Our Bass club will be hosting an open on Athens- 90% payback to help grow our club and championship.
7-3pm (Last cast at 3pm must be in line by 330pm) registration from 6-645a
5 fish all state laws apply- slot is 14-21 inches with only one bass over 21 inches. 1lb per dead fish penalty. DQ for a slot fish.
$100 solo tournament- no co-anglers. 90% payback. $10 towards big bass
1-5 boats 1 place
5-10 boats 2 places (70% 30%)
11-20 Boats pay out 1st, 2nd, and 3rd. (50%, 30%, 20%)
21-29 Boats pays out 1st - 4th. (50%, 30%, 15%, 5%)
30 + Boats pays 1st - 5th. (50%, 20%, 15%, 10%, 5%)
All winners subject to a polygraph