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Re: Lynn's Catfish Calendar [LCC] 2024
[Re: Catfish Lynn]
10/13/24 02:18 PM
Joined: Jun 2010
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Catfish Lynn
Extreme Angler
Extreme Angler
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My apologies for slow response, as I am working 4 days a week (10 hour days) in my day job & doing other projects in the 3 day weekend, so I am stretched pretty thin. I kept falling asleep while writing this.
OK, what do need to know? My Catfish Calendar is mainly for Yellows, Blues, and Gator Gars. I did not research CC (Channels) or MC (MudCats aka Bullheads)..
I post the KEY every so often, or note which month to back up to.
There are 4 main "SIGs". They are as follows: YC = YellowCats BC = BlueCats BFT = Buffet (a mix) ZIP = Poor or NONE
PYC days are separate from the Calendar days, to clarify
I share that the Catfish Calendar seems to be based on a roam-feed circuit switch. In other words, it is Nature's way of kicking them out of the house to go roam for food.
I also note that my estimate is that most (the majority) follow this pattern, being between 66% to 75%. The others, ranging from 25% to 33%" are what I call "rogue". They dance to a different beat or pattern
In comparison, it is like 3 work shifts of people. Most work the day shift 8 AM to 4 PM. Night shift runs 4 PM to 12 AM. And the Graveyard shift runs from 12 AM to 8 AM. So, most Cats run the main work day. The Rogues work the other two shifts. Now, I am using this as an analogy, it is not that the fish run those certain times. It is just to illustrate that most (the 66% to 75%) run this pattern & the others run the rogue (the least work shifts).
There is also what I refer to as PYC days. These are my Personal YellowCat Days according to the pattern I discovered. In general, it is an off 7, on 2, off 7, on 2, off 7, on 3, then repeats, but there is a slight variation, so I have to adjust those days according to my experience with the calendar. I first discovered this pattern back in 1981. I had been taught by one YellowCat teacher in 1979, and another one in 1980. However, even with all their knowledge, I was still not catching any more fish, including YellowCats.
That is, until 1981, of which in March I started working for The Western Company. After all the training, I & a few got transferred into Cementing division. Most of the Trainers did not know much about the Cementing division, just the Stimulation. We heard stories that Cementing guys were sometimes gone for days at a time. Yes, there were a few times like that, but not always. One job I got 72 hours in, and we never got to do the job, due to problems. We spent a lot of time in the drilling team's quarters. They even had their cooks cook meals for us.. Anyway, our days off pattern was those 2 days, then 2 days again, then 3 and back around again. I went fishing on those days off. It was Tues/Wed off, then the next Thurs/Fri, and finally the 3 day weekend- Sat/.Sun/Mon.
All of a sudden I started catching fish. And I started catching YellowCats. I would bait out my lines one day, come back the next & reap my rewards. One week, I caught a 28 # YC where my co-worker & 2nd YC instructor had caught a 35# YC, 2 19# YC & a slew of smaller ones, well over 100+ pounds worth. The following week (after catching the 28#), a friend's father & myself camped out on a gravel bed just below my trotline. I caught 5 Yellows that night, a 15# being the largest. Later I switched from the Brazos River upstream on TX21 to the Navasota River upstream from TX21. Again, I was catching other Cats, but especially YCs on my days off. So I figured i may have stumbled onto a pattern for Yellows. I decided to do some research. So I took off in 1982 to set up my plan of investigation. I had my flat bottom worked on. It was my Dad's 12 foot Elgin he bought from Sears for $70 in 1962. Very sturdy boat, deeper hull & rated for a 7 HP. I braced the center, the upper back corners & also had 3 straps attached to the transom. The reason- I bought a new Ward's Sea King by Chrysler 15 HP short stocky shallow shoal motor (47 pounds). A friend had loaned me his 7.5 HP Chrysler. At first I did not think much of it, but it ran good. Ward's had it (the 15 HP) for half price (about $800) & my brother-in-law put in on his account & I made the monthly payments on it. Running without gear, it would go 25 MPH, 20 MPH with gear. Very little wake, almost none. The water would hit somewhere between the center seat to halfway to the back seat. I even found if I was careful, I could go down the river sideways. Of course one error, well, had I ever messed up, it would have flipped at that speed.
