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2017 bwkc part 2
10/11/17 04:36 PM
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christian myrick
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We have been looking forward to this for months. Our prep was solid. My soulmate, amanda and her youngest son, ryder and another buddy went down to corpus thursday after work. Overnight drive we pull up to bob hall pier to see our good friend george young. We also noticed the tide was up super high. Into the parking lot. We walked out on the pier and saw some monster surf. The next day was spent just trying to find any dry sand at all. Found a tiny piece at packery channel. Took empty yaks into the surf to play and get practiced up for the next days tourney. We got beat up a bit. Jellyfish were everywhere, not the worst just a nucense. After that castnetted some mullet in the surf and casted ryders(8yo) pole out. It is a fin nor offshore 7500 on a 10 ft surf rod,,,he just got for his birthday. We get a big run, its a 35" bull red! Ryder reeled it in by himself, a little help holding the rod. The next morning we decide to go to port a south jetty to launch for the tourney. The surf was easily managable getting out. We decided to take the road less traveled (most others went to the ships) we headed straight for a rig 6 miles offshore. The first part of our paddle was easy going. Current was noticable but managable. About 11 am we are 4 or so miles out the wind picks up. There are 4 of us going out, bkt, george young, amanda and me. Bkt,,,the smart one,,,decides to turn around to fish around the jetty. We are trying to find clear water. The 3 of us press on to the rig. The further we paddle out the waves grew. No breaking waves yet but they are comming from 2 directions. We see several 10, 12 ft rollers. The wind and current pushed us around the south side of the rig, it stops being fun about here. We decide to paddle back. George has a spanish mak and amanda and i have nothing. We got pushed so far south we paddled into the wind and current the whole way, it was brutal. We were lucky to average 1 mph paddling as hard as we could. Now the waves are getting much larger some 20 ft+. It really isnt much fun now at all. Nothing made me feel smaller than sitting on top of those waves looking down knowing i was about to slide down the back side. After 5 grueling hours of the hardest paddling ive ever done the 3 of us made it back to our launch point. Bodies totally spent at that point, cramping. It was a huge relief to see bkt on land. George and myself wipe out in the surf, amanda rode in like a champ. We didnt make it back in time to see the winners. Had the best beer ive ever had that night next to the campfire. In 35 years of paddling ive never seen anything like that. Some of you will judge us for going out or staying out as long as we did. We all talked about the possibles before, we knew the risks, its not for everyone. It was however for us. We probably wont do it anymore...dont wanna tempt fate twice. Lol. Sunday we spent the day catching bull reds with ryder. This was one of the best experiences of my life. It had every single emotion all wrapped up in one trip. Those of you thinking of offshore, understand, it is the most beautifull thing you can do. Its amazing. Its also unforgiving. We were lucky, had conditions got any worse we wouldve had to call coastguard for rescue. We had contact via vhf radio.
Re: 2017 bwkc part 2
[Re: christian myrick]
10/12/17 01:01 AM
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Fish ZoMbiE
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Been there b4. Not 6 miles off shore. But I've been in some extra large swells n waves. Takes all the fun out of it n maks u think of the gravity of the situation. Good that it all worked out. Big fish on board world probably have changed the outcome a bit :-D
Re: 2017 bwkc part 2
[Re: christian myrick]
10/12/17 02:13 PM
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No judging from me. If you've paddle for a while you will get in situations that you didn't expect. The weather and other circumstances are too unpredictable. I know all too well about those awesome tasting reflection beers. Really glad it turned out ok for you guys!
Re: 2017 bwkc part 2
[Re: christian myrick]
10/12/17 03:44 PM
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Brad R
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Excellent accounting of your adventure!
Last edited by Brad R; 10/13/17 12:55 PM.
