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Lynn's Catfish Calendar [LCC] 2022 #14243314 01/08/22 11:55 PM
Joined: Jun 2010
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Catfish Lynn Offline OP
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Lynn's Catfish Calendar [LCC] January 2022 (1-8-22 Sat. PM)

Greetings Everybody!!!

I hope you are surviving, or striving, if not thriving.

Well, here it is the 8th Of January 2022. I've been super busy at home & work. Sadly, I missed my shot at getting back in the water as planned for 2021. But we got the big boat (my cousin's 14 foot MonArk wide aluminum flat bottom with 25 HP Evinrude with a Cuda 128 scope as well as a reinforced PVC roof frame) ready to go (a few final items, but not too much). It will depend on the weather & funds, as to how early we hit the water this Spring or just before. Definitely will have to wait on mid-February tax refund, seeing as how early Social Security retirement is not really yours, until you pass your maturation date (it seems for me it is January 2024). Yep, always fine print, which makes me realize- It's their money, until that point, if you still work part or full time on the side and go over their allowment amount.

And today, I just finished mapping out the PYC days for 2022, as well as the Moon phases for 2022.

Back on November 23rd, 2016, Big Zee made the comment acknowledging that some previously may have found a YellowCat pattern, of which I share- I did not create the YellowCat & Gator Gar pattern, I just discovered or rediscovered IT.

Here's his quote found in the 2016 thread (November calendar comments)...
"I have not heard the 7 off and 2 on in a long time. My grandpa always told me "find that pattern and your on the yellow cats all year." He was right. Good advice there thanks again."

For all of you newcomers here to my Catfish Calendar thread for 2022, I'll give you a brief of the LCC [Lynn's Catfish Calendar]. For the others, a re-glimpse & perhaps a little morsel not known.

I was raised on going for catfish. My dad & his fellow fishermen were catfishermen and setliners. My grandfather was into sethooks (he would line the bank with many poles/limbs/branches & lines). Setliners meaning trotlines (trotliner), throwlines, limb lines, and such. I don't think they used jugs (jug lines or jug single hooks), but inner tubes. They mainly fished rivers, creeks, and sleughs, sometimes lakes. So I became a river catfisherman (a river rat) when older. My Dad & one of his buddies were also those referred to as P&G soap catfisherman.

However, other than MudCats (MC), known as Bullheads, I was just not privy to catching Channels (rarely), Blues (more so rarely), or Yellows (none). At home & work, I ran into two YellowCat fisherman. The first one (Olen) in 1978/1979 was at home, the apartment complex I lived at. While he normally had his buddies he went with, he did hop on with me a few times in Yegua Creek below Lake Somerville. In the midst, he taught me about YellowCats, which he had been taught, plus learned from experience. In 1980, I became closer to a co-worker (Newt) in late 1979 & 1980. He also was a YellowCat fishermen. He taught me, but I also got to run with him for Spring Break in 1980. So I got to experience YellowCat catches. His biggest was 35 pounds, caught on my super shiner & retrieved using my dipnet.

Now, even with all of this learning & experiences, in 1979 & 1980, on my own it was still slim catfish catches of Channels (CC), Blues (BC), or the elusive Yellows (YC). I think the biggest & maybe the only Yellow I caught was a 2 pounder in the Trinity River in those two years. It just seemed my destiny to have all that info, and still get slim pickins of any of them, especially Yellows. That is, until something changed.

That change was in early 1981. In late March, I went to work for Western Company, an oil field service company. It seems they had a unique days off pattern, as you were on call. Interesting thing, is that I & a few others (in my recruiting class), did not get assigned to the stimulation division, but instead into the cement division. In our training, the trainers knew very little of the cement division, but we had heard rumors of long hours & may be gone for days on one job. Actually, it was sort of a mix, as we found out in time. But it seemed we had this setup of days on & off as this- 7 on, 2 off, 7 on, 2 off, 7 on, then 3 off, then repeat. It looked like this as to a pattern- 7/2/7/2/7/3 & repeat. And in stimulation, those 3 day off sessions were Fri/Sat/Sun. While in Cement, they were Sat/Sun/Mon. Naturally, after being out in the field & getting assigned these odd days one, I decided to fish on the days off. So I would do certain things one day, but get out & bait my lines the first day, then reap the benefits on the 2nd day. Or a little more with the 3 day sessions, unless family plans were taking more precedent. As I utilized this strange off time for fishing, my fishing catches upgraded. More fish & larger fish were caught. But then, by the end of April or May, I started getting catches of Yellows. Nothing over 12 or so pounds, but it seemed as if more Yellows were getting caught. So, I stayed with it thru the rest of 1982. In August 1981, I caught one Yellow during one session, of 28 pounds. The next week's session, with a friend of mine's Dad, I caught 5 with the biggest at 15#. I really had to wonder, as my catfish catches had took an upturn. Especially with the Yellows.

I eventually left Western Company in February 1982. And my fishing time was cut short as I was moving & had to work part time while looking for full time work elsewhere. By the end of April 1982, it seems I went from cement into concrete- Brazoz Valley Concrete. But this time as a mechanic. Sadly though, my special days off were now back to regular scheduled weekends, so if there was a pattern, I would be unable to follow it. After I started, the Lawson salesman gave me their calendar. I noticed it was a sort of hunt & fish calendar. As I looked at it, I realized if others thought there was some sort of pattern to hunt or fish, just maybe I had bumped into one on YellowCats. So I decided to backtrack & map my trajectory using those special days off, just to see if I had really stumbled into a true YellowCat pattern. So I made out plan outline of attack. I fixed up my Dad's old 1962 Elgin (from Sears for $70) as to adding a 1" drain, welded aluminum in the hull cracks, and having Red (main mechanic) spray paint it metallic blue on the outside, I had also gotten a 15 HP Sea King (by Chrysler) short & stocky shallow shoal motor (weighed in at a mere 47 pounds) by way of my brother-in-law & sister's assistance. I got it for $750 (half price during a sale at Montgomery Ward). The boat was sturdy & rated for a 7.5 HP, so I modified it at 3 areas (with braces) to withstand the excessive torque. It worked out fine. With just me & gear- 20 MPH tops, without gear- 25 MP.

As to my 1981 into early 1982 catfishing, I had fished mainly 3 rivers here locally off of TX 21- Navasota, Brazos, and Trinity. My father-in-law (living in Madisonville) had just gotten access thru a church member, to a park on the side of the Trinity River (it seems about 25 bends from TX 21 highway bridge). So I decided, I would test my calendar theory for 3 years to see if my hunch was correct (1983, 1984, and 1985). In actuality, it extended into April 1986. In those 3 1/2 years of research, I verified that not only did the pattern I stumbled into work for YellowCats (YC), but Gator Gars (GG) as well. And, I found a further more sporadic one for BlueCats (BC) as well. Sadly though, I did not pursue research on ChannelCats (CC), nor the other one referred to as WhiteCats (WC).

So, my first phase of research was on rivers & now confirmed. However, I wondered about lakes. I even came up with a special design trotline for lakes called "The Planter". I shared my basics with a Game Warden during the mid-1980s to see if might be legal. As far as he knew, it was legal. Sadly, family problems came such as divorce & we get diverted from some hoped projects just trying to survive. That is life. It was not until 2002, after my brother-in-law passed away, that actually paved the way. My sister encouraged us to start going camping & fishing. We eventually wound up getting a July 4th family trip set up at Running Branch Campground & Marina on the west of Lake Limestone. We fell in love with the place & the owners, and my sister reminded me of my calendar. So I decided it was time to go for phase 2- lakes, to see if it worked for lakes as well as rivers.

To cut it short, yes, it did. In the midst, I got an ACATS member up in Oklahoma to try it out to see if it worked there. It did, so it was not confined to Texas. And then I found 3 exceptional guys that would come to RB that I decided to assist with my calendar & yellowcat knowledge. But it took 2 years to finally get them to try. They had never caught a YellowCat. Their first 4 Yellows were caught within 30 days. Their 4th was a beast at 62 pounds in April 2008. So I nicknamed them as my 3 prize students (Jeff- father, James- son, & friend- Elvin). And along the road, they assisted with feedback, which helped to build more important data concerning the calendar & yellowcat info I already had acquired. As life takes us on our different paths, sadly Elvin was hit with major back problems shortly afterwards in 2008. In September 2011, even worse news, was the senseless brutal stabbings and deaths of Jeff & his 2nd wife, near Mart, Texas. I was able to get with James in 2013 & 2014 after my first ordeal. He had gotten married, acquired his Dad's (Jeff) boat/motor/trailer & was able to fish some more. But we have not touched base the past few years.

Of course, James has been the only one to actually see the head (nothing but head in his spotlight that night), and then the tail (he estimated it was at least 12" wide), of "The Giant" (a very huge Yellow)). Of which we have not caught yet. My last tango with him (the monstrous cat), was back on May 5th (Cinco de Mayo), 2018. So the drought of 2011 might have moved him, but at least I knew he was back, for sure, and still following his same path. And as far as I have heard, nobody has claimed to have finally bagged him. I still hope to accomplish that feat.

