Members and Supporters of the Lonestar Chapter PVA:
We are proud to announce that the LSPVA will once again be hosting a bass tournament as part of the PVA BASS National Tour. Listed below are the preliminary details. National will make it official after July 1 when they update the 2023/2024 BASS Tour calendar and open competitor registration.
The LSPVA is looking for Competitors, Volunteers, and Sponsors!
There is a lot of planning that goes into a successful bass tournament and once PVA National makes it official, a lot more details will be forth coming and they will include how to register to compete and how to sign up to volunteer.
Areas of volunteer will include:
-- Boat Captians to partner with a disabled angler to compete in the tournament.
-- Serve on the LSPVA Planning Committee - Starts July 10.
-- Administration volunteers for the Friday night registration and pairing.
-- Volunteers to help with Partner Pairing Dinner (Friday), Angler Banquet (Saturday), and Ramp Dinner (Sunday)
-- Setup & Teardown at the State Park
-- Disabled Angler Boat Loading and Unloading (Saturday AM/PM & Sunday AM/PM)
-- Boat Launch & Recovery (Saturday AM/PM & Sunday AM/PM) Will include Drivers and Ramp Assistants
-- Bank Division Angler Asistants (Saturday & Sunday)
-- Boat Launch Ice/Drinks/Lunch
-- Weign-In Assistants (Saturday & Sunday pm)
For those that will be interested in fishing but have never participated in a PVA event....
You sign-up as a Boat Captain or a Non-Boater Partner.
Friday night partner pairing.
----- Boat Captians will be paired, at random, with a non-boater disabled angler.
----- Non-Boater Partners will be paired, at random, with a Disabled Angler Boater (has his/her own boat).
Saturday is Disabled Angler Competition Day. The disabled angler is the only one fishing and he/she is competing for Angler of the Year points and a sot at BASS Nation Championship. If your angler wins money/prizes, you win money/prizes.
Sunday is Team Day. Both the Disabled Angler and Boat Captian/Non-Boater Partner fish as a TEAM. You split the money /prizes!
In the meantime, Please mark you calendars and save the dates to either fish or volunteer. We will need a significant number of volunteers to make the event successful.
You may contact the office (972-276-5252), email (, or PM me to add your name and contact info to the list.
What: 2023 PVA BASS Tour - Texas Roundup
When: October 27 - 29, 2023
Where: Lake Ray Roberts - Isle du Bois State Park - Pilot Point, TX 76258
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