I went from a 2016 Toyota Tacoma 4x4 V6 getting 10 MPG towing my bay boat to 2023 2500HD 6.6L gas...Love the mileage!...5 MPG better than the toyota tacoma V6...
I like my 2021 Ranger. It pulls my 18’ Lowe 1860 aluminum boat just fine. A Maverick could probably pull it around town and to the boat ramp too, but I’ll stick with the Ranger.
The Ranger has a surprising amount of acceleration. I get an average of 20 mpg in my mixed driving. I like it much better than the Tacoma I owned for years.
The 2021 Ranger is much much better than the 1993 Ranger I owned. The 1993 was a fun little truck too.
I like my 2021 Ranger. It pulls my 18’ Lowe 1860 aluminum boat just fine. A Maverick could probably pull it around town and to the boat ramp too, but I’ll stick with the Ranger.
The Ranger has a surprising amount of acceleration. I get an average of 20 mpg in my mixed driving. I like it much better than the Tacoma I owned for years.
The 2021 Ranger is much much better than the 1993 Ranger I owned. The 1993 was a fun little truck too.
I owned a Ford Ranger for 3 months. When my BIL had me help him move, and I couldn’t keep up with his Volkswagen bus, I was beyond mad. I traded it in on a Lightning when I got back to Dallas. First and last little truck experience for me. I can’t willingly spend money in a dog truck again.
I like my 2021 Ranger. It pulls my 18’ Lowe 1860 aluminum boat just fine. A Maverick could probably pull it around town and to the boat ramp too, but I’ll stick with the Ranger.
The Ranger has a surprising amount of acceleration. I get an average of 20 mpg in my mixed driving. I like it much better than the Tacoma I owned for years.
The 2021 Ranger is much much better than the 1993 Ranger I owned. The 1993 was a fun little truck too.
I owned a Ford Ranger for 3 months. When my BIL had me help him move, and I couldn’t keep up with his Volkswagen bus, I was beyond mad. I traded it in on a Lightning when I got back to Dallas. First and last little truck experience for me. I can’t willingly spend money in a dog truck again.
I don’t know what you were hauling or pulling, but my Ranger fits my work and play lifestyle just fine. I am aware of its limitations and don’t expect more. You can’t compare a Ranger to a Lightning.
My dad called these sissy trucks back in the 70's. The one with the little eco boost seems to be solid but the hybrid version is having some serious issues with the CVT, always why its best to wait a few years before buying a new model, let them work the bugs out.
I'm still disappointed US don't have option of diesel Ranger. Have been impressed with international Rangers with it. But then again, I don't know their tow capacity, but seemed very efficient and solid.
first time i ever noticed one was yesterday going home from work. i'm like, heck, that's just a little larger than a go cart......... reciever hitch looked like it had a one-inch square reciever......
first time i ever noticed one was yesterday going home from work. i'm like, heck, that's just a little larger than a go cart......... reciever hitch looked like it had a one-inch square reciever......
They go great with a lawn mower trailer or a jet ski trailer. Lol
first time i ever noticed one was yesterday going home from work. i'm like, heck, that's just a little larger than a go cart......... reciever hitch looked like it had a one-inch square reciever......
They go great with a lawn mower trailer or a jet ski trailer. Lol
Which is probably what a large portion of the population need them to do. Or you could be a tard and spend ungodly sums on a hugely inefficient vehicle for no other reason than some chick thinks your sticker might peck out a little further till she finds out it don’t lol
Love the macho bravado everyone gotta drive a tank bs
first time i ever noticed one was yesterday going home from work. i'm like, heck, that's just a little larger than a go cart......... reciever hitch looked like it had a one-inch square reciever......
They go great with a lawn mower trailer or a jet ski trailer. Lol
Which is probably what a large portion of the population need them to do. Or you could be a tard and spend ungodly sums on a hugely inefficient vehicle for no other reason than some chick thinks your sticker might peck out a little further till she finds out it don’t lol
Love the macho bravado everyone gotta drive a tank bs
Or you could just drive a truck. A real truck. Not lifted. No aftermarket [censored] wheels. Something adequate for the job that can safely pull a real boat without putting you, and everyone around you, in danger.
It ain’t always about dick size. It’s about the right tool for the job.
The more people that drive small efficient vehicles the less strain there will be on gas supplies. So I I say good on Ford and the people driving mavericks._