Hey guys,
I don't think anything has been posted about this on here, but if you're on Facebook I'm sure you've seen some ads pop up on the TKF Facebook group and elsewhere "selling" incredibly cheap kayaks. Almost all the ads have Old Town Kayaks, canoes, and accessories listed for $100 or less.
DO NOT BUY FROM ANY OF THESE WEBSITES. You will have your banking information compromised and possibly your identity stolen.
There have been numerous website which have popped up "selling" cheap kayaks and include the following: fashionsgo.com, alongmall.com, and alreadymall.com. These are the ones I'm aware of but there have been others and even more could exist as well.
Attached below is a picture of one of the ads. This is typical for nearly every fraudulent kayak website with the "Kayak Store" logo in the upper left corner.
Other than the to-good-to-be-true price some things you should look for on the website: make sure the website is secure (to check its up by the url in your web browser); the "About Me" will be very generic reading and written in slightly broken english; and there is no physical address, email, or phone number listed (just a generic fill in the blank email submittal form).
Please be vigilante when Christmas shopping and looking for a online.
P.S. There are other fraudulent websites hawking bogus items as well. I've seen them for Raybans, Nikes (nisneakers.com), Pet Supplies (wellbigshop.com), and Power Tools (tooltrunks.com and vipabilityshop.com); to name a few.
![[Linked Image]](https://i.postimg.cc/tJBdYCMC/41964582-2397022813647526-5955417432343445504-n.jpg)