First, I have no skin in the game. This is, hopefully, just a fun FYI. Not being an elegant, highly experienced, tier with the steady hands and great eyes, I am always on the looking for easier, faster and hopefully effective was to supplement these infirmities. Most of my fishing is lake fishing so I wanted something directed at that specific target.
Enter tube flies. After some Google and YouTube searches I was hooked. I bought a Pro Sportfisher's starter kit( from the Caddis Fly shop ( Here is a link to a You Tube video that gives a good overview (
After a couple of weeks of tinkering here are two (2) creations. Go easy on me.
This is a harness put together based upon the proven attractor principle but instead of two (2) flies I used three (3). Depending upon the size of the flies, rod and line you might actually mount a few more. I can only imagine catching a triple header of sandies on a fly rod.
The hooks are Gamakatsu size 1 finesse wide gaps harnessed together and spaced about six (6) inches apart using 10 lb test P-line CX and nail knots. One thing this configuration allows you to do is easily change the size, color or weight of the first fly on the rig.
Talk about easy. This is just ten (10) small bead chain eyes slid over a tube with a hook connector and some flash tied on the end.