The reason I braced it was I had twice the HP which was a lot of torque. Plus I realized you also had to take that into consideration with speed & steering (no fast turns).. I had it rewelded & patched here & there, plus a co-worker spray painted a deep metallic blue. So, I mapped out this calendar accordingly & was going to test it for 3 years. I chose the Trinity River 25 bends down from TX21 bridge. My first father-in-law had access to what they called "The Park" by way of a church member. For 3 years it was like a second home there. Actually 3 1/2 years, as I continued fishing their until April 1986. I started in Spring1983 and was going to run until 1985 Summer)
I confirmed for sure, the Calendar was correct as to the pattern I found for Yellows. And I also found a pattern for Blues, but was a little more erratic. And in the midst of that, I found that Gator Gars run the same day patterns as do YellowCats, but a few hours earlier. And in August 1983, my father-in-law went with me one foggy morning. It was a YC day and according to the pattern (PYC) as well. We were checking a throwline off on a big stump about 5 to 10 feet from the bank. It dropped qwik and was 15 to 18 feet there. He grabs the line & raises it up enough for me to grab. About that time, something dove & almost took me with it. I was in the middle of the back seat & got slid to the side and my arm was into the water. I made a split second decision not to let whatever caught me off guard over & out of the boat. So I let go & bobbed back up in my seat. We both looked at each & I said Wow! that was a big one. He grabbed the line again & this time I braced myself. Sadly it had gotten off & bent out the Eagle Claw 4/0 SS O'Shaunessy hook . We caught a couple of Blues & a Yellow on other lines that run, but was disappointed in losing the big one.
So, I figured it was a big Yellow, not a big Blue. So I baited out perch when I could. It kept bending hooks, so I kept using large ones. I finally set a diagonal trotline across the river in order to see if maybe I could catch it & have better leverage. I forget what size hook I had gone to but I was off on vacation for a week & had gotten a dozen big tilapia (or African perch) from Larry at the Bait Barn in Bryan. I, my first wife & a brother-in-law were baiting out headed towards the other side, putting those 12 big perch on the side that Big'Un resided on. About 2/3rds of the way across, the main line starts tugging fiercely and going up & down river. Ah, we got Big'Un so we backed up. She was boiling water trying to dive. Just before we got to it, it got off. But I stayed on it, always hitting on the YC days of the calendar as well as my PYC days (the underlying pattern). I had finally gotten up to 9/0 Eagle Claw SS O'Shaunessy hooks. We had July 4th off, so we checked the river at TX21. It was 6 inches low, and the water was clear. I decided I & my daughter would come back that weekend in July 1985 & try again. My daughter was just under 4 years old. Lo & behold, Sunday morning about 10 AM, we were checking the trotline & I had a few small Blues on the first few hooks, Then the big tug began. I think it was about the 7th hook out, but it was clear & at first it looked like a Blue, but as it was heading back & forth, I finally saw it was an Op, a spotted Yellow. It was the clear green color that made it look like a Blue.
In case you did not know, when Yellows are trying to get away, there are two patterns the will choose. One is a had dive. The other is they will run a figure 8 pattern. Because I knew that, and Big'Un was doing exactly that, I timed scooping the dipnet from right to left & come flying around to drop it right in the boat. We stayed that night & I staked her out. Monday morning we got to Madisonville & my father-in-law said let's go to some meat market there. They brought their slide scales out & we weighed it near the P/U. It was about 4 feet long. It's tail drug the bottom of the scale & it showed 59#. But the guy told me because its tail was on the scales, it should go at least 65#. I decided to just call it as 60# so nobody could claim I beefed up the numbers. Then we went to the Madisonville Meteor & they took a pic of me, Big'Un & my daughter. Big'Un (other pictures) were featured in the Bryan-College Station Eagle (along with a write-up on the story of the Big 'Un & my log books, but he did not mention my calendar. It was also featured in the Pictorial Press's Fish & Hunting Guide that Fall. (1985).
In my testing of the Calendar, I also found a few tips which I share in the KEY.
OK, so further, as to the Catfish Calendar, the 4 SIGs indicate which one is the strongest for that specific day. It may be a BFT day on the calendar, but if it is one of the PYC days, I will note it.
