Bought a new to me Xpress XP 160. Dealer installed Garmin FF with 56 ducer. I am extremely worried it is too close to bunk and might be damaged during loading. Unfortunately this trailer is not from Xpress due to original trailer getting trashed in a parking lot when owner was out fishing.
I haven’t had this on the water but it is pretty flat bottom boat. In 1st pic I have edited pic to show lines where I “think” water line would be. If I switched it to other side but closer to motor do you think it might interfere with side view? Or maybe move farther away from bunk and still be in the water. Not worried about reading at high speed
Transducer needs to remain mounted on the right side of hull due to interference from prop cavitation if mounted on left.
Hard to tell from photo, but from looks of trailer bunk configuration it could get a little dicey when loading (especially if windy). Best bet is see if dealer can move transducer. The spot just to the left of live well intake looks pretty good.
If you have 2 people, you can also just back trailer in far enough to get front of boat on, making sure it's centered, then have driver continue slowing backing trailer while you power boat forward.
Last edited by T Bird; 04/24/2312:49 PM.
Okie by birth, Texan by choice. USAF "Thunderbirds" Alumni 1985-1989
Simple solution is to cut the bunk back even with the boat, if there is room.
I think I’m going to do this. Wondering getting carpet back on bare spot. It still will have about .5 inches of transducer in the way. Then adjust the winch part down so it will back the boat up a small amount.
Simple solution is to cut the bunk back even with the boat, if there is room.
I think I’m going to do this. Wondering getting carpet back on bare spot. It still will have about .5 inches of transducer in the way. Then adjust the winch part down so it will back the boat up a small amount.
If you'll peel that carpet back before making the cut you can trim the carpet to fit the shorter bunk and reattach with ease.Regardless of method I would make an adjustment one way or the other.........transducers aren't cheap and adding unnecessary holes to any hull is never good.
Heck, why not just loosen the bow stand on the trailer and scoot it back the few inches that those bunks are past the Transom. Only thing to check might be your tongue weight of the rig once you scoot the boat back. But this would be an easy way to address the xducer and that bunk board...
Simple solution is to cut the bunk back even with the boat, if there is room.
I think I’m going to do this. Wondering getting carpet back on bare spot. It still will have about .5 inches of transducer in the way. Then adjust the winch part down so it will back the boat up a small amount.
If you'll peel that carpet back before making the cut you can trim the carpet to fit the shorter bunk and reattach with ease.Regardless of method I would make an adjustment one way or the other.........transducers aren't cheap and adding unnecessary holes to any hull is never good.
WithBoat on trailer, take a marks alot [ black carpet use red marker] take boat off cut carpet with razor knife. Done if you need to re staple carpet, i have one you can borrow, if you are near N. Garland/ G.B. & hwy78. send a pm if so Good luck.
Last edited by Lazy Ike; 07/16/2302:38 AM. Reason: spelling
even the way it is, you would have to really screw up bad to put that ducer in the bunk, always just pull the trailer in deep enough so you have to drive up the last 1-2'.
the bunks will guide you to the front post/winch.
" Hop, set the hook"! hopalong 99,999 TexDawg 99,999 FJB! not my president by a long shot!
lake fork FISHERMANS COVE MARINA/reservations - 903 474 7479