where 17 of us. We knew it was going to be challenging with the 40* temperature change from the day before. When we got to the ramp at Selma Park it was a heck of a lightning show. Launch and lines in time got pushed back 30mins to let a storm pass but we knew it would be on and off all day.
I waited a bit after lines in to leave as there was another storm close by and I’m glad I did. In minutes the wind did a 180 and started to pour down and then started hailing!
After that passed I launched with water temps around the 54* mark and had my 1st keeper in 5mins of fishing throwing a white spinnerbait with a gold Colorado and orange blade and from then on I was able to put a quick limit together between the spinnerbait and a 6th sense lipless. I went some time before making a run to a certain dock that I like to fish and sure enough hooked up to a big one. It hit the spinnerbait with me being in a bad angle and was fighting it to the boat when I got it in the net the spinnerbait came out and she literally swam out of the net!
I went two hours with several sand bass and catfish but no largemouth. I decided to run to the back of a cove that I fish a lot but made a last second decision to stop on a point before going in and that’s where what I needed to happen, happened, I picked up a 19.50” fatty!
I casted a few more times before sitting down and tying on a wobble head with a creature bait and first cast with it was the most violent strike I have ever had! When I got it in the boat it measured 17.75”!
I fished down the shore line heading out towards the main lake but couldn’t get bit. I returned to the point with 30mins left to fish a dock that sits on it and after the 4th cast underneath it with the spinnerbait I had the big bass of the tournament inhale it! She had me wrapped up around a metal dock pole but was able to get it out and landed the 21.00” big! That made for the 4th cull of the day!
All in all I finished in 1st place with 92.75” and took home big fish with the 21.00”!!!
If you have a few minutes check out my latest video from tourney day