That was Phase 1 River Research. Phase 2 started the Lake Research in 2002 at Lake Limestone at Running Branch Marina, where i fished until T-Day Trip 2011. However, the lake was 10 feet low & I was having to use my sister's Porta-Bote (a portable fold-out vinyl v-hull. And I fell out of it down at the bottom of the lake, as I had to tote it some half mile out to water (or seemed like it).
After a 2 day hospital stay in early 2012, I finally returned briefly from 2013 to 2014 with the Porta-Bote. Then it tapered off until I got an AlumaCraft 12 foot flat bottom in early 2018 & had my last encounter with "The Giant" on May 5th, 2018. An even bigger Yellow, my estimate from 100# to 150# . As I jerked the size 36 leader line, it dove hard & snapped the leader & took the hook. I am thinking it was a Mustad triple strength 9/0 short J SS.
Phase 2 proved the Catfish Calendar also worked in lakes.
There are also further findings that for me, it seems I catch more Channels during BFT days. Now, as I said, I never researched ChannelCats, just an observation.
There is also Bleedover. In other words, the gates do not open at midnight, nor shut at the next Midnight for sure, like the day according to TPW , as to the daily Bag Limit (which is Midnight to Midnight). There can be up to about a 12 hour bleedover in front or after.
I suggest if you are going to fish during ZIP days to use an unnatural bait, such as a punch bait. See the KEY for more tips. I have found that Blues also bite real good on YC days. But on BC days, they bite even better. While the calendar does not specify exactly when during the day they bite the best, this is how running set lines can prove the most as to the calendars focus upon the strongest SIG for that day.
Take Dave for example. I taught him how to not only bait as you go into a calendar day, but use Bleedover to to your advantage. So he would set out juglines the night before, even if a ZIP day going into a BC day. And in the morning run the jugs with unbelievable results. His neighbors saw his change in results of his catches and started giving him nicknames related to "Catfish". He once posted his results on a lake with the pics of a pile of Blues on a table he & his fishing partner caught on one catch. Towards the end of his post, he let everyone know he used my calendar & noted further he had been using it for 6 years. So as you use it, you learn how best to work it, to your advantage.
I know of at least two guides that recognize the assistance of my calendar. By knowing what it shows, you adjust your strategy to maximize your results. One told me I should do a podcast. The other pushed along with other catfishermen/women to have the Calendar be a "sticky", meaning to stay posted up front on page 1 for easy access.
Another YellowCat fishermen used the PYC & YC days to target Yellows with trotlines. Then they went towards Rod-n-Reeling and still exceeded in the use of the calendar. One bass fisherman stated he also liked to catch Yellows, and the only reason he came over to the Catfish section, was to get the Catfish Calendar & any tips I might give on Yellows. One Rod-n-Reeler said if I ever came to Lake Conroe, they had a seat available for me. They used a spoon for catching Yellows & finally decided to only fish for Yellows on the YC or PYC days, as it yielded such better results than at random. In other words, they did not waste time on Yellows on other days not designated according to the calendar.
My prize YC & Calendar students, a team of father & son on Lake Limestone watched me for years, and finally put everything that I shared into practice. In the first 30 days of that decision, they caught 3 Yellows. One was over 30 pounds. But the 3rd was an impressive 62.4# bluish tinted Op. I happened to catch up with them & see it, as I arrived at Running Branch Marina, just before they were headed home with it. They were still shaking with the excitement & adrenalin of caching it. Of course, I got to take pictures of it & them before they headed out.
They also shared results over a few years, They noted that they seemed to catch the most Yellows towards the first of a YC or PYC run, and towards the end of a YC or PYC run, so I shared that as well, in the tips in my KEY. By others utilizing the calendar, it also helps to enhance its use by sharing their results as they recognize them.
And one night in 2008, "The Giant" hit their trotlines & was caught on it. James (the son) was the only one of us who has seen the head & its tail. He said there was nothing but head in his spotlight. By the time his dad (Jeff) had handed him the dip net, it went under & then the tail came up to the surface. James said it had to have been at least a foot as to its span. And then it was gone. I forget if they said it snapped the leader or what, but it easily got off.