Utilizing the calendar helps you to concentrate your trips for the most volume. Be it just for pics & stories, or the meat you may want or need. Whether you run set lines or Rod-n-Reel, the calendar helps make it a more worthtwhile trip. I recall Dave finally catching so many that his neighbors started giving him nicknames. And if he lost a big one, it became No Big Deal, as he would just catch it on the next round. In a sense, the Calendar inspires confidence. Learn how to work the calendar to your advantage & you will be rewarded.

Should you need some pointers of the Calendar, or more YellowCat info, you are welcome to look back thru previous Calendar years here on the TFF reaching back to mid 2010.

Previously ...
2010 <http://texasfishingforum.com/forums/ubbthreads.php/topics/5176857/1>
2011 <http://texasfishingforum.com/forums/ubbthreads.php/topics/5657988/1>
2012 <http://texasfishingforum.com/forums/ubbthreads.php/topics/7059981/1>
2013 <http://texasfishingforum.com/forums/ubbthreads.php/topics/8477517/1>
2014 <http://texasfishingforum.com/forums/ubbthreads.php/topics/9620277/1>
2015 <http://texasfishingforum.com/forums/ubbthreads.php/topics/10541276/1>
2016 <http://texasfishingforum.com/forums/ubbthreads.php/topics/11325915/1>
2017 <http://texasfishingforum.com/forums/ubbthreads.php/topics/12013552/1>
2018 <http://texasfishingforum.com/forums/ubbthreads.php/topics/12556618/1>
2019 <https://texasfishingforum.com/forums/ubbthreads.php/topics/13015486/1>
2020 <https://texasfishingforum.com/forums/ubbthreads.php/topics/13397571/1>
2021 <https://texasfishingforum.com/forums/ubbthreads.php/topics/13838755/1>

And this year's ...
2022 <https://texasfishingforum.com/forums/ubbthreads.php/topics/14243314/1>

Without further ado, here is the calendar for January 2022

Lynn’s Catfish Calendar [LCC]- JANUARY 2022
Sunday / Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday / Saturday
XX / XX / XX / XX / XX / XX | 1 ZIP
2 ZIP | 3 BC | 4 BC | 5 YC | 6 YC | 7 YC | 8 ZIP
9 ZIP | 10 BC | 11 BC | 12 ZIP | 13 ZIP | 14 BC | 15 YC
16 YC | 17 BC | 18 BC | 19 BC | 20 BFT | 21 BC | 22 ZIP
23 ZIP | 24 BFT | 25 BFT | 26 BFT | 27 ZIP | 28 ZIP | 29 BC
30 ZIP | 31 BC

Lynn's Catfish Calendar [LCC]- January 2022 Moon Phases---
2nd- New Moon
9th- 1st Qtr
17th- Full Moon
25th- Last Qtr

TARGETOS (Multiple Target Briefs)---

Lynn's Catfish Calendar [LCC]- January 2022 Lynn's PYC (Prime YellowCat) Days (separate from the Calendar)---
***Decoded, it looks like this..
5/6/7 Wed/Thurs/Fri
15/16 Sat/Sun
24/25 Mon/Tues

Lynn's Catfish Calendar [LCC]- January 2022 Lynn's YC (YellowCat) Days (as to the Calendar)---
1st Week- NONE
2nd Week- 5/6/7 Wed/Thurs/Fri
3rd Week- 15 Sat
4th Week- 16 Sun
5th Week- NONE
6th Week- NONE

***You might want to try the PYC days for those weeks that do not have YC days listed on the Calendar.

EXTRA--- Targeted BC (BlueCat) days- January 2022, by each week, as to the Calendar:
1st Week- NONE
2nd Week- 3/4 Mon/Tues
3rd Week- 10/11/14/15 Mon/Tues/Fri/Sat
4th Week- 17/18/19/21 Mon/Tues/Wed/Thurs
5th Week- 29 Sat
6th Week- 31 Mon

EXTRA EXTRA--- Targeted (Buffet) days-- January 2022, by each week, as to the Calendar:
1st Week- NONE
2nd Week- NONE
3rd Week- NONE
4th Week- 20 Thurs
5th Week- 24/25/26 Mon/Tues/Wed
6th Week- NONE

Special Notes ...

** ALWAYS ... be sure to note that YC days are also great for Blues. So when you have a clump of BC & YC days, press forward. Like they say in pool (or billiards), Rack 'em Up!!!

*** And be sure to not get them (YC) confused with PYC days, as this (PYC) is my reference to the YellowCat underlying pattern. The YC days are the hardest pull for that day of the calendar, as to the 4 possible 'sigs" of mine [YC/BC/BFT/ZIP].

****This section below is just in case I can't find time on the keyboard just before or at the first few days. Plus it gives you the preview into the following month, so you are not left out in the cold, as to YC & BC days, as well as PYC days.

--->>> Next month's [February 2022] "Prelim" Look--

***As you can tell, I've been lagging behind by almost a week, so this covers things to make sure you are covered. Maybe things will catch up after this round.

And the earliest PYC days in February 2022 (according to Lynn's PYC pattern)---
2/3/4 Wed/Thurs/Fri
There are a total of 7 PYC days.

And the earliest YC days in February 2022 (according to the Calendar)---
11/12/13 Fri/Sat/Sun
There are a total of 3 YC days.

And the earliest BC days in February 2022 (according to the Calendar)---
1/6/7/8 Tues/Sun/Mon/Tues
There are a total of 11 BC days.
--->>>Remember that you can also make a good sweep of Blues on YC (YellowCat) days.
--->>>February is considered by some of us as Big blueCat month.

And the earliest BFT days in February 2022 (according to the Calendar)---
2/3 Wed/Thurs
There are a total of 7 BFT days.

Here's the 2022 KEY:
Lynn’s Catfish Calendar [LCC]- 2022 KEY:
YC = YellowCat // BC = BlueCat // BFT = Buffet (assorted) // ZIP = Zip (not very good)
Tip- Always bait out lines the night before a YC or BC day.
Tip- Gator Gars (GG) run ahead of YellowCats, so bait out late (between 11 PM to 1 AM).
Tip- BlueCats also bite good on YC days, but you can rack ‘em up on BC days.
Tip- Some variations or alterations are due to weather or other external influences.
Tip- For Rod-n-Reelers, use Solunar Tables (etc.) also for best times with my calendar.
Tip- Near Full Moon, Gator Gars & YellowCats seem to feed a few hours later.
Tip- Your biggest YellowCats may hit best towards beginning & end of YC or PYC days.
Tip- My PYC Days keys in on the YellowCat’s Feed/Roam Days Underlying Pattern.
Tip- Bleedover works both ways- Before & After a calendar day. Take advantage.
Tip- For better luck on ZIP days, try a stimulant (not natural) type bait, such as stink/punch/dough.
Tip- In my experiences, it seems ChannelCats (CC) bite best for me, on BFT days.

Wear that life jacket!!!

aka "Catfish"
Wet Rooster Jigs Fishing Super Store
Re: Lynn's Catfish Calendar [LCC] 2022 [Re: Catfish Lynn] #14276376 02/06/22 04:07 AM
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Lynn's Catfish Calendar [LCC] February 2022 (2-5-22 Sat. PM)

Colder Greetings!!!

Thank Goodness though, as it is not quite like Ice Bowl February 2021 last year!

We got sent home just about Noon or shortly after from work, as freezing rain had just began. Luckily, we were able to come back at 9 AM on Friday. Of course, the rain had turned to ice & the seal around the van & car doors froze the doors stuck. So it took a bit to break in & get them cranked. And it took a little longer to scrape the ice off the windshield. Kind of reminds me of that one T-Day trip at Lake Limestone. It got so cold & the freezing rain & sleet finally deterred us as we hit the bottom of the lake as that bitter north wind sank right thru to the bones. We wound up staying mostly at camp under our tarped & clear poly wall surrounding at the end of my truck's slide-on camper. We had my uncle's gas grill & not ony used it for warmth in our enclosure, but threw on some catfish steaks & grilled some BlueCat.

Ah, memories, quite cold ones. Almost as cold as back in February 1980, when me & my little brother-in-law Benny (12 years old) set out lines on the Brazos River off TX 21 with icycles falling off the rockwall while trying to stay warm & set a trotline. He'll never forget that one, as well as our end of September 1980 Brazos River trip from setting out up on The Falls near Marlin.

So if you are out there in this bitter cold, do be careful. Wear your lifejacket, as it not only will keep you afloat in any mishaps. Plus it will help keep your core warm should you have a spill into the water.

Without further delay, here is the calendar for February 2022

Lynn’s Catfish Calendar [LCC]- FEBRUARY 2022
Sunday / Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday / Saturday
XX / XX | 1 BC | 2 BFT | 3 BFT | 4 ZIP | 5 ZIP
6 BC | 7 BC | 8 BC | 9 ZIP | 10 ZIP | 11 YC | 12 YC
13 YC | 14 BC | 15 BC | 16 BFT | 17 BFT | 18 BC | 19 BC
20 ZIP | 21 BFT | 22 BFT | 23 ZIP | 24 ZIP | 25 BC | 26 BC
27 BFT | 28 BC

Lynn's Catfish Calendar [LCC]- February 2022 Moon Phases---
1st- New Moon
8th- 1st Qtr
16th- Full Moon
23rd- Last Qtr
***NOTE: This is not a Leap Year.

TARGETOS (Multiple Target Briefs)---

Lynn's Catfish Calendar [LCC]- February 2022 Lynn's PYC (Prime YellowCat) Days (separate from the Calendar)---
***Decoded, it looks like this...

