USA Fishing Trails along with Westside Bass Club will be hosting The Fishing For The Cure Benefit Tournament on Saturday October 28th on Lake Ray Roberts. Here is the information -
• When: Saturday October 28th 2017
• Where: Lake Ray Roberts - Registration/Check In and weigh in at Ray Roberts Marina 1399 Marina Cir. Sanger, Tx.• Fishing Hours: 7:00 AM - 3:00 PM
• Registration: 5:00 AM - 7:00 AM
• Entry Fee: $100.00 per boat – Capacity of boat for maximum occupants
This Open tournament will be hosted by USA Fishing Trails along with Westside Bass Club. This is a benefit to raise money for the Cook Childrens Hospital and Dreaming The Cure for the research of Pediatric Brain Tumors. We have a guaranteed first prize of $2000.00 You can register on line by debit or credit card until October 27th at
You can register in person the morning of the event at The weigh-in Tent at the marina starting at 5:00AM. We will accept cash, credit card or checks. When you register, you can also purchase event t-shirts and raffle tickets. Those will also be available at weigh in.
ALL teams must check in at The Marina the morning of the event and get their live wells checked. After you have checked in, you may trailer to a ramp of your choice, launch and go to your spot. First cast is 7:00AM. Lines out of the water at 3:00PM. You MUST be in line to weigh your fish by 4:00PM.
We are in the process of getting our prizes together. If you have something you would like to donate, please contact me here via PM or e-mail to These do NOT have to be fishing related.
Sponsorship's are available for the tournament. If you are interested in sponsoring us, please contact me and I will get you a sponsorship form that details exactly what you receive for your money. A sponsorship of as little as $500.00 includes being recognized as an official sponsor and get your name or company logo placed on the Official Dreaming the Cure Boat! Also as a Token of Appreciation you will receive a hand made gift from one of the "Dreaming the Cure" children!
If you can't make it out, but would like to donate Please make check payable to: Cook Children's Hospital, and in the memo write: Fishing for the Cure. Please send donations to Fishing for the Cure: 3115 N. Main st. Cleburne, Tx. 76033, or call Lee Lavender @ (817) 602-0761. I will make sure you get a tax deductible receipt.