March 14-16 on the Sabine River!
Starts Friday at noon ends Sunday at noon!
1-4 person per boat
100 Hooks Fishing is the maximum
Trot lines, Limb lines , and jug lines!
Boundaries: 271 gladewater to logansport
1st place = %40. 2nd place = %20
3rd place = $250 4th place = $100
Big op = $500. Big blue = $500
Big fish can weigh in on stringer
Top 5 fish stringer most weight wins
Stringer can be Blue, Op or Channel catfish
All fish must be alive for weigh in.
Weigh ins are down river from deadwood 24/7
Entry fee is $250 per boat.
Rv Hook ups and water available at hosting site.
Event will be televised once again!!!
Fish fry to follow final weigh in.
Every entry gets name in drawing for mystery prize.
Mystery prize to be given away at final weigh in.
Call 903-658-9111 or 903-241-0841 to enter!

Last edited by PaPsGuideService; 02/17/14 08:53 PM.