Took Tyler (Aggie class of 2016) and his Aggie wife Jenna out for an early morning run from 7:30 to 9:45 AM. They wanted to see the Mepps method 1st hand. We started at Enchanted Ridge and caught most of our 28 fish there. We caught 24 whites, a legal hybrid, 2 short hybrids and one nice size yellow bass. Most were caught on #4 Mepps in 18- 19 fow. We also caught some off surface action in the area.
Here is Jenna and Tyler with nice white Jenna caught:

Pic of Tyler with white bass:

Pic of Tyler with estimated 23 inch hybrid:

Went back out after letting them out at 10AM and fished Catfish Hill and Sunken Island. Caught 7 at Catfish Hill and 23 at Sunken Island including a 25 inch hybrid. About half these were caught on #4 Mepps and half on #2 Mepps. They were in 18 fow on Catfish Hill and in 15 fow on edge of Sunken Island.