The next event of the TTZ Central Region is Saturday, April 7th on Belton Lake. For event details or to register online please click this link:
TTZ TRAIL CENTRAL / Belton | Texas Tournament ZoneThere is a link on the event page for early online registration. If you would like to register in person, we will have onsite registration as well, at the following times:
Friday Apr 6th 5:00pm to 8:00pm at Crawfish ExpressJoin us at Crawfish Express for early registration, enjoy some Live Music and crawfish starting at 5pm. Crawfish Express is BYOB and has plenty of parking for trucks with boat trailers.
Crawfish Express
177 FM2483
Point Resort, TX 76513
Saturday April 7th Opens at 5am at Cedar Ridge ParkAll teams registering early Online or Friday night will be put in a drawing for 2 free pairs of Costa Sunglasses for one lucky team.
At all TTZ Trail events Shimano will be giving away two new Curado K and two Curado rods to four lucky anglers via a drawing. In order to qualify for the drawing, an angler must present a receipt at the event registration for $150 or greater, of Shimano or G.Loomis products purchased in 2018. You do not need to be present to win, but you must present a receipt at registration Friday or Saturday.

If you have questions please contact us anytime, Brian Booker, (512) 761-2426.
TTZ events are sanctioned for Skeeter Real Money, Triton Gold, Legend Advantage, BassCat Quest, and Phoenix First Flight.
For a complete listing of events and qualifications for the TTZ Championship, and the $30,000 guaranteed first place prize, please click on this link:
2018 TTZ Trail ScheduleAs a reminder boats can launch from any ramp, release and weigh-in will be at Cedar Ridge Park. For a complete listing of the TTZ Trail rules please click on this link:
RULES | Texas Tournament ZoneIt's almost time, looking forward to a great weekend of tournament fishing!