12/13 Sat/Sun
21/22 Mon/Tues
1st Week- 2/3/4 Wed/Thurs/Fri
2nd Week- 12 Sat
3rd Week- 13 Sun
4th Week- 21/22 Mon/Tues
5th Week- NONE

Lynn's Catfish Calendar [LCC]- February 2022 Lynn's YC (YellowCat) Days (as to the Calendar)---
1st Week- NONE
2nd Week- 11/12 Fri/Sat
3rd Week- 13 Sun
4th Week- NONE
5th Week- NONE

***You might want to try the PYC days for those weeks that do not have YC days listed on the Calendar.

EXTRA--- Targeted BC (BlueCat) days- February 2022, by each week, as to the Calendar:
1st Week- 1 Tues
2nd Week- 6/7/8 Sun/Mon/Tues
3rd Week- 14/15/18/19 Mon/Tues/Fri/Sat
4th Week- 25/26 Fri/Sat
5th Week- 28 Mon
***--->>>FEBRUARY is considered by some of us as Big BlueCat month.

EXTRA EXTRA--- Targeted BFT (Buffet) days-- February 2022, by each week, as to the Calendar:
1st Week- 2/3 Wed/Thurs
2nd Week- NONE
3rd Week- 16/17 Wed/Thurs
4th Week- 21/22 Mon/Tues
5th Week- 27 Sun

Special Notes ...

** ALWAYS ... be sure to note that YC days are also great for Blues. So when you have a clump of BC & YC days, press forward. Like they say in pool (or billiards), Rack 'em Up!!!

*** And be sure to not get them (YC) confused with PYC days, as this (PYC) is my reference to the YellowCat underlying pattern. The YC days are the hardest pull for that day of the calendar, as to the 4 possible 'sigs" of mine [YC/BC/BFT/ZIP].

****This section below is just in case I can't find time on the keyboard just before or at the first few days. Plus it gives you the preview into the following month, so you are not left out in the cold, as to YC & BC days, as well as PYC days.

--->>> Next month's [March 2022] "Prelim" Look--

***As you know lately, I've been lagging behind by almost a week in posting the months, so this "Prelim" covers things to make sure you are informed of the first week at least.

And the earliest PYC days in March 2022 (according to Lynn's PYC pattern)---
1/2/3 Tues/Wed/Thurs
There are a total of 10 PYC days.

And the earliest YC days in March 2022 (according to the Calendar)---
11/12 Fri/Sun
There are a total of 4 YC days.

And the earliest BC days in March 2022 (according to the Calendar)---
6/7 Sun/Mon
There are a total of 8 BC days.
--->>>Remember that you can also make a good sweep of Blues on YC (YellowCat) days.

And the earliest BFT days in March 2022 (according to the Calendar)---
1/2 Tues/Wed
There are a total of 8 BFT days.

--->>>For the 2022 KEY, look back at January's post.

Be Safe!!!
Stay warm!!!
Don't say it, just do it- Wear that Lifejacket!!!

aka "Catfish"
Re: Lynn's Catfish Calendar [LCC] 2022 [Re: Catfish Lynn] #14283157 02/12/22 08:59 PM
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Catfish Lynn Offline OP
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In case you did not know ...

Especially for those chasing after ChannelCats

see <"In-Fisherman"> mag March/April 2022
My copy came in on Monday the 7th (of February)
Somehow, I am able to get mine (8 hard copy issues a year) for $6 a year

It is listed on the cover as "Science of Catfish Attraction"
and on p.1 listings of content
up top noted on p.48 -- "Concocting Baits Catfish Crave!"
and under Timely Topics for p.48-- "Inside the Catfish Lab: Science of Catfish Attraction"

The article covers 4 pages from pp.48-51 compiled by Dan Anerson.

It also lists the locations & amount of the 175,000 taste buds of a catfish.

It also touches upon the use (incorporation) of rattles (vibration) on p.51.

Also, the "lab" is dabbling on the use of lights (see p.51). And vision feeding is still unresolved.

There is still the color of baits or lures that is not yet established. However, Berkeley or Tru-Turn hooks had research up on the internet that indicated blood red hooks seem to get the most strikes. Possibly that red is visual of gills flared, which may indicate a wounded fish.

Also on p.77 (bottom half of page) is listings for the "In-Fisherman" 2022 Guides
3 guides are already available. Bass guide will be available on 3-15-22.
The Catfish Guide will be available on 4-19-22
Web-dress-->> <osgnewsstand.com>

Looking thru my notes, here is where that tidbit used to be on the Net- <???>
I thought I had it. Here is the first snip down below. as I did not have the Web-Dress (URL) included in my notes.

Blood Red Hooks snip ...
Description: Tru-Turn Hooks

A test by the U.S. Army resulted in their recommendation that Tru-Turn Hooks® be used in the Military Survival Fishing Kits. (Spec. # MIL-F-6218).

Tru-Turn Hooks® are designed to perform. The offset forces the point to turn towards the slightest touch to get the deepest possible hold.

Extensive research by an independent group at Auburn University proved that Tru-Turn Hooks® were significantly superior (in Hookup ratios) over all hooks tested. In fact, Bass Masters Magazine found the research so thorough they published the results.

How Tru-Turn's Cam Action Works

The offset forces the point to turn towards pressure. It's like stepping on a rake; it acts as a cam, forcing the handle to rise.

What's the Reason for Blood Red Hooks?

During extensive underwater testing, we found that every species in the test tank would strike dark red more than any other color combined. This dark red color simulates the Gill Flash of feeding fish. This is what stimulates the natural feeding response.

More extensive info on the red hooks can be found at ...


Bleeding Bait Hooks® HOW DO THEY WORK?

There ya go!

NOTE: if the URL does not pull up, give me a heads up & I'll post the extensive article info

aka "Catfish"
Re: Lynn's Catfish Calendar [LCC] 2022 [Re: Catfish Lynn] #14314014 03/13/22 06:28 AM
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Lynn's Catfish Calendar [LCC] March 2022 (3-13-22 Sun. Early AM)

Late Greetings!!!

Sadly, I have been delayed in posting the March calendar, due to the war in Ukraine starting February 24th. We are day 17 into that. As you may or may not know, my wife Elena & stepdaughter Helen were in Lugansk back in 2014, Russian rebels sent in by Putin, took over. I even have pictures of the Russians firing grenade launchers from the top of civilian apartment rooftops. It became necessary to get out of the area for safety, as bullets blazing back & forth were regular. So they packed up in Lugansk with very little & took a bus to a small village (town) across the border into Russia near Kharkiv. That was the end of May 2014. They were told that the skirmish should be over in 6 months. So they took no winter clothes. Well, it never stopped. In August, Helen was invited by her best friend to come to Kiev & live there at her friend's Aunt's place. Eventually, Elena & Papa S. had to renew their standard ID passport in Kharkiv. Papa S. headed back as he had work (jobs). Elena stayed there at a friend of the family's apartment. Finally, I talked Elena into the move to Kiev in April, as I knew Kharkiv was a hot spot that the Russians were trying to take over, like Donetsk & Lugansk. Thank goodness she moved to Kiev, as I am sure you have seen what the Russians have done to Ukraine's 2nd largest city- Kharkiv, in the past two weeks. And now, once again, the journey continues west, as she & Helen have to flee once again. Having to start over is one thing, but twice is just really hard. I have shared the tragic story of Joseph of Egypt to explain sometimes in the midst of turmoil, the ONE moves us to our destiny. Hopefully for better times. Daughter Helen was trapped in Bucha (west northwest of Kiev near Irpin, which has had heavy shelling). In Helen's underground shelter, about a week ago, a Russian shell entered their shelter. Everybody scattered out of the area. Obviously it was already spent, thank goodness. After some time, they removed it, just in case, then had to repair the puncture into the shelter. They were without power for 4 or 5 days. Somehow, they were evacuated safely & Helen joined Elena, on Friday. Sadly, Elena is in a tall civilian apartment building which may soon become a prime target for destruction. Then a decision had to be made. Due to the northern convoy setting up in an attack array, and the possibility of the Russians using biological or chemical weapons on Kiev, they head out Sunday morning in a friend's car (Helen will be driving) for the west, hoping to get to Lviv & then on to Poland. Oh, by the way, in case you did not know, there is a portion on a bloody Russian ruler named Vladimir in our future spoken of back in NBC's "Ancient Prophecies: 3" that aired on 2-28-1996 by Josep Terelya [a Ukrainian/Russian] (14th in its roster). There is also a book out on him, that shares more. Oh, one other side note, the Russian military vehicles that have come into Ukraine are painting the letter "Z" on them. Nobody is sure what it means, but I see that if you take another "Z" and plant in crossways on the other one, what does that symbol bring to mind? As they say, history repeats itself.

I was sort of hoping to be able to do a little fishing, if not at Lake Limestone, then the Navasota River downstream by the home here off TX highway 21, starting this March, but it looks like I have been running logistics of sorts, and may not get to go fishing until April now, as we have to figure out where their western journey destines them for the current moment.

Also, I heard on a local radio station that a recent research finding suggests that knitting is the number one thing to do for relaxation. My mom disagrees, even though she sewed for a living, and says it is tedious and challenging, not relaxing for her. The reason I bring this up, is guess what is number two for relaxation? Yep, it is fishing, whether you catch any or not. The radio DJ said I wonder what would happen if you could do both at the same time. Well, I doubt if we'll know the results of that, but I think I'll stick to just fishing.

