Beer Boats & FISHING
The Southern Riders
The Longbranch saloon
Would like to invite you out for a 4 hour bay fishing trip in Port A. On Sunday the 25 of September. We will meet at the Longbranch at 9:00am and out of there by 9:15am.The boat will make way at 1:00pm The fishing trip will cost $45.00 All you will need to have is a salt water fishing license (a car or ride as a group). Bait and tackle will be supplied. The boat is B.Y.O.B. We will have 16 spots to fill. If you are up for A good time in the bay And the fishing stories back at The Longbranch then come out with us.
For more Info call 210-649-3392
All payments will need to be in by September 10th.
Thank you for looking
The Southern Riders
The Longbranch saloon
If you would like more trips like this please let the staff know and we will do our best to plan the next one ASAP
If someone on TFF would like more info about this you can IM me thanks
Last edited by im up for it; 09/03/11 01:48 PM.