![[Linked Image]](https://imagizer.imageshack.com/v2/1790x937q90/923/9qqQ70.png)
The second event of the 2021 TTZ Trail is on February 27th at Lake LBJ. For the full event details and to register online, please click here:
TTZ Lake LBJ 2-27-21For a list of the 2021 Complete Schedule please click here:
2021 TTZ Trail ScheduleSome notes to remember on Lake LBJ:
Please be respectful of the off-limits area and no-beaching areas around the marina. See the map on the events page for full details.
Boats may launch from any ramp on LBJ the morning of and motor over to the LBJ Yacht club for the numbered boat release at safe light.
Release and weigh-in will be at the LBJ Yacht Club and Marina.
All teams will be put in a drawing for a Pre-Registration Prize Giveaway for a Shimano Clarus Rod and a Shoreline Decal $250 Fuel Card.
Looking forward to a great weekend of fishing, be safe everyone and God Bless Texas!