Friday, February 26th TTZ and Skeeter Boats will be at the Baja BBQ Shack on Canyon Lake. Skeeter Boats demo rides will go from 2PM until dark. Demo rides are free, open to the public, and Skeeter will give away $500 cash to a random demo rider on Friday afternoon. Chris Manning will be performing on the deck overlooking Canyon Lake. TTZ pre-registration will start at 5 PM Friday on the deck and patio. Music, food, drinks, and Skeeter demo rides open to everyone!
For those fishing the event, the demo ride DOES NOT count as a violation of off limits. Anyone fishing the event is encouraged to participate in the demo rides if you come out for early registration on Friday night.
Last year Mark Ribera was the demo ride winner, let's have another big turn out this year. See you Friday!