13251 Jake Court Ft. Worth, TX 76028
Hotel & Reservations 817-295-2727
BURLESON EVENT CENTER (SPJST) 1150 S. Burleson Blvd (I-35)
Friday October 20,2017 Room Trading @ Hampton Inn. Saturday October 21, 2017 7:30am – 2:00pm at Burleson Event Center
This year NFLCC will have our meet in Burleson which is just on the south side of Ft. Worth on I-35 and Hwy 174. The format will be room trading at the hotel on Friday and the meet a short 2 miles away in the Burleson Event Center (SPJST Lodge). The Hampton Inn & Suites is a super nice place that has just been remodeled.
Direction from Ft. Worth South I-35 take Alsbury exit and cross back east on the bridge over I-35. Turn left just past McDonalds. Directions from the south take Alsbury exit, turn right at McDonalds. You will see the Hampton Inn.
Plenty of restaurants on both sides of I-35 and in Burleson along Hwy 174.
Saturday morning set up at the Burleson Event Center (SPJST) which is easy to get to. Cross back over I-35 to go south on I-35 and go 2 miles to Hidden Creek exit where you exit I-35 and go under the Hidden Creek bridge along the access road to the Burleson Event Center (SPJST) which is about 250 yards south of the bridge. Coming from the south, take Hidden Creek exit and cross back to the west over I-35 on Hidden Creek. After crossing the bridge turn left like you would go back south on the access road of I-35 and again, there is the Burleson Event Center (SPJST). Call the hotel directly and be sure and mention the National Fishing Lure Collectors Club. Hosts will set up some free display tables so bring a display. COME SEE US THIS YEAR!!!!!!!
On Saturday morning, Public can bring in vintage lures, reels and tackle for appraisal and/or for auction to the collectors. Seller has right to refuse highest bid and take his items home. If bringing items to sell, for best results, come early as many attendees must depart around mid day as this show attracts collectors from hundreds of miles away.
HOST: Chip Rice 817-295-7750 macmatrix@yahoo.com, Colby Sorrells texasbassbugger@yahoo.com