I myself have caught the Giant many times, but it has gotten off. Once (the first time it hit my trotline, it was running the direction of it, taking me & my cousin's 14 foot MonArk with it, till it slid the leader to a knot & weight, then bent the hook out as it just kept going. Another times, I had a three-way swivel broken off & the leader & hook gone. So I quit using 3 way brass swivels. I stuck to 3/0 Brass barrel swivels. Then went to 4/0 & 6/0 brass & SS barrel swivels. One time. me & my Uncle started running a trotline set in another position, and feel the pull & we watched as I held it up, to see the mainline headed on its path, until stopped & slowly come back, of which it finally pulled off going in its "granny gear", never stopping. And a few other times. After the 2011 drought it had to move out of its normal domain & path. But my last encounter with The Giant was on May 5th, 2018 as it was Sunday morning & I was about to take off bait & pull the trotline. I started on the near end. As I started, I felt a tug which felt like I had perhaps a 10 to 15 pounder. As I went further, the tug now suggested this seemed to be about a 35 pounder. To my surprise, the further I went,. its tug indicated it was a good 60 pounder. Only to stop & look around where I was at, in that area. It "clicked"". I was right in the normal path of "The Giant". Oh [censored]!!! I'm in my new 12 foot AlumaCraft.
The Giant, estimated to be a Male coming in from somewhere of 100# to 150#s, had the advantage & possibility of turning the 12 foot over easily (as I knew its strength & "granny gear" run). And I was now right over top of it. I had the leader (of about 24" long) it was on. So I knew, to prevent that, I would have to get the upper hand by truly powerlifting this monster & not hesitating from hoisting it up into the air by surprising it & somehow tilting it to fall into the boat. This way the constant pressure would not allow it to roll or dip the boat on the side I was running the line. It was Do or Die, in a sort of manner. In that split second, as I shot my arms up bracing for its weight & resistance, it dove hard. To my surprise it snapped my size 36 leader line taking the hook with it. I had a mixed array of hooks on that trotline, but I think it was a Mustad SS short "J" style triple strength 9/0 stump hook. I prefer the 3 strand twist or diamond braid size 36. However, it snapped to reveal somehow, I had used a core type size 36. I would not have willingly used it, so I failed in not knowing I had some leaders with it.
Anyway, I now have THE trotline ready for The Giant, consisting of a minimum of size 72 to size 96 three strand twist nylon (be it leaders or mainline). If everything goes according to the plan, I have a few shots at once again catching it from November 8th thru 10th which consists of BFT/YC/YC & those two YC days also being PYC days. So unless rain prevents the trip, I'll be on a Giant run. If I don't catch it then, I hope to have another chance in 2025 between Spring & Summer after returning from Egypt. My research is not limited to just Catfish. One portion relates to the Great Pyramid & the Sphinx. Sadly though, if I don't catch The Giant by then, I may not have a further chance. Because my destiny veers about this point. China invades Russia in the Spring, which begins this 13 year (2025) portion of the Mayan cycle of major changes- 2012 thru 2038. You see, I study patterns. In a sense like Einstein's thought experiments, or as I call them- "scenarios", so that repeated adjustments eventually show how the dominoes will fall.
When you use set lines, you utilize the calendar the most, as basically you have the lines out for a straight 24 hours of a day, 7 days a week as to fishing, which is why for Rod-n-Reelers, I suggest you also use the Solunar tables to assist in targeting the best times to fish, since you may not be out there for the whole day & night. And as noted, they still hit paydirt with the calendar.
I hope this brief has helped.
I almost forgot. During Full Moons, it seems the YC & GG (Gator Gars) run (feed) a few hours later. The Yellows for sure hit best during the New Moon. YCs will come up more, the darker it is, compared to times that is more lit up.
So let me know if there are any further questions, and I'll try to answer it for you.
