summary time ....
thanks so very much to all the wonderful bait mfg folks for the samples .....
I dropped a quite a few different items ....
btw mister crazy angler ....
I did ketch me a bull gill ....on ...
um ///u know ////
I so thunk it was a big black crappie when it pikt it up ..
on the fawl .....
you an I know it was quite a trick for it to eat that thing for sure
KABOOM the top secret stuff I say ....
man they look pretty ....
we probably ketched around 50 to 60 crappie ....3/4 toss bax
25 or so bream ....didn't have to toss many back on them
4 or 5 black bass ....kept 1
10 or a dozen sandys or so ....we chased them a bit when they school up nice ,,,,,kept 3
water temp was 84 .....
targeted depths from very shallow to 38 fow ....
fish on the deep end didn't cooperate ...
large gar fish rollin in that area ....
bites in the deep timber were mostly bream at 14 to 15 foot down
...we marked the 23 foot down crappie a bunch , but they didn't cooperate well for sum reason...
thanks to my bud for the company an vessel .....
it was a great half day of ketchn for sure ...
light winds ....not terribly hot ....
bitin fish chest full a fish ....
one last black crappie pik
then on to the next adventure ....