3rd Annual 100 Club of Central Texas $5,000.00 Lake Travis

April 28, 2007

Call: 512-345-3200 or visit www.100clubcentex.com for more information.

This is a benefit tournament and funds raised go to assist first responders (law enforcement officers, fire fighters, and Emergency medical technicians) when they are critically injured or killed in the line of duty.

Where: Jones Brothers Park, Jonestown Texas
When: Saturday, April 28, 2007
Pre-registration: Friday, April 27, 2007 6:00 8:00 P.M. True Grits Grill in Jonestown and 5:30 6:30 A.M. the morning of the tournament.
6:30 A.M. 4/28/07: Fishing Begins

All anglers will receive a T-shirt, continental breakfast, lunch (fried fish), and door prize.

5 Fish Stringer
First Place: $2,000.00
Second Place: $1,000.00
Third Place: $500.00
Fourth Place: $400.00
Fifth Place: $300.00
Sixth Place: $200.00
Seventh Place: $100.00

Heaviest Fish

Cost: $130.00 per team

Entry form: