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Mystery Tackle Box vs Lucky Tackle Box
02/01/19 03:45 PM
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Andrew Shore
Joined: Dec 2013
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What are your likes and dislikes about these two companies??
Re: Mystery Tackle Box vs Lucky Tackle Box
[Re: Andrew Shore]
02/02/19 02:05 AM
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Re: Mystery Tackle Box vs Lucky Tackle Box
[Re: Andrew Shore]
02/03/19 01:54 AM
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TFF Guru
TFF Guru
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My Wife got me Lucky Tackle Box for my birthday 2 years ago. I have no idea where they get some of the stuff they put in them. Every once in awhile, you'll get something really cool. My last package had a LIVETARGET Baitball spinner bait. If someone buys it for you, just go ahead and enjoy it.
Be safe, Rayzor 2001 Triton Tx-21/225 Mercury EFI
Re: Mystery Tackle Box vs Lucky Tackle Box
[Re: Andrew Shore]
02/05/19 07:31 PM
Joined: Mar 2012
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Joined: Mar 2012
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My thoughts on LTB (I have never tried MTB) are similar to Rayzor. As a gift my wife got me a LTB subscription for 1 year. She forgot about the auto-renew policy so I got another years-worth. Since I do a lot of bass fishing she got my the 'Bass' subscription. The vast majority of lures are too big for my purposes. I don't do much large water body fishing except from the bank and even then I use much smaller lures then the LTB lures. Most of the lures are for 'big' bass fishing. I have never tried any of the lures out yet, so can't comment on the quality, etc. Most lures are made from companies I never heard of, but once in a while there will be something from a more well known company. There is typically a small booklet that comes from the box that describes each lure, along with tips from the owner. I have a case full of these boxes and don't know what to do with them - except maybe sell them one day.
It was a different world when we were boys and girls....
Re: Mystery Tackle Box vs Lucky Tackle Box
[Re: Andrew Shore]
02/05/19 11:51 PM
Joined: Jun 2006
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TFF Team Angler
TFF Team Angler
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I had both for a while. After getting too much bass stuff, I switched to the Inshore boxes for a while, then let them both expire.
The biggest difference (at least at the time, not sure about now) was that MTB's lures were usually sample packs. If you got plastics, it was a bag of 3 or maybe 5 instead of a full pack of 8 or 10. Also, as TXfisherman12 said, there were a lot of very large baits or baits more specific to yankee fishing - lots of baits resembling baby trout, those orange striped perch, small walleye type stuff, large deep-diving trolling lures, etc.
LTB's deal is you get full-sized packs - no sample packs - so it seems like a better deal. I did like LTB better, more variety and better quality items.
A problem with both of them was that it seemed like every bait manufacturer in the country uses plain white baits for their giveaway/samples. About 1/2 of the plastics were plain white. I have enough plain white plastics to last the rest of my life now.
They each give you 5-6 items, but they count a small pack of hooks or a pack of 3 plain jigheads as one of the items. Sometimes the hooks/jigheads went with one of the other items, but sometimes not. You would get some soft plastics and then maybe a pack of small live bait hooks.
With MTB, I felt like I was getting 1 or 2 decent baits per box. LTB was 2 or 3. Sometimes they would be mostly pretty good, sometimes it was all garbage. MTB ended up having more cheap Chinese junk also. LTB at least has LiveTarget as one of the contributors, so I got a lot of good LiveTarget items, especially in the Inshore box.
I really liked the Inshore boxes better (I prefer redfish/trout/flounder fishing), but in every box from both companies there was at least one item that wasn't an inshore bait. It was a leftover bass bait most of the time, but sometimes it was a crappie bait. It would usually be a generic silver colored hardbait, but the box or package would usually mention bass on it.
Given the choice, go with LTB. Either is nice as a gift, but don't expect just a whole lot out of it.
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