Tyler Bass Club Friday Night Tournament

Team (2 Person) 3 fish tournament, with first cast at 7pm, last cast at 1am, and weigh in by 1:30am.
You can leave the Ramp area as soon as you are paid up and Tournament Director has said you can leave.
We will try and be at the ramp to sign up entry’s around 6pm.

We will host these tournaments for 4 Fridays.
July 12th, 2024 Tournament Director Jody Kea
July 26th, 2024 Tournament Director Jody Kea
August 9th, 2024 Tournament Director Tony Goodman and Gabe Mendoza
August 23rd, 2024 Tournament Director Tony Goodman and Gabe Mendoza

Entry fee will be $40.00 per boat with an optional $5.00 Big Bass per person.
Pay back will be 90% paid back from Entry Fee and 100% paid back for Big Bass.
We will be paying out 2 Places every tournament unless we get over 30 Teams and then we will pay a 3rd place.

Tournament will start and end at Lake Tyler Marina parking Lot.
1. No Live Bait
2. Dead Fish Penalty is ½ pound for each dead fish, penalty will be assessed to the dead fish. (Meaning that if your Big Bass is dead then the ½ pound will be subtracted from it)
3. No Trailering, take off and return will be at the Main Marina by boat.
4. Leave the Ramp area once paid up and TD has approved (possible Livewell Checks)
5. Return and be in weigh in line by 1:30am.

Tyler Bass Club
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