On Saturday, May 12, 2012 the Friends for Hope will be hosting the 2nd Annual Bay Fishing Tournament at Louies
Backyard on South Padre Island. There will be be cash prizes
($10,000+), awards, food, fun, and music. Prizes will be awarded for redfish, trout, flounder and overall GRAND CHAMPION. There will also be an optional calcutta for all participants. Cost: $400/Boat (4 Angulars Per Boat) till 4/27/12 and $500/Boat after 4/27/12. All net proceeds from this event will be donated directly to the Vannie E. Cook, Jr. Childrens Cancer and Hematology Clinic located in McAllen, Texas. If you are interested in participating in our tournament or learning about sponsorship opportunities, please contact us by email or phone at
fishing@friendsforhope.com, (956) 213-8244, or
www.friendsforhope.com. The Registration & Sponsorship forms can be downloaded off our website at
www.friendsforhope.com or we can email them to you. Please send a request to fishing@friendsforhope.com