The Lake Fork Anglers Twice monthly results for March 8th were really good!. Weather was fair to good with light winds. The fish that were caught mainly came on drop shots, wacky rigs and bladed jigs.

Lake Fork anglers format is a draw style paper tournament where slot fish count. All fish are measured, recorded and released on the spot year round.
Each boat has a boater and a co-angler.

Only the best five count.

Boater Results
1st place goes to Don Overstreet with 7 bass for 11.25 lb and a lunker of 3.95 caught on a Texas rigged brush hog.
2nd place goes to Galen Smith with 9 bass for 9.73 lb. with a 2.25 lunker.
3rd place went to Robert Gaylor with 7 bass for 9.15 lb with a 3.31 lunker.
4th place went to Randy Steele with 5 bass for 8.88 with a 3.46 lunker.
5th place went to Bill Ailes with 2 bass for 5.82 with a 3.46 lunker.

Co-Angler Results
1st place goes to John Markos with 7 bass for 16.53 lb with a 5.08 lunker caught on a bladed jig.
2nd place goes to John Berech with 5 bass for 15.95 lb. with THE co-angler lunker of 6.89.
3rd place went to Ken Kielbas with 5 bass for 8.86 lb with a 3.23 lunker.
4th place went to Gene Shoemaker with 3 bass for 6.44 lb with a 2.88 lunker.
5th place went to Charlie Arnold with 3 bass for 5.82 with a 3.46 lunker.

Spring is here kids and the fish are biting from 10' to the bank. A total of 70 bass were caught on a great day with the water temps right around 55.

The LFA fishes every Thursday during the month on three different format. The as described LFA twice monthly format where there are declared cash winners fishing for "Angler of the Year" points and plaques.

On another Thursday we have what we call Faze 4 which is a drawn team tournament fishing cash, while putting aside money for an annual benefit to the winners of a 2 day championship held in December. Members must fish 4 F-4 events during the year to qualify for the championship.

On the 4th and 5th Thursdays members fish what we call "Hard Core" which follows the Major League Fishing TV show format where every fish you catch counts. Like MLF members we try to qualify for the semi-final that will be held in Sep by catching at least 6 LB in any of the qualifying tournaments'
In Sep members those that have quailified are paired and the first ten to catch 8 lb have then quailified for the championship in Oct.
Winning members are rewarded with "Bass Fishing Innovations" plaques and a cash benefit.

Not all of our 50+ members fish every week or even all three formats on a regular basis. We are seniors and fish when we have the time. But we do have a core group of about 36 that fish on a regular basis. And because we are mostly seniors we are adamant in making sure there is always two anglers in a boat. Both for safety and for sharing ,learning and making an enjoyable day of it.
Annual dues is $5 and tournaments are $15 with $12 paid back. There is an optional $5 lunker pool and an optional $10 big bag pool.
E-mail me at or PM me on here for info. We only fish at Lake Fork.

Lake Fork Anglers
Every Thursday
Daytime Tournaments.

Lake Fork Sportsman's Association

We are VERY PROUD of our Induction into the
Texas Freshwater Fishing Hall of Fame.