Avid_basser what are your brine mixture ratios for the chicken butter milk frying and the bbq ratios's?? Never tried that it sounds interesting.
I put the chicken inside a gallon ziplock bag, pour enough buttermilk to coat the chicken, add Slap Ya Momma seasoning (about 3 Tablespoons)
No real calculations on this one, I eyeball the ratios
Once covered, seal bag and remove as much air as possible
Rub your chicken to get the mixture under the skin
Place in fridge laying flat
Rotate bag every 4-8 hours
When ready to cook, place chicken into strainer and allow the excess to drain off (DO NOT RINSE OFF!)
Put marinated chicken into favorite breading mixture and fry until GBD
For a large family pack of chicken
6 cups water
1 cup Kosher salt (do not use iodized salt aka table salt)
1/4 cup sugar
1/4 cup black pepper
2-3 table spoons of cracked red pepper (I usually put more as we like it spicy)
2 table spoons garlic chopped (1/2 clove fresh)
1/2 medium onion cut into slices
Boil mixture and let cool to room temperature (you can cool rapidly with ice which also works in a time crunch)
Put chicken into gallon bags (divide between 2 as you'll need room for brine)
Split the brine between the 2 bags
Cover chicken completely, if you need to add more water, that is OK as well, but nothing more than 1.5 additional cup per bag
Seal bag remove most of the air
Massage your chicken, yes I said it

Place chicken into fridge laying flat
Rotate every 4-8 hours
Heat grill to desired temps (I like to get my grill screaming hot then reduce temps)
Char outside
Rub w/ BBQ sauce or sprinkle any seasoning you may like on it
Lower temps on grill and cook until 170* internal temps
Remove chicken and place into pan, cover w/ foil for 10 minutes to complete cooking process
Chicken will be crispy on outside and tender / juicy on inside
Not tooting my own horn here...I've done these recipes for years and get compliments every time I make chicken this way.