Hey, by the way, don't forget to reset your clocks by springing forward one hour for Daylight Savings begins on Sunday March 13th in a few hours from now.

OK, here is the calendar for March 2022

Lynn’s Catfish Calendar [LCC]- MARCH 2022
Sunday / Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday / Saturday
XX / XX | 1 BFT | 2 BFT | 3 ZIP | 4 ZIP | 5 ZIP
6 BC | 7 BC | 8 ZIP | 9 ZIP | 10 ZIP | 11 YC | 12 YC
13 ZIP | 14 ZIP | 15 BC | 16 BFT | 17 BFT | 18 BC | 19 BC
20 YC | 21 YC | 22 ZIP | 23 ZIP | 24 BC | 25 BC | 26 BFT
27 BFT | 28 BFT | 29 BC | 30 BFT | 31 ZIP

Lynn's Catfish Calendar [LCC]- March 2022 Moon Phases---
2nd- New Moon
10th- 1st Qtr
18th- Full Moon
25th- Last Qtr

TARGETOS (Multiple Target Briefs)---

Lynn's Catfish Calendar [LCC]- March 2022 Lynn's PYC (Prime YellowCat) Days (separate from the Calendar)---
***Decoded, it looks like this...
1st Week- 1/2/3 Tues/Wed/Thurs
2nd Week- 11/12 Fri/Sat
3rd Week- NONE
4th Week- 20/21 Sun/Mon
5th Week- 28/29/30 Mon/Tues/Wed

Lynn's Catfish Calendar [LCC]- March 2022 Lynn's YC (YellowCat) Days (as to the Calendar)---
1st Week- NONE
2nd Week- 11/12 Fri/sat
3rd Week- NONE
4th Week- 20/21 Sun/Mon
5th Week- NONE

***You might want to try the PYC days for those weeks that do not have YC days listed on the Calendar.

EXTRA--- Targeted BC (BlueCat) days- March 2022, by each week, as to the Calendar:
1st Week- NONE
2nd Week- 6/7 Sun/Mon
3rd Week- 15/18/19 Tues/Fri/Sat
4th Week- 24/25 Thurs/Fri
5th Week- 29 Tues

EXTRA EXTRA--- Targeted BFT (Buffet) days-- March 2022, by each week, as to the Calendar:
1st Week- 1/2 Tues/Wed
2nd Week- NONE
3rd Week- 16/17 Wed/Thurs
4th Week- 26 Sat
5th Week- 27/28/30 Sun/Mon/Wed

Special Notes ...

** ALWAYS ... be sure to note that YC days are also great for Blues. So when you have a clump of BC & YC days, press forward. Like they say in pool (or billiards), Rack 'em Up!!!

*** And be sure to not get them (YC) confused with PYC days, as this (PYC) is my reference to the YellowCat underlying pattern. The YC days are the hardest pull for that day of the calendar, as to the 4 possible 'sigs" of mine [YC/BC/BFT/ZIP].

****This section below is just in case I can't find time on the keyboard just before or at the first few days. Plus it gives you the preview into the following month, so you are not left out in the cold, as to YC & BC days, as well as PYC days.

--->>> Next month's [April 2022] "Prelim" Look--

***As you know lately, I've been lagging behind by almost a week in posting the months, so this "Prelim" covers things to make sure you are informed of the first week at least.

And the earliest PYC days in April 2022 (according to Lynn's PYC pattern)---
7/8 & 16/17 Thurs/Fri & Fri/Sat
There are a total of 7 PYC days.

And the earliest YC days in April 2022 (according to the Calendar)---
7/8 & 16/17 Thurs/Fri & Fri/Sat
There are a total of 6 YC days.

And the earliest BC days in April 2022 (according to the Calendar)---
12/14/15 & 18/19/20/21/22 Tues/Thurs/Fri & Mon/Tues/Wed/Thurs/Fri
There are a total of 8 BC days.
--->>>Remember that you can also make a good sweep of Blues on YC (YellowCat) days.

And the earliest BFT days in April 2022 (according to the Calendar)---
13 & 23/24 Wed & Sat/Sun
There are a total of 3 BFT days.

Here's the KEY again for 2022:

Lynn’s Catfish Calendar [LCC]- 2022 KEY:
YC = YellowCat // BC = BlueCat // BFT = Buffet (assorted) // ZIP = Zip (not very good)
Tip- Always bait out lines the night before a YC or BC day.
Tip- Gator Gars (GG) run ahead of YellowCats, so bait out late (between 11 PM to 1 AM).
Tip- BlueCats also bite good on YC days, but you can rack ‘em up on BC days.
Tip- Some variations or alterations are due to weather or other external influences.
Tip- For Rod-n-Reelers, use Solunar Tables (etc.) also for best times with my calendar.
Tip- Near Full Moon, Gator Gars & YellowCats seem to feed a few hours later.
Tip- Your biggest YellowCats may hit best towards beginning & end of YC or PYC days.
Tip- My PYC Days keys in on the YellowCat’s Feed/Roam Days Underlying Pattern.
Tip- Bleedover works both ways- Before & After a calendar day. Take advantage.
Tip- For better luck on ZIP days, try a stimulant (not natural) type bait, such as stink/punch/dough.
Tip- In my experiences, it seems ChannelCats (CC) bite best for me, on BFT days.

Be Safe!!!
Be aware of high winds!!!
Simply put--- Wear that Lifejacket!!!

aka "Catfish"
Re: Lynn's Catfish Calendar [LCC] 2022 [Re: Catfish Lynn] #14324364 03/23/22 08:45 PM
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QuirkyCarp2000 Offline
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"We eventually wound up getting a July 4th family trip set up at Running Branch Campground & Marina on the west of Lake Limestone. We fell in love with the place & the owners, and my sister reminded me of my calendar."

Looks like you know the owners of Running Branch on Lake Limestone. Do they still own the place there?

Also, is Yellow cats known by any other names? I've never heard of that kind of catfish.

Re: Lynn's Catfish Calendar [LCC] 2022 [Re: Catfish Lynn] #14325382 03/24/22 09:32 PM
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jippedgenes Offline
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Thanks Lynn

Re: Lynn's Catfish Calendar [LCC] 2022 [Re: Catfish Lynn] #14326496 03/26/22 10:11 AM
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Catfish Lynn Offline OP
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Sorry for delay in getting back to you. I managed to get Wife Elena & Stepdaughter Helen out of Kiev, Ukraine. Helen was in Bucha (Buca), next to Irpin, on the west northwest side getting pounded from the Russians. They were evacuated safely finally around the 11th. She made it safely to Elena on the east southwest side halfway to the Borispol airport. I finally talked them into leaving, as I knew it was getting worse. They were given a friend's car to drive to Poland & hand it over to relatives of her friend there in Warsaw on the 14th. After a few days they flew to the country of Georgia. Helen may stay there. But Elena will be going to Egypt or maybe here, since Biden opened the USA for 100,000 refugees on Thursday. We shall see.

OK, as to Running Branch Marina & Campground, my sister wrote me the other day that Darrell & Nancy finally sold the place recently. Nancy was having health problems. From what she gathers, it is under new management & still open. The phone number is still the same. Another reason I like it there, is that it has a very long 15 minute "putt-putt" no wake zone heading out into the main lake on the western fork of Lake Limestone. If the wind is strong from the north, it is protected better or much smoother than out on the main body of the lake which can be quite treacherous. So if it is too rough on the main north-south lake, you can still get out in the Running Branch fork.

As for YellowCats, there are other names as well. One is flat head. Another is shovel head, as the head may actually look like a square point shovel on the back side if turned over. They are even known as "Mud Cats" & the reason for this, is that they actually, when they sense they are in danger, even though preferring hard ground for their travels, will dive & burrow under logs or down into the mud to anchor themselves (and create like a suction cup). And another name for some is an Op, short for Opelousas, which signifies that they are splotchy or spotty as to their skin appearance. Over the years, I have found in my years of study and observations that these Ops, seem to be shorter & wider, as well as more muscular, than what I term as PJs (Plain Janes). The PJs seem to be slimmer, longer & not as muscular. But do not let that fool you, they all have very powerful diving capacity. If caught offguard, a big one can literally take you out of a smaller boat. While a BlueCat can make your jug bob under for a bit going down, then eventually tire out to finally give, and your jug come flying up out of the water, a YellowCat can dive, and lock into or under something, to keep your jug down under for even a day or so.That's how powerful they are. And while many think the stories of some near dams in a lake being huger than can be imagined seem to be a fairy tale. And yet, one diver told my uncle back in the 1970s that he had personally seen these really big ones in Lake Whitney, it may be very well true, not just some fancy tale.

Glad the calendar helps! It's another tool in your arsenal of catfishing. Remember, as they say, timing is everything. For instance, did you know that when riled up or awakened, a Yellow will do the "nod", a timed twist back & forth of their head? It is like a pattern. Unless you just totally riled them up to dive. When caught & brought to the surface, some will run a figure "8" if they are caught & cannot get away. The timing is so precise, you can actually zero in with accuracy to swoop your net down and have them go right into it. I did this with "Big'Un" back in July 1985. As it ran the figure "8" pattern, I timed it to swoop down as it came into the net, while continuing around to bring the net & fish around from the front to come almost 180 degrees (half circle) right into the boat. If you run set lines, if you do not play rough, you will feel the nod of a YellowCat. Blues & Channels do not have this precision, as they are more at random in their "twist & shouts".