Re: 2017 bwkc part 2
[Re: christian myrick]
10/12/17 04:25 PM
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TFF Guru
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man yall, if you are going out there in a kayak I would never go unless I was sure the weather was solid, 4-6miles out? that a long way from home. as soon as the wind picked up, much less 10-12? I would have been humping it back. your lucky.
pledge= fishstick
Re: 2017 bwkc part 2
[Re: soggybottom]
10/12/17 06:07 PM
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christian myrick
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man yall, if you are going out there in a kayak I would never go unless I was sure the weather was solid, 4-6miles out? that a long way from home. as soon as the wind picked up, much less 10-12? I would have been humping it back. your lucky. We are both very in shape and pride ourselves on our ability to paddle. At the time the last forcast we had said the wind would die down. As for the 10-12 ft waves they were not breaking so it was uncomfortable but still doable. We had the best equipment available. We mabey shouldve turned in when we saw the first big wave, but we are not that type of people. We love a challenge and both ,but more me, doesnt know when to say enough. Its not an experiance i want to have again but we are glad we went through it.
Re: 2017 bwkc part 2
[Re: christian myrick]
10/13/17 12:47 AM
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WOW!! What a day of excitement it was! Too bad it wasn't all the fun kind. I turned back planning to fish around the jetty opening so off I went with easy padding strokes. It took a little bit for it to sink in that I really wasn't making any forward progress but still getting pushed further south. OH man. Time to reel up and start diggin! This time the offshore swell looked to be around 20+ feet and they weren't the nice smooth swells. The swells had swells and those mini swells seemed to have a touch of white cap. Now, I fish alone most almost 99% of the time but this, this was a different level of mind game. After however long it was, I noticed that I could do a moderate stroke toward the exit point and maintain my North/South position while gaining on the beach. So now my plan was to keep this up, saving energy till I got close to the breakers, then dig DEEP and burn it parallel down the beach and around the North side of the pier and into the calm pocket. It was working pretty good too. Only I misjudged when to make that turn. Whoops. Ok then, lets pick a crash site out on the beach. Ahhhh, there's two DPS vehicles, let's try there. After all they have nice radios and know exactly where I'm at plus I think I can smell some pizza fumes coming from one of them. Time to (try to) surf!!! I did manage the first two waves fairly well but out of the corner of my eye, I seen number three building and building. When I checked my six, I remembering uttering to myself the words "oh no" and in a blink I was in the drink. I righted the yak and was just about in when I got hammered again. When trying to right the yak again, I noticed my paddle leash had broken and my paddle, chill pod and a POV camera were floating about twenty feet away. No sense in climbing back in the yak now. So I just kind of pulled my chest up on the near side and held on to the off side handle wondering how it was going to turn out when the next wave hit. Turns out I come in like I was riding a superwide boogie board. Finally in water that I can walk in, I see my paddle floating within arms reach and guy wearing a PFD coming out to help me drag the yak on the beach. After a few minutes I see some beach goers pull my chill pod out of water a few hundred yards down so now all my gear less the camera was accounted for. Now for the hard part...wondering and waiting for Christian, Amanda and George. People had questions and I had very few good answers. I can only imagine what was going through Doug's mind when I showed up in a DPS vehicle (which had a Domino's box in the front seat  )to get my truck. When Tod and I spotted them making their way back across to calmer water was the biggest feeling of relief I've ever felt. I read post where people want the bottom of their yak nice and smooth. Even talking about waxing it. If you're gonna do BTB extreme, get some good scratches in it and grow some good fingernails cause I'm here to say you can dig those nails into those grooves like a wild cat to hang to your boat! School was in session that day and I think some were kept after the bell. More story if interested.
Re: 2017 bwkc part 2
[Re: christian myrick]
10/13/17 12:59 PM
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Brad R
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Good to hear BKT's story, too.
I wonder about coming in through the breakers . . . something I saw on a video that made sense. Do any of you ever turn your kayaks around so that you point your bow toward the incoming waves so that you stay perpendicular to the waves? I can't recall who posted it but they also said that in addition to not getting turned since you can see what is coming, the bow cuts through the big waves better.
Just curious after reading BKT's account of coming back in.
Very cool story.
