Anybody willing to go out on a Sunday night, Saturday night or Monday night, build a mini-camp, fire, catch some blues and channels. If we don't catch anything , roast the hotdogs. Byob- and a trash bag. We don't leave untill it looks better than we found it. Like minded folks welcome.

Aim at Blues: 10-50 lb, channels:5-25 lb. Be willing to hike a short bit, pack light, have heavy gear. Plan is to get 4-5 guys, use any bait u want. Ima be on alternating chkgizzard+nightcrawler+beefkidney+hogliver.

I'd like to set this up after the gator hibernation is in full order. That much bait will attract unwanted attention. Early december? (If the weather drops)
Byob, live in the area. N. IRVING, Valley Ranch, Las Colinas.