Lynn aka "Catfish"
Re: Lynn's Catfish Calendar [LCC] 2024
[Re: Catfish Lynn]
12/16/24 01:56 AM
Joined: Jun 2010
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Catfish Lynn
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Lynn's Catfish Calendar [LCC] December 2024 (12-15-24 Sun. PM):
Updates: Whew! Time flies. I would have posted back on the 30th, but something took me elsewhere. I would have done it yesterday (14th), but other items pressed me for time. I got my Passport book, passport card, and a few other things as to the Egypt Trip to rendezvous with Wife Elena in Hurghada. She is about 10 minutes from the international airport there. Bought my air flight tickets Friday afternoon. Or so we (I & my travel agent) thought. It (the internet) locked up on the airline side & froze her computer. She said she never had anything like it in 39 years. So, I don't have tickets yet. She checked her report early on Saturday instead of Monday to see if maybe my tickets were on the list. But no, so I guess the "hiccup" was right before the confirmation. Meanwhile I have to wait for the money to come back into my account as it got caught in between. We are hoping it will be back in there Monday, so we or me can try another time to purchase tickets.
Part of the clan here took a partial weekend trip up to Lake Limestone at Running Branch Marina. I decided to sit it out, as I want two or 3 days not an overnighter. And they ran into a problem. The lake was low enough (about 2 to 2.5 feet), they could not get out past the curve. And the turtles were bad in the shallows. It is a possibility rain maybe has raised the level. Except I am pressed for time due to the trip coming up & roof repairs (which I already started). So I can't think about fishing until my return.
But I can wish that you have all the Luck while I'm gone gettin' ready!!!
Here's your calendar for DECEMBER 2024 ...
Lynn’s Catfish Calendar [LCC]- DECEMBER 2024 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Sunday / Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday / Saturday +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 1 ZIP | 2 ZIP | 3 ZIP | 4 BFT | 5 BFT | 6 BFT | 7 YC 8 YC | 9 ZIP | 10 ZIP | 11 BC | 12 BFT | 13 BC | 14 BC 15 YC | 16 YC | 17 BC | 18 BC | 19 ZIP | 20 BC | 21 BC 22 ZIP | 23 ZIP | 24 ZIP | 25 BFT | 26 BFT | 27 ZIP | 28 ZIP 29 ZIP | 30 ZIP | 31 ZIP +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
CURRENT MONTH--- Lynn's Catfish Calendar [LCC]- DECEMBER 2024 Moon Phases--- 1st- New Moon 8th- 1st Qtr 15th- Full Moon 22nd- Last Qtr 30th- New Moon
TARGETOS (Multiple Target Briefs)---
Lynn's Catfish Calendar [LCC]- DECEMBER 2024 Lynn's PYC (Prime YellowCat) Days (separate from the Calendar)--- ***Decoded, it looks like this... 1st Week- 7 Sat 2nd Week- 8 Sun. 3rd Week- 15/16 Sun/Mon 4th Week- 24/25/26 Tues/Wed/Thurs 5th Week- NONE
Lynn's Catfish Calendar [LCC]- DECEMBER 2024 Lynn's YC (YellowCat) Days (as to the Calendar)--- 1st Week- 7 Sat 2nd Week- 8 Sun 3rd Week- 15/16 Sun/Mon 4th Week- NONE 5th Week- NONE ***You might want to try the PYC days for those weeks that do not have YC days listed on the Calendar.
EXTRA--- Targeted BC (BlueCat) days- DECEMBER 2024, by each week, as to the Calendar: *** 3 day BC Run *** 1st Week- NONE 2nd Week- 11/13/14 Wed/Fri/Sat 3rd Week- 17/18/20/21 Tues/Wed/Fri/Sat 4th Week- NONE 5th Week- NONE
EXTRA EXTRA--- Targeted BFT (Buffet) days-- DECEMBER 2024, by each week, as to the Calendar:
1st Week- 4/5/6 Wed/Thurs/Fri 2nd Week- 12 Thurs 3rd Week- NONE 4th Week- 25/26 Wed/Thurs 5th Week- NONE
+++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++ This is your "Prelim" for JANUARY 2025: --->>>Here are a few glimpses ahead into the beginning of JANUARY 2025 ... next PYC days- 3/4 Fri/Sat next YC days- 3/4 Fri/Sat next BC days- 1/7/8/10 Wed/Tues/Wed/Fri next BFT days- 2/16 Thurs/Thurs
+++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++
Special Notes ...
** ALWAYS ... be sure to note that YC days are also great for Blues. So when you have a clump of BC & YC days, press forward. Like they say in pool (or billiards), Rack 'em Up!!!