Re: 2017 bwkc part 2
[Re: christian myrick]
10/13/17 01:23 PM
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christian myrick
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Well, that is a good method of re entry, i dont use that particular tecnique but i do think after wiping out i may consider this an option.
Re: 2017 bwkc part 2
[Re: Brad R]
10/13/17 02:38 PM
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Good to hear BKT's story, too.
I wonder about coming in through the breakers . . . something I saw on a video that made sense. Do any of you ever turn your kayaks around so that you point your bow toward the incoming waves so that you stay perpendicular to the waves? I can't recall who posted it but they also said that in addition to not getting turned since you can see what is coming, the bow cuts through the big waves better.
Just curious after reading BKT's account of coming back in.
Very cool story.
Brad Up on the upper coast they call coming in backwards the Paris Hilton. If you go to the texas kayak fisnerman link you'll read that a guy was doing that very thing in a PA14. An 8' breaker flipped him end over end. Breaking the mirage drive and one of his ribs. Me, I'll take a roll any day over a verticle flip. I'm not a drama person and tried to add a bit of humor in my post. So don't think it wasn't a brutal ordeal both physically and mentally. Sometimes you have to laugh to keep from crying right? It wouldn't have taken much more wind and/or a current shift more toward offshore and... Looking back, I can see numerous clues that I should've picked up early on and I'm still kickin myself for being so blind.
Re: 2017 bwkc part 2
[Re: BKT]
10/13/17 05:44 PM
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Brad R
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Good to hear BKT's story, too.
I wonder about coming in through the breakers . . . something I saw on a video that made sense. Do any of you ever turn your kayaks around so that you point your bow toward the incoming waves so that you stay perpendicular to the waves? I can't recall who posted it but they also said that in addition to not getting turned since you can see what is coming, the bow cuts through the big waves better.
Just curious after reading BKT's account of coming back in.
Very cool story.
Brad Up on the upper coast they call coming in backwards the Paris Hilton. If you go to the texas kayak fisnerman link you'll read that a guy was doing that very thing in a PA14. An 8' breaker flipped him end over end. Breaking the mirage drive and one of his ribs. Me, I'll take a roll any day over a verticle flip. I'm not a drama person and tried to add a bit of humor in my post. So don't think it wasn't a brutal ordeal both physically and mentally. Sometimes you have to laugh to keep from crying right? It wouldn't have taken much more wind and/or a current shift more toward offshore and... Looking back, I can see numerous clues that I should've picked up early on and I'm still kickin myself for being so blind. Well, for sure . . . if those were my options: to roll or get vertically flipped, I'd rather roll over. Another common issue I have heard is someone hopping out of their kayaks in knee deep water, kayak parallel to the shore, them standing on the shore side and having the wave crash into the vessel, then the vessel crash into and/or over the person. Ouch! I suppose it always depends on conditions. That same 8 footer coming at you "going out" is almost always going to be head on, maybe even a clue that today is not the day to head out! Good reports! Brad
Re: 2017 bwkc part 2
[Re: christian myrick]
10/13/17 07:31 PM
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"That same 8 footer coming at you "going out" is almost always going to be head on, maybe even a clue that today is not the day to head out!"
Lol no doubt. Or at least stay a little closer to the one and only safe haven to launch and re-enter. But for some odd reason I still have the itch to surf a big one all the way to the sand.
Re: 2017 bwkc part 2
[Re: christian myrick]
10/13/17 11:20 PM
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christian myrick
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It was just a great demo day for viking kayaks!!! 
Re: 2017 bwkc part 2
[Re: christian myrick]
10/13/17 11:49 PM
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It was just a great demo day for viking kayaks!!! A shameless plug. I like it!! So I'll add to it. After all rough ride through the entire trip, i soaked up the water inside the hull with a small hand towel. The one that came in right down the beach from me felt awefully heavy when dragging it onto the sand. When I offered to stay and help the guy load it up he said he had to "drain it first cause it had 4 inches of water inside."
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