Also, in the latest issue of the TP&W magazine, it warns of dumping your aquarium fish into our Texas lakes & rivers.One in particular, is the armored catfish which seems it averages eventually or can get get up to about 2 feet long. You may also know this one as the familiar "algae eater" in aquariums. They say it is very invasive & can devastate an area. So do not dump your exotic aquarium fish into public waters, as they can wreak havoc in our eco-balance of nature & fishing adventures.

Oh, almost forgot. the reason for being called YellowCats, is that their skin eventually turns to a more yellowish tint in captivity or when they are out of the water a bit (or perhaps in shallower water). Perhaps this is one reason they do not like being pulled up into the daylight or spotlight at night. A YellowCat prefers staying "down under" & seems to be more nocturnal than Blues or Channels.

aka "Catfish"
Re: Lynn's Catfish Calendar [LCC] 2022 [Re: Catfish Lynn] #14327398 03/27/22 05:38 PM
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QuirkyCarp2000 Offline
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Glad to hear that your family is getting safer over there.

Thanks for your response. I heard of flathead catfish, I never knew they were also known as yellow cats or any other names.

Re: Lynn's Catfish Calendar [LCC] 2022 [Re: Catfish Lynn] #14339335 04/09/22 09:54 PM
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Lynn's Catfish Calendar [LCC] April 2022 (4-9-22 Sat. PM)

As I noted last month, due to the Ukraine war instigated by Putin, my fishing was delayed in March to April. But now I may have to wait until May or the first of the summer regardless of where I might go.

Elena (wife) & Helen (daughter) drove a friend of Helen's car & made it to Ternopil (about 2/3rds of the way to Poland (last big city before Lviv) by Sunday March 13th evening. They got out of Kiev safely. About 3 PM Monday (14th) they hit the border & cleared it about 5:30 PM. Helen drove on to Warsaw. They checked into a hotel there. Helen's portion was paid for, as she was on a list that a gentleman paid for every day. Elena only had to pay a very small portion. Tuesday morning, Helen called the relatives of her friend, to which they came & got the keys & the car. However, regardless of how friendly & helpful the Polish people were to Ukrainian refugees, Putin started hitting the western side and fears were that it would come on into Poland soon. So both of them flew to Georgia (country) Friday night (3-19) & were there Saturday about 3:30 AM. Anyway, we are still gathering information on which option is best. Sadly though, Putin has two paw prints into Georgia similar to Lugansk, Donetsk, and Crimea, as well as one in Moldova. A friend of Helen's moved or fled from Kiev to Georgia & payed for one of their plane tickets. Helen may stay in Georgia. I have had no luck in red tape to get Elena here, so it looks like Egypt at the tip of the Sinai Peninsula. Some friends of hers have offered their apartment for free. In a few years I will be headed to Egypt for some research I'm doing, so we would rendevous there. While we breathe a sigh of relief, Mama T. & Papa S. are in Lugansk trying to live a peaceful life after having to flee back in 2014. Ukraine has issued a warning for those in the east to evacuate, as they are going after the Russian troops & want civilians out of harm's way. So, it seems there is no safety. I almost forgot to mention, from day 2 to 3 for almost 2 weeks, Helen & others were in an underground shelter. Helen's apartment was in Bucha. She is lucky to be alive, as she was evacuated just before the Russians took it over & massacred many there, as Bucha has been in the news the past week due to the atrocities committed there.

I shared this brief, last month:
Oh, by the way, in case you did not know, there is a portion on a bloody Russian ruler named Vladimir in our future spoken of back in NBC's "Ancient Prophecies: 3" that aired on 2-28-1996 by Josep Terelya [a Ukrainian/Russian] (14th in its roster). There is also a book out on him, that shares more.
This future ruler named Vladimir (gee, I wonder who it could be) also calls for the destruction of Isreal. Oh, now I have your attention. Terelya also was shown by Mother Mary of fires across Russia & the giant California superquake.

Back to fishing, I don't know about you, but we have been having some high winds here.

In the current issue I received on 4-4-22 of "In-Fisherman" mag Volume 47, #2 (May 2022), see p.10 in "Bits & Pieces" on the article titled "Flathead Diets at Extreme Flows". This research share comes from a study on what YellowCats eat during high water (flooding), standard level, and drought back in 2011 & 2012 by the University of Nebraska. Further, on pp.50-53 is the article titled "Creeking for ChannelCats".

'Nuff said, here is the calendar for April 2022

Lynn’s Catfish Calendar [LCC]- APRIL 2022
Sunday / Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday / Saturday
XX / XX / XX / XX / XX | 1 ZIP | 2 ZIP
3 ZIP | 4 ZIP | 5 ZIP | 6 ZIP | 7 YC | 8 YC | 9 ZIP
10 ZIP | 11 ZIP | 12 BC | 13 BFT | 14 BC | 15 BC | 16 YC
17 YC | 18 BC | 19 BC | 20 BC | 21 BC | 22 BC | 23 BFT
24 BFT | 25 YC | 26 YC | 27 ZIP | 28 ZIP | 29 ZIP | 30 ZIP

Lynn's Catfish Calendar [LCC]- April 2022 Moon Phases---
1st- New Moon
9th- 1st Qtr
16th- Full Moon
23rd- Last Qtr
30th- New Moon

TARGETOS (Multiple Target Briefs)---

Lynn's Catfish Calendar [LCC]- April 2022 Lynn's PYC (Prime YellowCat) Days (separate from the Calendar)---
***Decoded, it looks like this...
1st Week- NONE
2nd Week- 7/8 Thurs/Fri
3rd Week- 16 Sat
4th Week- 17 Sun
5th Week- 24/25/26 Sun/Mon/Tues

Lynn's Catfish Calendar [LCC]- April 2022 Lynn's YC (YellowCat) Days (as to the Calendar)---
1st Week- NONE
2nd Week- 7/8 Thurs/Fri
3rd Week- 16 Sat
4th Week- 17 Sun
5th Week- 25/26 Mon/Tues

***You might want to try the PYC days for those weeks that do not have YC days listed on the Calendar.

EXTRA--- Targeted BC (BlueCat) days- April 2022, by each week, as to the Calendar:
1st Week- NONE
2nd Week- NONE
3rd Week- 12/14/15 Tues/Thurs/Fri
4th Week- 18/19/20/21/22
5th Week- NONE

EXTRA EXTRA--- Targeted BFT (Buffet) days-- April 2022, by each week, as to the Calendar:
1st Week- NONE
2nd Week- NONE
3rd Week- 13 Wed
4th Week- 23 Sat
5th Week- 24 Sun

Special Notes ...

** ALWAYS ... be sure to note that YC days are also great for Blues. So when you have a clump of BC & YC days, press forward. Like they say in pool (or billiards), Rack 'em Up!!!

*** And be sure to not get them (YC) confused with PYC days, as this (PYC) is my reference to the YellowCat underlying pattern. The YC days are the hardest pull for that day of the calendar, as to the 4 possible 'sigs" of mine [YC/BC/BFT/ZIP].

****This section below is just in case I can't find time on the keyboard just before or at the first few days. Plus it gives you the preview into the following month, so you are not left out in the cold, as to YC & BC days, as well as PYC days.

--->>> Next month's [May 2022] "Prelim" Look--

***As you know lately, I've been lagging behind by almost a week in posting the months, so this "Prelim" covers things to make sure you are informed of the first week at least.

And the earliest PYC days in May 2022 (according to Lynn's PYC pattern)---
4/5 Wed/Thurs
There are a total of 7 PYC days.

And the earliest YC days in Nay 2022 (according to the Calendar)---
4/5/6 Wed/Thurs/Fri
There are a total of 7 YC days.

And the earliest BC days in May 2022 (according to the Calendar)---
9/10/11/13 Mon/Tues/Wed/Fri
There are a total of 7 BC days.
--->>>Remember that you can also make a good sweep of Blues on YC (YellowCat) days.

And the earliest BFT days in May 2022 (according to the Calendar)---
18/19/20/21 Wed/Thurs/Fri/Sat
There are a total of 4 BFT days.

Back up to March for the KEY.

Be Safe!!!
Watch out for those high winds!!!
Wear that Lifejacket!!!

aka "Catfish"
Re: Lynn's Catfish Calendar [LCC] 2022 [Re: Catfish Lynn] #14360385 05/05/22 03:42 AM
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Lynn's Catfish Calendar [LCC] May 2022 (5-4-22 Wed. PM)

Brief on wife Elena & daughter Helen, both are still in Georgia (country). It looks as if mid-May, daughter has decided to go back to Kiev. That is her decision, since she is an adult. Her apartment building is still standing (in Bucha), but not sure if anything is salvageable. Unsure of damage to her apartment until she gets there. Elena will be heading on to Egypt in mid June to an apartment from friends there. She & I will rendevous there in a few years, as I have some research to conduct there, related to the Giza Pyramids & the Sphinx.

So my fishing saddle is still held back until I get Elena settled.

It seems we are still experiencing high March winds into May.

