LOCATION: Canyon Lake Marina (280 Marina Dr. Canyon Lake, TX 78133)
TIME: 6:30pm – 10:00pm
ENTRY: $40/team
We've got a full moon this week that should cause some spawners to move up.
It will be a calm (for a change) and cool evening (60's) with the showers forecast to pass through early in the morning.
Pretty good odds that you will walk away with something, especially when you consider 1 team in particular that sucks but pays their entry every week to just eat, drink beer, and watch.
We'll be at the Baja BBQ Shack at 5:15'ish for those wanting to register early and fuel up before the tourney.
If you have any questions feel free to contact Shawn or Brad via email, phone, or text.
Our contact info is available here:
www.canyonthursdaynighters.com/Contact Us Follow us on facebook