*** And be sure to not get them (YC) confused with PYC days, as this (PYC) is my reference to the YellowCat underlying pattern. The YC days are the hardest pull for that day of the calendar, as to the 4 possible 'sigs" of mine [YC/BC/BFT/ZIP].
Lynn’s Catfish Calendar [LCC]- 2022 KEY: ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ YC = YellowCat // BC = BlueCat // BFT = Buffet (assorted) // ZIP = Zip (not very good) Tip- Always bait out lines the night before a YC or BC day. Tip- Gator Gars (GG) run ahead of YellowCats, so bait out late (between 11 PM to 1 AM). Tip- BlueCats also bite good on YC days, but you can rack ‘em up on BC days. Tip- Some variations or alterations are due to weather or other external influences. Tip- For Rod-n-Reelers, use Solunar Tables (etc.) also for best times with my calendar. Tip- Near Full Moon, Gator Gars & YellowCats seem to feed a few hours later. Tip- Your biggest YellowCats may hit best towards beginning & end of YC or PYC days. Tip- My PYC Days keys in on the YellowCat’s Feed/Roam Days Underlying Pattern. Tip- Bleedover works both ways- Before & After a calendar day. Take advantage. Tip- For better luck on ZIP days, try a stimulant (not natural) type bait, such as stink/punch/dough. Tip- In my experiences, it seems ChannelCats (CC) bite best for me, on BFT days. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Wear that Life Jacket!
Lynn aka "Catfish"
Re: Lynn's Catfish Calendar [LCC] 2024
[Re: Catfish Lynn]
12/16/24 02:07 AM
Joined: Jun 2010
Posts: 1,676
Catfish Lynn
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Lynn's Catfish Calendar [LCC] JANUARY 2025 (12-15-24 Sun. PM):
Current Updates are noted in DECEMBER 2024 LCC, so you may need to back up.
This Early Bird Special for January 2025 will appear here at the end of the 2024 thread & also will be posted in the new 2025 thread. I hope to set it up, as well as post February too, so I won't have to worry about it until around March 1st or 2nd, but I may be working on the first to make up a day of recuperation after I return.
I almost forgot to add, Elena said they have catfish in Hurghada. Cool!!! I'll have to fry some up & try it.
Here's your calendar for JANUARY 2025 ...
Lynn’s Catfish Calendar [LCC]- JANUARY 2025 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Sunday / Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday / Saturday +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ XX // XX // XX | 1 BC | 2 BFT | 3 YC | 4 YC 5 ZIP | 6 ZIP | 7 BC | 8 BC | 9 ZIP | 10 BC | 11 YC 12 YC | 13 YC | 14 BC | 15 BC | 16 BFT | 17 BC | 18 ZIP 19 ZIP | 20 ZIP | 21 BFT | 22 BFT | 23 ZIP | 24 ZIP | 25 ZIP 26 BC | 27 ZIP | 28 BC | 29 BC | 30 BFT | 31 BFT ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
CURRENT MONTH--- Lynn's Catfish Calendar [LCC]- JANUARY 2025 Moon Phases--- -->>NOTE: My normal access had January all messed up, so this is from a separate source for January. 6th- 1st Qtr 13th- Full Moon 21st- Last Qtr 29th- New Moon
TARGETOS (Multiple Target Briefs)---
Lynn's Catfish Calendar [LCC]- JANUARY 2025 Lynn's PYC (Prime YellowCat) Days (separate from the Calendar)--- ***Decoded, it looks like this... 1st Week- 3/4 Fri/Sat 2nd Week- NONE 3rd Week- 12/13 Sun/Mon 4th Week- 20/21/22 Mon/Tues/Wed 5th Week- 30/31 Thurs/Fri
Lynn's Catfish Calendar [LCC]- JANUARY 2025 Lynn's YC (YellowCat) Days (as to the Calendar)--- 1st Week- 3/4 Fri/Sat 2nd Week- 11 Sat 3rd Week- 12/13 Sun/Mon 4th Week- NONE 5th Week- NONE ***You might want to try the PYC days for those weeks that do not have YC days listed on the Calendar.
