Starting next month I'll be back in the mountains guiding for trout half the time, and back in Dallas guiding the Winter Crappie Run up the creeks and rivers. Weather is starting to cool down keeping the high pressure of tourists and kids swimming and throwing rocks in the Evening Hole and other areas of the river, making it great fishing and its only going to get better the colder it gets.
Half day trips and full day trips available.
Click Here for Guided Fishing Trip info I will teach y'all how to fish the river all on your own within 4 hours. You will be able to come back to the river on your own, anytime of year, and fly fish or using conventional gear, to catch these trout. If you know how to / or want to learn to tie flies, I'll show you how to tie up the top flies for the river, next to the river. After we cover all the hot spots and secret holes, I will stay by your side till I'm sure you will be good to go on your own.
Text me, call me, email me: with booking questions. Or just fill out the request form on the link above or below.
Reports: Pictures: Tips: Videos: - Coming soon.
The fly list:
Just throw a Near Deer when in doubt. :-)
Beavers Bend Flys
Near Deers
Bead Head Pheasant Tails (Size: 14-18)
Hares Ear (Size: 14-18)
Orange Soft Hackles (Size: 16-18)
Red Hackles (Size: 16-18)
Bead Headed Wollybuggers (Colors: Olive, White, Black, Rust) (Size: 10-20, I like Big WBS)
Black Midges (Size: 12-22)
Red Midges (Size: 12-22)
Blue Winged Olive (Size:16-22)
Sulpher (Size: )
Cahill (Size: 18-22)
San Juan Worm
Hatches: Baetis, Blue Winged Olive, Light Cahill, Midge
Flies to use: Pheasant tails, Red Fox Squirrel, San Juan worm, Egg Patterns, Griffiths Gnat, Adult Caddis, Emergers
Hatches: Mayflies, Midges, March Brown
Flies to use: March Browns, Bead Headed Black and Red Midges (size 12-14), San Juan worms, egg patterns, Griffiths gnat, CDC, Emerger Patterns, Soft hackle
Hatches: Blue winged Olive, Midges
Wet Flies to use:
Soft Hackle, Copper Johns, Pheasant Tails, Egg patterns, Red Fox squirrels, crane fly
Dry Flies to use: Griffiths Gnats, Hares Ears, March Brown (mayfly), Blue Winged Olive (mayfly)
Flies to use: Elk Hair Caddis, Parachute Adams, Thread Midges, and Caddis Pupae Flies, Soft Hackles, Midges, Hares ears, Pheasant tails, Prince nymphs
Hatchs: Flying Ants, Caddis, Mayflies, Crane flies, Midges
Flies to use: Red Soft Hackle, Elk Hair Caddis, Midges, Ants,
Hatches: Baetis, Beetles ,Blue Winged Olive, Brown Caddis, March Brown ,Tan Caddis
Wet flies (nymphs) to use: Cream Colored Soft Hackles, Nymphs, Adam Parachutes 12-16, Hare's ear Nymphs, Elk hair caddis
Dry flies to use: CDC Caddis and CDC Mayfly Emergers, EHC, Adam Parachutes
Hatches: Mayfly, PMD's, Sulphurs
Flies to use: Grasshoppers, Ants, Midges, Mayflies, Caddis
Hatches: Mayflies, Midges
Flies to use: Copper Johns, Griffiths Gnats, EHC, Ants, Griffiths Gnats, Soft Hackles, Hoppers, Soft Hackles
Hatches: Midge, Hexagenia, Caddis, Mayflies, Mosquitoes
Dry Flies: Caddis and Mayflies (including dry, emergers, and cripples)
Flies to use: Soft Hackles, Midges, Pheasant Tails, Copper Johns, Small Mayfly Imitations, Caddis Pupae, Emergers
Hatches: PMD/s, BWO's Yellow Sally, Grass Hoppers and Katy-Dids, Hexagenia Mayflies
Wet flies (nymphs) to use: Green Bead Head Caddis Nymph imitations in about size 14-16, Egg patterns, San Juan Worm, Various Soft Hackles, Light Cahill, Grasshopper, Ant, Hex Nymph
Dry flies to use: Stimulators on a size 10 hook, Elk hair Caddis, Hex
Hatches: Caddis, Grey Mayflies, Blue Quills Blue Winged Olives Midges, Sulfurs
Flies to use: Miracle Midge, Zebra Midge, Egg Patterns, San Juan Worm
Hatches: Small Tan Caddis, Small Black Caddis, Midges
Flies to use: Thread Midges, Caddis Emergers, spiders, Copper John, Egg Patterns, San Juan Worms
Hatches: Black Caddis, Blue Winged Olives (mayfly) and Midges.
Flies to use: Emergers, Caddis, Mayfly, Midges, Egg patterns
Dry flies to use: Griffiths Gnat, Blue Winged Olive, Black Caddis