Presents Its 41st Annual “BASS-O-REE”
Sunday April 18, 2010
6:00 A.M. to 3:00 P.M.
Weigh-in Site at Pace Bend Park-Tournament Point
2-Person Team (5 fish limit)
$100.00 Team Entry Fee
(1st Place Partially Donated By South Austin Marine and Skeeter Boats)
1st $3,500.00
2nd $1,000.00
3rd $800.00
4th $600.00
5th $500.00
6th $400.00
7th $300.00
8th $250.00
9th $200.00
10th $150.00
(2nd thru 10th place based on 100-teams-Additional places paid for every 10 teams over 100)
1st Big Bass – $500 2nd Big Bass – $250 3rd Big Bass – $100
Come experience a ride in the all-new Skeeter FX Series equipped with a Yamaha 250 SHO 4 stroke! Go for a Demo ride with the Skeeter Demo Team and be eligible for $1000.00 drawing with paid entry at the weigh-in! Demo rides will be held on Saturday, April 17th from 9 AM to 5 PM at CARLOS’N CHARLIE’S.
ENTRIES may be made in person at: South Austin Marine on Hwy 290, S. Austin Marine Lakeside on N. FM 620 or McBride’s Guns by no later than 4:30 PM Saturday, 4/17/10 or at Fish Finders Marine in RR by 4:30 pm on Friday 4/16, or @ the Skeeter Demo rides @ Carlos’N Charlies on Saturday during demo hours. LAST MINUTE ENTRIES: May be made in person at Tournament Point from 12:00 noon Saturday, April 17, 2010 until 6:00 AM Sunday, April 18, 2010.
Also entry forms can be picked up at local Academy stores or printed off at from If you need more information please contact Kent Harris 512-924-6906.