Haven't posted any catches here in a hot minute! Here's a few of my better ones from recent trips. Catch, photo, and release as always!
This one was a surprise! Caught him jigging for predator species. I suck at bass fishing but I've got these guys figured out apparently. LOL
The bite was super tough this particular day! The fish would just barely nibble at the bait, you had to watch your line to detect the bites as not even the rod tips would move.
Donovan also caught a couple, the bites were so subtle we had to strike the moment the line slightly pulled!
This was our only fish during the ATC, my Dad's first Grass Carp! 18lb 8oz, the smallest Grasser of the tourney lol. At least we caught something. There was a huge (11 or 12?) way tie for last!
I managed quite a few Grassies camping and fishing after the tournament. These fish are so rambunctious you can't even get a photo with 'em half the time!
This impressive fish also comes with an impressive story! We were catching so many fish that we decided to just cast out single hookbaits to get some sleep. I had beeps throughout the night which drove my dad crazy, especially with me just shrugging them off and not waking up! Finally I had a good run at around 4:10 AM and my dad shot up out of the bivvy (carp tent) before I even had my eyes open so I let him have it. I hear some beeps when he picks up a rod, wrong tone so wrong rod I tell him! He puts the wrong one down (forgetting to reset the drag loose) and picks up the other, which didn't have a fish anymore. Reeling that one in he and I went back to sleep. Not even 20 minutes later we're awoken to an odd splash really close in. My dad gets up and tells me that all my rods are missing! We run out of the bivvy and I find two rods laying beside my pod, there's supposed to be 3! We got a flashlight and started searching the clear water. Thank goodness for the gentle slope, we could see the rod quite far out but it was just in 3 or 4 foot of water. My dad gets in and gets absolutely soaked. I let him know that there may still be a fish on the end, and even though it was his fault my rod went in that he could have it. Sure enough, the fish was still on. After a tough battle I see the largest carp I've ever seen in person in front of me! I net it very carefully so I don't knock the hook out of it's mouth and then stop to take a breather as my heart was racing! I simply could not believe the size of this fish that I gave away! We get the scale tared and everything sorted. 34lbs 4oz. My dad went from 18.5lbs, skipped the 20s, and went right to the 30s! He beat his PB by 16lbs and mine by 12. If I didn't have the photos I'd still have trouble believing it!
The release of this trophy, one of the largest from this particular water! A truly special fish. Measurements went 36in length, 25.5in girth
First thing we did in the morning was rebait, and we were rewarded! Dad upped his PB considerably yet again to this 36lb 12oz Smallmouth Buffalo!
It's no 30 but it's a nice one! 18lb 8oz of drag stripping beauty!
Finally my first buff down South, wish she was as big as she looks! Lost a monster before this one but I'll be back! Kissed her for good luck upon my return. 33lbs 8oz
Took my friend and his dad with me for a shorter session. This was my friend's dad's first time carping!
Double right off the bat!
Check the smile! These fish are a blast!
His dad was hammering the smaller ones but he was going for quality over quantity (or so he claimed!)
Another decent one! 18lbs even
The small ones are so cute! These guys were getting ready to spawn, their skin was very rough to the touch!
Biggest buff of the day, 19lbs!
This pre-spawn female was the star of the show! Coming in at an impressive 22lbs, his first time carping and he's not even a pound shy of my PB! What a fish for a first-timer!