EXTRA--- Targeted BC (BlueCat) days- JANUARY 2025, by each week, as to the Calendar: 1st Week- 1 Wed 2nd Week- 7/8/10 Tues/Wed/Fri 3rd Week- 14/15/17 Tues/Wed/Fri 4th Week- NONE 5th Week- 26/28/29 Sun/Tues/Wed
EXTRA EXTRA--- Targeted BFT (Buffet) days-- JANUARY 2025, by each week, as to the Calendar: 1st Week- 2 Thurs 2nd Week- NONE 3rd Week- 16 Thurs 4th Week- 21/22 Tues/Wed 5th Week- 30/31 Thurs/Fri
+++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++ This is your "Prelim" for FEBRUARY 2025: --->>>Here are a few glimpses ahead into the beginning of FEBRUARY 2025 ... next PYC days- 8/9 Sat/Sun next YC days- 8/9 Sat/Sun next BC days- 3/4/5 Mon/Tues/Wed ***3 day run*** next BFT days- 12/13/14 Wed/Thurs/Fri
+++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++
Special Notes ...
** ALWAYS ... be sure to note that YC days are also great for Blues. So when you have a clump of BC & YC days, press forward. Like they say in pool (or billiards), Rack 'em Up!!!
*** And be sure to not get them (YC) confused with PYC days, as this (PYC) is my reference to the YellowCat underlying pattern. The YC days are the hardest pull for that day of the calendar, as to the 4 possible 'sigs" of mine [YC/BC/BFT/ZIP].
For the KEY, go back to November
Wear that Life Jacket!
Lynn aka "Catfish"
Re: Lynn's Catfish Calendar [LCC] 2024
[Re: Catfish Lynn]
02/15/25 02:52 AM
Joined: Jun 2010
Posts: 1,676
Catfish Lynn
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OK, Here is a glimpse into February 2025. I have not had a chance to set up the 2025 Calendar thread, plus try to post enough before I head for Egypt. Due to many hurdles, we had to shift from February to March. Everything is now pretty well secured. My Egyptian visa & Passport book came in just over a week ago. Saturday night, I secured a 7 night stay at a hotel next to the pyramids at Giza (a mere 3 minute walk to the gate to the pyramid & Sphinx complex). Pyramids are seen from our room window balcony, and the roof (we have access to it). Elena secured the air flight round trip tickets from Hurghada to Cairo on March 11th, then the return to Hurghada on March 18th. Then I fly back to Texas on March 26th. I head out March 5th & arrive on Friday March 7th. I hope to taste some catfish,. as Elena noted they have some. Bought two new cameras, so I hope to take plenty of pics.
Eric & Kristina (son-in-law & daughter) may start back fishing in March while I am gone, but my eyes are on a May trip to go after "The Giant". I have a youth kayak to rig up, so I can check the trotlines between the new flat bottom & the kayak, and not get turned over
I hope to be on Saturday PM (possibly AM) to catch up.
Meanwhile, here is February LCC only, along with noted PYC days afterwards. Here goes ...
Here is your FEBRUARY 2025 Lynn's Catfish Calendar "brief"---
Lynn’s Catfish Calendar [LCC]- FEBRUARY 2025 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Sunday / Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday / Saturday ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ XX/ XX / XX / XX / XX / XX | 1 ZIP 2 ZIP | 3 BC | 4 BC | 5 BC | 6 ZIP | 7 ZIP | 8 YC 9 YC | 10 BC | 11 BC | 12 BFT | 13 BFT | 14 BFT | 15 BC 16 ZIP | 17 BFT | 18 BFT | 19 BFT | 20 ZIP | 21 ZIP | 22 BC 23 BC | 24 BC | 25 BC | 26 BC | 27 BFT | 28 BFT +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Here are your PYC days For February 2025 (as they are separate from the Calendar): 8/9 Sat/Sun 17/18/19 Mon/Tues/Wed 27/28 Thurs/Fri
For the KEY, look back to December 2024 (for the moment).
Get out there & catch some!!! Wear that lifejacket!!!
Lynn aka "Catfish"
Moderated by banker-always fishing, chickenman, Derek 🐝, Duck_Hunter, Fish Killer, J-2, Jacob, Jons3825, JustWingem, Nocona Brian, Toon-Troller, Uncle Zeek, Weekender1