Oh yeah, a few years back, Justin & I were talking & I believe we declared that May 15th was National YellowCat Day. It seems we tend to catch some nice YellowCats around mid-May.

Back on 4-16-22 I got my May 2002 issue of Game & Fish mag (SOUTH edition) in. There is an article on herding channelCats in differenmt types of water bodies starting on pp.56-59. Also on p.6, one item you can find on the mag's website, is the 6 best YellowCat (FlatHead) baits- <GAFMAG.com>

'Nuff said, here is the calendar for May 2022

Lynn’s Catfish Calendar [LCC]- MAY 2022
Sunday / Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday / Saturday
1 ZIP | 2 ZIP | 3 ZIP | 4 YC | 5 YC | 6 YC | 7 ZIP
8 ZIP | 9 BC | 10 BC | 11 BC | 12 ZIP | 13 BC | 14 YC
15 YC | 16 BC | 17 BC | 18 BFT | 19 BFT | 20 BFT | 21 BFT
22 YC | 23 YC | 24 ZIP | 25 ZIP | 26 ZIP | 27 BC | 28 ZIP
29 ZIP | 30 ZIP | 31 ZIP

Lynn's Catfish Calendar [LCC]- May 2022 Moon Phases---
8th- 1st Qtr
16th- Full Moon (16th in an almanac/15th on a calendar)
22nd- Last Qtr
30th- New Moon

TARGETOS (Multiple Target Briefs)---

Lynn's Catfish Calendar [LCC]- May 2022 Lynn's PYC (Prime YellowCat) Days (separate from the Calendar)---
***Decoded, it looks like this...
1st Week- 4/5 Wed/Thurs
2nd Week- 13/14 Fri/Sat
3rd Week- 21 Sat
4th Week- 22/23 Sun/Mon
5th Week- 31 Tues

Lynn's Catfish Calendar [LCC]- May 2022 Lynn's YC (YellowCat) Days (as to the Calendar)---
1st Week- 4/5/6 Wed/Thurs/Fri
2nd Week- 13/14 Fri/Sat
3rd Week- 15 Sun
4th Week- 22/23 Sun/Mon
5th Week- NONE

***You might want to try the PYC days for those weeks that do not have YC days listed on the Calendar.

EXTRA--- Targeted BC (BlueCat) days- May 2022, by each week, as to the Calendar:
1st Week- NONE
2nd Week- 9/10/11/13 Mon/Tues/Wed/Fri
3rd Week- 16/17 Mon/Tues
4th Week- 27 Fri
5th Week- NONE

EXTRA EXTRA--- Targeted BFT (Buffet) days-- May 2022, by each week, as to the Calendar:
1st Week- NONE
2nd Week- NONE
3rd Week- 18/19/20/21 Wed/Thurs/Fri/Sat
4th Week- NONE
5th Week- NONE

Special Notes ...

** ALWAYS ... be sure to note that YC days are also great for Blues. So when you have a clump of BC & YC days, press forward. Like they say in pool (or billiards), Rack 'em Up!!!

*** And be sure to not get them (YC) confused with PYC days, as this (PYC) is my reference to the YellowCat underlying pattern. The YC days are the hardest pull for that day of the calendar, as to the 4 possible 'sigs" of mine [YC/BC/BFT/ZIP].

****This section below is just in case I can't find time on the keyboard just before or at the first few days. Plus it gives you the preview into the following month, so you are not left out in the cold, as to YC & BC days, as well as PYC days.

--->>> Next month's [June 2022] "Prelim" Look--

***As you know lately, I've been lagging behind by almost a week in posting the months, so this "Prelim" covers things to make sure you are informed of the first week at least.

And the earliest PYC days in June 2022 (according to Lynn's PYC pattern)---
(31)/1 & 9/10/11 (Tues)/Wed & Thurs/Fri/Sat
There are a total of 9 PYC days.

And the earliest YC days in June 2022 (according to the Calendar)---
2 & 11 Thurs & Sat
There are a total of 6 YC days.

And the earliest BC days in June 2022 (according to the Calendar)---
6/7 & 12/13 Mon/Tues & Sun/Mon
There are a total of 6 BC days.
--->>>Remember that you can also make a good sweep of Blues on YC (YellowCat) days.

And the earliest BFT days in June 2022 (according to the Calendar)---
1 & 10 Wed & Fri
There are a total of 6 BFT days.

Here's the 2022 KEY once again ...
Lynn’s Catfish Calendar [LCC]- 2022 KEY:
YC = YellowCat // BC = BlueCat // BFT = Buffet (assorted) // ZIP = Zip (not very good)
Tip- Always bait out lines the night before a YC or BC day.
Tip- Gator Gars (GG) run ahead of YellowCats, so bait out late (between 11 PM to 1 AM).
Tip- BlueCats also bite good on YC days, but you can rack ‘em up on BC days.
Tip- Some variations or alterations are due to weather or other external influences.
Tip- For Rod-n-Reelers, use Solunar Tables (etc.) also for best times with my calendar.
Tip- Near Full Moon, Gator Gars & YellowCats seem to feed a few hours later.
Tip- Your biggest YellowCats may hit best towards beginning & end of YC or PYC days.
Tip- My PYC Days keys in on the YellowCat’s Feed/Roam Days Underlying Pattern.
Tip- Bleedover works both ways- Before & After a calendar day. Take advantage.
Tip- For better luck on ZIP days, try a stimulant (not natural) type bait, such as stink/punch/dough.
Tip- In my experiences, it seems ChannelCats (CC) bite best for me, on BFT days.

Be Safe!!!
High winds still to be reckoned with!!!
Wear that Lifejacket!!!

aka "Catfish"
Re: Lynn's Catfish Calendar [LCC] 2022 [Re: Catfish Lynn] #14389751 06/10/22 03:23 AM
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Lynn's Catfish Calendar [LCC] June 2022 (6-9-22 Thurs. PM)

Sorry for delay, way too many irons in the fire here on my end. Jimmy (my cousin) & I still have not managed to escape & at least go fishing 1.5 miles down the highway on the river, much less anywhere else.

Brief on wife Elena & daughter Helen-
Helen finally was able to fly out of Georgia. First attempt onm the 15th was refused as they stated Poland was a (western) Europe country & she would need either an international passport or a special visa. It seems that would take up to 3 months. So she finally figured out a loophole & flew to Moldova instead (eastern Europe country). From there, she took a bus to Kiev. In Bucha (where the atrocities occurred), her apartment building was still standing. It seems her apartment was not looted & everything was still there. But plenty of shattered glass and also lead (from shelling). She cleaned the apartment & noted chips in the concrete walls here & there (probably from shell shock). Now she is emptying Elena's apartment so the landlady can rent it out to someone else.

Elena is still in Ureki by the Black Sea, but already has her plane ticket purchased. Her trip takes her from Batumi to Istanbul, then on to Sharm El Sheikh (southern tip of Egypt's Sinai Peninsula) on the 15th thru the 16th. Once arrived there, her friends will meet her & they will take a 12 hour bus trip to the village where their apartment awaits Elena.

It looks like we are still stuck with high winds here & there.
Ans now, the brunt or brute heat. Here we have 104 for this weekend (minimum of 108 heat index).

OK, here's some catfish articles in recent mags ...

"In-Fisherman" mag June 2022 (Vol. 47, No. 3) <in-fisherman.com>
On the Hook for Catfish (noted on cover)
under Timely Topics- "A 'Point' for Cats"
Hook Options & Sinker Systems on pp.46-51

"Game & Fish"- "South" ed. mag June/July 2022 <GAFMAG.COM>
Live- Bait Tricks That Catch More Catfish (noted on cover)
Going Live-
Feed finicky catfish these live baits for full stringers all summer pp.62-65

Here your calendar for June 2022

Lynn’s Catfish Calendar [LCC]- JUNE 2022
Sunday / Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday / Saturday
XX / XX / XX | 1 BFT | 2 YC | 3 ZIP | 4 ZIP
5 ZIP | 6 BC | 7 BC | 8 ZIP | 9 ZIP | 10 BFT | 11 YC
12 BC | 13 BC | 14 BFT | 15 BFT | 16 YC | 17 YC | 18 YC
19 YC | 20 ZIP | 21 ZIP | 22 ZIP | 23 BC | 24 BC | 25 ZIP
26 ZIP | 27 ZIP | 28 BFT | 29 BFT | 30 ZIP

Lynn's Catfish Calendar [LCC]- June 2022 Moon Phases---
7th- 1st Qtr
14th- Full Moon
20th- Last Qtr
28th- New Moon

TARGETOS (Multiple Target Briefs)---

Lynn's Catfish Calendar [LCC]- June 2022 Lynn's PYC (Prime YellowCat) Days (separate from the Calendar)---
***Decoded, it looks like this...
1st Week- (31)/1 Tues/Wed
2nd Week- 9/10/11 Thurs/Fri/Sat
3rd Week- NONE
4th Week- 19/20 Sun/Mon
5th Week- 38/29 Tues/Wed

Lynn's Catfish Calendar [LCC]- June 2022 Lynn's YC (YellowCat) Days (as to the Calendar)---
1st Week- 2 Thurs
2nd Week- 11 Sat
3rd Week- 16/17/18 Thurs/Fri/Sat
4th Week- 19 Sun
5th Week- NONE

***You might want to try the PYC days for those weeks that do not have YC days listed on the Calendar.

EXTRA--- Targeted BC (BlueCat) days- June 2022, by each week, as to the Calendar:
1st Week- NONE
2nd Week- 6/7 Mon/Tues
3rd Week- 12/13 Sun/Mon
4th Week- 23/24 Thurs/Fri
5th Week- NONE

EXTRA EXTRA--- Targeted BFT (Buffet) days-- June 2022, by each week, as to the Calendar:
1st Week- 1 Wed
2nd Week- 10 Fri
3rd Week- 14/15 Tues/Wed
4th Week- NONE
5th Week- 28/29 Tues/Wed

Special Notes ...

