Took boat up into a creek and found a nice pocket the size of those houses I can't afford. 4 ft deep, 48 degrees and sunny, and they were chasing a huge ball of shad in that pocket. Cast in the shad and catch every cast
Any color plastic 2.5 inches or under.
Fished all over for 6 hours, almost ready to go home and then catch one every cast until dark. I get why people don't tell you where. The joy of discovery was too nice
Must have caught 60 or so and kept 13. Got dark on me!
They’re hit or miss up creeks right now. Some are spawn running, so I think are remnants of the ones that go up the creeks in the winter to chase shad with the crappie. Good job and if you’ve found a honey hole I agree, don’t tell too many people.
Full moon in March is typically the trigger. But with the cooler water who knows. What we don't want is a turd floater rain to flush the creek like it has 3 of the last 4 years on GV/Denton creek. Time will tell, not going up the creek for a while, still chasing the green fish and playing on other lakes right now. Good job Russn
Full moon in March is typically the trigger. But with the cooler water who knows. What we don't want is a turd floater rain to flush the creek like it has 3 of the last 4 years on GV/Denton creek. Time will tell, not going up the creek for a while, still chasing the green fish and playing on other lakes right now. Good job Russn
After many years of chasing these fish in the spring, I’ve concluded that the show up whenever they want to. I’ve seen them show up with snow on the ground, and I’ve caught hoards of big males around new years. Whether those were early “run” fish or just chasing shad with the crappie who knows, but they’re unpredictable. I’ve tried to use moon phases, water temps, you name it. Ive seen a lot of years where they’ll just show up one day in a place you had been blanked for weeks. Usually it needs to warm up a little, but not always. Typically though, 2nd week of march is when they start going good. My indicator that the run is going well is usually when I’m able to get minnows with my cast net, before that it’s hit or miss.