Today I had Freeman Little River and Howard from Bryan, out on Lake Somerville for the morning. Somerville is still 13 3/4' above normal pool. They are letting out 3' per day right now. About four more feet and some of the boat ramps will start to open.
The winds were 5-10 mph SE, partly cloudy. The fish were waiting on us. We did fish three spots, from 8-16' deep.
Let me tell you something. If you have not tried CJ's new "Fusion" bait/fusion hooks,
you owe yourself to give it a try. You might want to order a jug of it to try soon, in fact, If I were you, I would order enough bottles so everyone that fishes in the boat will have their own. We caught some on CJ's Crawfish punch bait. But, let me tell you, today, those fish were going crazy to get some of that Fusion bait.
We stopped fishing today at 11 am with 39 nice cats, several in the 3-5# size.