** ALWAYS ... be sure to note that YC days are also great for Blues. So when you have a clump of BC & YC days, press forward. Like they say in pool (or billiards), Rack 'em Up!!!

*** And be sure to not get them (YC) confused with PYC days, as this (PYC) is my reference to the YellowCat underlying pattern. The YC days are the hardest pull for that day of the calendar, as to the 4 possible 'sigs" of mine [YC/BC/BFT/ZIP].

****This section below is just in case I can't find time on the keyboard just before or at the first few days. Plus it gives you the preview into the following month, so you are not left out in the cold, as to YC & BC days, as well as PYC days.

--->>> Next month's [July 2022] "Prelim" Look--

***As you know lately, I've been lagging behind by almost a week in posting the months, so this "Prelim" covers things to make sure you are informed of the first week at least.

And the earliest PYC days in July 2022 (according to Lynn's PYC pattern)---
7/8/9 Thurs/Fri/Sat
There are a total of 7 PYC days.

And the earliest YC days in July 2022 (according to the Calendar)---
14/15/16/17 Thurs/Fri/Sat/Sun
There are a total of 5 YC days.

And the earliest BC days in July 2022 (according to the Calendar)---
3/4 & 10/11 Sun/Mon & Sun/Mon
There are a total of 8 BC days.
--->>>Remember that you can also make a good sweep of Blues on YC (YellowCat) days.

And the earliest BFT days in July 2022 (according to the Calendar)---
8/9 Fri/Sun
There are a total of 6 BFT days.

Back up to May for the 2022 KEY.

Wear that Lifejacket!!!

aka "Catfish"
Re: Lynn's Catfish Calendar [LCC] 2022 [Re: Catfish Lynn] #14389797 06/10/22 10:35 AM
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Lynn, it's been interesting following Elena and Helen's story through the last few months. It's a blessing that they have been able to navigate through all this safely and not become one of the statistics of Putin's insanity. I can't imagine how many sleepless nights you've had. God bless your family!

Re: Lynn's Catfish Calendar [LCC] 2022 [Re: Catfish Lynn] #14391680 06/12/22 05:14 PM
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Sadly, Putin (like Hitler) is not over & done with. It is kind of like the saying, As you might say to Putin, I know you are lying., because your lips are moving.

Since getting back to Bucha (outskirts of Kiev), missiles or rockets were fired into Kiev, but daughter Helen is OK. She is clearing Elena's apartment out & hopes to hand off the keys to Elena-3 (landlady), so she can rent out to someone else. But she still wants Elena to pay half month's rent since the war began.

Mama T & Papa S went back to Lugansk finally in 2015 or 2016, but have to keep a low profile. They were used to doing that back in the previous days under the USSR. Elena basically had to abandon her apartment there with a lot of items still in it. But Mama T looks over it from time to time. They are OK & surviving (as of yesterday). When ithe invasion of Ukraine began, there were false flag operations going off in Lugansk & Donetsk. They were trying to hustle all there to go on into Russia for their safety. But they refused as they knew it was just a ploy.

As for me, I seemed to dodge the bullet for COVid at least 3 major times. In each case somebody right next to me got COVid the next day (a co-worker, she died about a month later), my granddaughter (then the rest of her family got it- my daughter, son-in-law & grandson), and my niece (my nephew's daughter, as she got it from her mother's family).

But, I am optimistic & looking forward to at least going down to the river down the road by September or October to finally get a break & relax & fish (when its cooler) and everybody is as safe as possible. Then, just maybe, I can get back to Lake Limestone & tackle "The Giant" in the Fall. I must say, if you can get out on the water now, feel blessed to be able to do so while you can. Just be sure & watch the winds & now, also the heat.

May the Catfishin' Force carry on!
Whichever style you prefer (as long as its legal)!

aka "Catfish"
Re: Lynn's Catfish Calendar [LCC] 2022 [Re: Catfish Lynn] #14412136 07/05/22 01:40 AM
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Lynn's Catfish Calendar [LCC] July 2022 (7-4-22 Mon. PM)

Happy July 4th to everyone!!!

I hope you are staying hydrated & not getting a heat stroke. Whew! Talk about heat. In the past two weeks, Mom's bedroom window AC unit went out. The next day, one of two AC window units upstairs in my study (my uncle called it the "treehouse) went out. Then the two in my old bedroom, which supplies cool air here into the library at the keyboard seem to give out cool air, but not enough as it is 92 here at the keyboard. Then a box fan went out (quit) in the utility room. So things here have gotten a tad bit warmer since last month, especially with the 100+ temperatures. I hope you are faring much better.

Update on wife Elena & daughter Helen-
Helen is doing OK in Bucha (ENE of Kiev). Her windows of her apartment are still patched up, including with paper towels. She also managed to get Elena's items from her apartment on WSW of Kiev (towards Borispol International airport) into a storage unit, so the landlady could rent it out to someone else. Sadly, there are still rockets or missiles coming into Kiev here & there.

Elena arrived in Egypt on June 16th early in the morning by flight into Sharm El Sheikh (City of Peace). From there, she & her friends took a bus some 12 hours. Come to find out, they are actually located in the Nile Delta about 38 miles southwest of Alexandria. So she is almost completely a diagonal opposite of where she thought she would be. She could have flown there & been an hour away. The family there are taking very good care of her. However, the temperature there is about 108+ so it has been a tough go. No air conditioning, but two very large fans are in her room. The second was installed to help her cope with the heat. She notes that the Egyptian people are so very friendly. So she is trying to outlast the heat which may go into October.

As for me, I am currently building another bedroom & bathroom for my Mom who basicaly is confined to a Hoveround electric chair, so that she can get up close to the bed or commode.

Cousin Jimmy seems to have caught COVid two weeks ago & was cleared 6 days ago to get back to work.

So there has just been no end to the fun, which seems to have delayed us further from doing any fishing. But I think somehow here in the next month, I plan to sneak down the road (highwy) to do at least an hour or so of bank fishing. In this heat, it will definitely be in the wee hours of the early morning. I fried some BlueCat from our T-Day trip of 2010 & a pretty good size channelcat the previous weekend (June 26th). Then we had some Barbecued BlueCat (from T-Day 2010 Trip) Tuesday night (28th). What you do, is get some Kraft original or hickory smoked BBQ sauce, a pan, spread out your pieces (try not to have too thick, with a little water in the pan. Dab BBQ sauce on top. Put in the broiler for a few minues. Flip them over. Dab some more on, then check to see if they fall apart by a fork easily. Qwik & interesting!!!

Here in the next week or so, plans are to chicken fry some catfish. Yes, you heard me right. My first wife got tired of the standard fried batter fish & decided to try something different. Most interesting!!! Not the normal fish fry taste. You have to try it at least once. You dab the parts or fillets in flour, then the whipped eggs, back into the flour. Just be sure & salt & pepper or put some Tony's creole (or both) on the fish first. Then either deep fry or fry in the skillet.

I try to use Bake-Rite since Mrs. Tucker's shortening is no longer available. The labels seem to be the same, as to the information (ingredient wise). Vegetable shortening or oil does not fry as crisp. My uncle told me that my grandmother always used Mrs. Tucker's. Man, could she cook on that cast iron stove.

Here your calendar for July 2022

Lynn’s Catfish Calendar [LCC]- JULY 2022
Sunday / Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday / Saturday
XX / XX / XX / XX / XX | 1 ZIP | 2 ZIP
3 BC | 4 BC | 5 ZIP | 6 ZIP | 7 ZIP | 8 BFT | 9 BFT
10 BC | 11 BC | 12 BFT | 13 BFT | 14 YC | 15 YC | 16 YC
17 YC | 18 ZIP | 19 ZIP | 20 BC | 21 BC | 22 BC | 23 ZIP
24 ZIP | 25 YC | 26 BFT | 27 BFT | 28 ZIP | 29 ZIP | 30 ZIP
31 BC

Lynn's Catfish Calendar [LCC]- July 2022 Moon Phases---
6th- 1st Qtr
13th- Full Moon
20- Last Qtr
28th- New Moon

TARGETOS (Multiple Target Briefs)---

Lynn's Catfish Calendar [LCC]- July 2022 Lynn's PYC (Prime YellowCat) Days (separate from the Calendar)---
***Decoded, it looks like this...
1st Week- NONE
2nd Week- 7/8/9 Thurs/Fri/Sat
3rd Week- 16 Sat
4th Week- 17 Sun
5th Week- 25/26 Mon/Tues
6th Week- NONE

Lynn's Catfish Calendar [LCC]- July 2022 Lynn's YC (YellowCat) Days (as to the Calendar)---
1st Week- NONE
2nd Week- NONE
3rd Week- 14/15/16 Thurs/Fri/Sat
4th Week- 17 Sun
5th Week- 25 Mon
6th Week- NONE

***You might want to try the PYC days for those weeks that do not have YC days listed on the Calendar.

EXTRA--- Targeted BC (BlueCat) days- July 2022, by each week, as to the Calendar:
1st Week- NONE
2nd Week- 3/4 Sun/Mon
3rd Week- 10/11 Sun/Mon
4th Week- 20/21/22 Wed/Thurs/Fri
5th Week- NONE
6th Week- 31 Sun

EXTRA EXTRA--- Targeted BFT (Buffet) days-- July 2022, by each week, as to the Calendar:
1st Week- NONE
2nd Week- 8/9 Fri/Sat
3rd Week- 12/13 Tues/Wed
4th Week- NONE
5th Week- 26/27 Tues/Wed
6th Week- NONE

Special Notes ...

