This is an early CBS Fender Precision it has May '68 stamped on the neck. Played it through HS and college... Still have it and gig occasionally. I should note that this is a pic i got online.. My bass has more wear and tear on it... The one in the pic is for sale for a mere $9500..
That’s pretty cool. I used to have an ‘80 model Fender Jazz Bass. All natural stain with a black pick guard and white accents. That damn thing was heavy! I either sat and played or used a padded strap
I thought I looked cool with my long hair and 3/4 sleeve Rush Exit Stage Left t-shirt.
Eat. Sleep. Fish.
Re: What is your oldest possession?
#1533504102/18/2502:30 AM
I've got a couple of the red Ambassadors that I bought at Cullem & Boren, think that's how you spell it, when I was in high school in the mid 70s, a Remington model 62 22lr bought from Gibsons. I also have an old pie safe cabinet that was brought to Texas in a covered wagon by my great, great grandmother.
Re: What is your oldest possession?
#1533504702/18/2502:35 AM
Remington 16 guage pump shotgun I bought used 55 years ago. An old Antique bedroom set from. England we bought 45 years ago. I still use that set to this day. Top of the dang mattress is like 40" off the floor. Armoire is 7',11" tall and is dowel pined together. Comes apart into 6 pieces. Also have a few items that were gifted to me as long as 65 years ago.
Last edited by DavidWhatley; 02/18/2504:55 AM.
"Every man must live with the man that he makes of himself, and the better job he does at molding his character and improving his mind, the better company he will have." Pauline Whatley
A wise man once said.......Nothing
Re: What is your oldest possession?
#1533510102/18/2505:23 AM
A Ruger Super Blackhawk,44 Mag is the oldest thing I can think of, bought it about 45 years ago. Probably something else but the gummy and glass of Jack seems to be limiting my cognizance.
Re: What is your oldest possession?
#1533511002/18/2507:07 AM
When I was 18 years old I bought a baseball glove. I had been pitching and playing Fastpitch Softball starting at 15 years old. My dad had gotten me a really nice Wilson glove but when I wasn't pitching I played 2nd base. This glove was a really ugly blue color which I guess is why I picked it up and put it on. It was as they say "Fit me like a glove" and felt really good and I ended up using it for almost 10 years and was the best glove I ever had when playing in the field. I finally went on to other gloves that I used for the next 10 years until I retired from that sport and started bass fishing. I still have that glove somewhere in one of my closets and have taken it out to play catch with my brother or one of the grandkids to this day.
Last edited by TBassYates; 02/18/2512:37 PM.
Re: What is your oldest possession?
#1533516602/18/2512:43 PM
A figurine from Egypt circa pyramid age and a piece or 2 of Chinese artifacts probably 500 years old or so. My wife would be able to supply more details as that's her thing and I just pay for the stuff.
Re: What is your oldest possession?
#1533520202/18/2501:29 PM
What is your oldest possession that you bought with money that you earned that you still have in your possession. Not something that was passed down or given to you. Not something you bought with money that was given to you either. Mine is a LYNYRD SKYNYRD album I bought in 1976 when I was 17 (Pronounced 'Lĕh-'nérd 'Skin-'nérd). 2nd oldest is my Remington 700 ADL - .270 caliber (August of 1977) that I still use today.