Today was a great morning. Felt like I was in an episode of Deadliest Catch. Fish were stacked up against the dam on a small hump 30 yard out from it. Figured 10-20 mph winds would push the bait there.
Tips to find them
1: Check Glass House cove area. Located directly North of East Fork Marina.
2: Check the point directly West of the island/cut on South side.
3: From the point above- all the way to the end of the point at the island.
4: Humps. We only have like 20, and they r all in a row.
5: Power Plant Discharge.
6: Lavonia Park from North ramp to the dam.
7: Avalon shoreline.
- if they r not in those areas, its going to be tough to find them. They went main lake and r suspended at 20-22 ft till the thermocline. sets in. Trolling will produce when times r tough, but trolling is not my thing.
This is Clint East Fork, the Beaver

And this, below, is really small sandbass from Lavon. They are all 12-15 inches. Maybe 5-6 are 11's. The boat show today was two of us. Everyone else was fishing for the 8 inchers I guess.

Caught the lake record Sandbass Hybrid ( yellow x white ).
They decided to just eat it. 14 incher.