** ALWAYS ... be sure to note that YC days are also great for Blues. So when you have a clump of BC & YC days, press forward. Like they say in pool (or billiards), Rack 'em Up!!!

*** And be sure to not get them (YC) confused with PYC days, as this (PYC) is my reference to the YellowCat underlying pattern. The YC days are the hardest pull for that day of the calendar, as to the 4 possible 'sigs" of mine [YC/BC/BFT/ZIP].

****This section below is just in case I can't find time on the keyboard just before or at the first few days. Plus it gives you the preview into the following month, so you are not left out in the cold, as to YC & BC days, as well as PYC days.

--->>> Next month's [August 2022] "Prelim" Look--

***As you know lately, I've been lagging behind by almost a week in posting the months, so this "Prelim" covers things to make sure you are informed of the first week at least.

And the earliest PYC days in August 2022 (according to Lynn's PYC pattern)---
3/4/5 Wed/Thurs/Fri
There are a total of 10 PYC days.

And the earliest YC days in August 2022 (according to the Calendar)---
10/11/12/13 Wed/Thurs/Fri/Sat
There are a total of 7 YC days.

And the earliest BC days in August 2022 (according to the Calendar)---
1/14 Mon/Sun
There are a total of 5 BC days.
--->>>Remember that you can also make a good sweep of Blues on YC (YellowCat) days.

And the earliest BFT days in August 2022 (according to the Calendar)---
4/5 Thurs/Fri
There are a total of BFT days.

Back up to May for the 2022 KEY.

Wear that Lifejacket!!!
Drink plenty of water!!!
Don't get too scorched!!!
Cooler weather- Are we there yet???

aka "Catfish"
Re: Lynn's Catfish Calendar [LCC] 2022 [Re: Catfish Lynn] #14442559 08/07/22 11:17 PM
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Lynn's Catfish Calendar [LCC] August 2022 (8-7-22 Sun. PM)

I replaced one window AC so, at least the library is much, much cooler here at the keyboard.

Update on wife Elena & daughter Helen-
Helen is still OK in Bucha (next to Kiev). Not sure if life can be anything called normal. It seems Russia is in danger of causing problems at Europe's largest nuclear reactor. All I can say is idiots. Just like when they took over at Chernobyl & started digging up the radioactive soil. Really smart!!! Duh!

Elena should look, if not feel, like toast with their 108+ F days there. Sadly, the electrical power comes & goes. And when it goes off, no fans are working in the house. Even the water has stopped several times here & there. She is headed to Alexandria this week for another visa, hopefully one for 6 months this time. Last time, they had to hitchhike back, as no buses were heading back their way.

As for me, I am still building on that other bedroom & bathroom for my Mom which will be a Hoveround electric chair friendly setup so she can easily navigate & get close to things.Oh, yeah, she had a short stay in the hospital last month, but back home OK now.

I still have not had time to chicken fry some catfish. I hope to soon. But at least I pan fried some BlueCat last Sunday night. MM, Good!!! Sorry, no leftovers.

It does not look like we will cool off for August either. Maybe I can hop on with Eric (son-in-law) to go down to the river before the month expires. But I think they too are stretched thin on other engagements. I do know that this year, I get a cheaper rate on my fishing license. About time, unless somebody alters that.

I think I had a catfish article mention to note, but I will have to look thru mags to find it again.

Hang in there & let's hope for cooler wearther sooner than later.

Here your calendar for August 2022

Lynn’s Catfish Calendar [LCC]- AUGUST 2022
Sunday / Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday / Saturday
XX / 1 BC | 2 ZIP | 3 ZIP | 4 BFT | 5 BFT | 6 ZIP
7 ZIP | 8 BFT | 9 BFT | 10 YC | 11 YC | 12 YC | 13 YC
14 BC | 15 ZIP | 16 BC | 17 BC | 18 BC | 19 ZIP | 20 ZIP
21 YC | 22 YC | 23 YC | 24 ZIP | 25 ZIP | 26 ZIP | 27 ZIP
28 ZIP | 29 ZIP | 30 ZIP | 31 BFT

Lynn's Catfish Calendar [LCC]- August 2022 Moon Phases---
5th- 1st Qtr
11th- Full Moon
19th- Last Qtr (18th on some calendars)
27th- New Moon

TARGETOS (Multiple Target Briefs)---

Lynn's Catfish Calendar [LCC]- August 2022 Lynn's PYC (Prime YellowCat) Days (separate from the Calendar)---
***Decoded, it looks like this...
1st Week- 3/4/5 Wed/Thurs/Fri
2nd Week- 12/13 Fri/Sat
3rd Week- NONE
4th Week- 21/22 Sun/Mon
5th Week- 30/31/(1) Tues/Wed/(Thurs)

Lynn's Catfish Calendar [LCC]- August 2022 Lynn's YC (YellowCat) Days (as to the Calendar)---
1st Week- NONE
2nd Week- 10/11/12/13 Wed/Thurs/Fri/Sat
3rd Week- NONE
4th Week- 21/22/23 Sun/Mon/Tues
5th Week- NONE

***You might want to try the PYC days for those weeks that do not have YC days listed on the Calendar.

EXTRA--- Targeted BC (BlueCat) days- August 2022, by each week, as to the Calendar:
1st Week- 1 Mon
2nd Week- NONE
3rd Week- 14/16/17/18 Sun/Tues/Wed/Thurs
4th Week- NONE
5th Week- NONE

EXTRA EXTRA--- Targeted BFT (Buffet) days-- August 2022, by each week, as to the Calendar:
1st Week- 4/5 Thurs/Fri
2nd Week- 8/9 Mon/Tues
3rd Week- NONE
4th Week- NONE
5th Week- 31 Wed
Special Notes ...

** ALWAYS ... be sure to note that YC days are also great for Blues. So when you have a clump of BC & YC days, press forward. Like they say in pool (or billiards), Rack 'em Up!!!

*** And be sure to not get them (YC) confused with PYC days, as this (PYC) is my reference to the YellowCat underlying pattern. The YC days are the hardest pull for that day of the calendar, as to the 4 possible 'sigs" of mine [YC/BC/BFT/ZIP].

****This section below is just in case I can't find time on the keyboard just before or at the first few days. Plus it gives you the preview into the following month, so you are not left out in the cold, as to YC & BC days, as well as PYC days.

--->>> Next month's [September 2022] "Prelim" Look--

***As you know lately, I've been lagging behind by almost a week in posting the months, so this "Prelim" covers things to make sure you are informed of the first week at least.

And the earliest PYC days in September 2022 (according to Lynn's PYC pattern)---
1 & 9/10 Thurs & Fri/Sat
There are a total of 8 PYC days.

And the earliest YC days in September 2022 (according to the Calendar)---
7/8/9/10 Wed/Thurs/Fri/Sat
There are a total of 6 YC days.

And the earliest BC days in September 2022 (according to the Calendar)---
4/5 & 11/12 Sun/Mon & Sun/Mon
There are a total of 6 BC days.
--->>>Remember that you can also make a good sweep of Blues on YC (YellowCat) days.

And the earliest BFT days in September 2022 (according to the Calendar)---
1 & 6 Thurs & Tues
There are a total of 5 BFT days.

Here is the 2022 KEY again
Lynn’s Catfish Calendar [LCC]- 2022 KEY:
YC = YellowCat // BC = BlueCat // BFT = Buffet (assorted) // ZIP = Zip (not very good)
Tip- Always bait out lines the night before a YC or BC day.
Tip- Gator Gars (GG) run ahead of YellowCats, so bait out late (between 11 PM to 1 AM).
Tip- BlueCats also bite good on YC days, but you can rack ‘em up on BC days.
Tip- Some variations or alterations are due to weather or other external influences.
Tip- For Rod-n-Reelers, use Solunar Tables (etc.) also for best times with my calendar.
Tip- Near Full Moon, Gator Gars & YellowCats seem to feed a few hours later.
Tip- Your biggest YellowCats may hit best towards beginning & end of YC or PYC days.
Tip- My PYC Days keys in on the YellowCat’s Feed/Roam Days Underlying Pattern.
Tip- Bleedover works both ways- Before & After a calendar day. Take advantage.
Tip- For better luck on ZIP days, try a stimulant (not natural) type bait, such as stink/punch/dough.
Tip- In my experiences, it seems ChannelCats (CC) bite best for me, on BFT days.

It bears repeating ...
Wear that Lifejacket!!!
Drink plenty of water!!!
Don't get too scorched!!!
Surely, some of you have rigged up fans in/on your boat by now

aka "Catfish"
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