Okay boys and girls, if you have not been on Social Media and not seen the massive amounts of posts about this. Here it is in the TFF!!!! October 12th Is the Lonestar Throwdown!!! This year we are hosting it at Rock Creek Camp on Lake Possum Kingdom. This is for bragging rights to see which region has the best angler's in Texas! There is be a Captain's meeting on Friday October 11th, at 6pm sponsored by Western Son Vodka! Come on out and enjoy the festivities in one of the best tournaments in the state!!
Lonestar Throdown ![[Linked Image]](https://texasfishingforum.com/forums/pics/userpics/2019/09/full-30232-26035-61984574_2146765035614646_6132268710825558016_o.jpg)