Good info from Neumie

Minimum Requirements for Kayaking
There was a recent post made about what the minimum requirements were for kayaking in Texas, so here's a list of said requirements along with the code for citation. If you feel I have misinterpreted or have something incorrect please let me know.
PFD (aka Lifevest) Requirements
You must have a Type I, II, III, or V PFD for each person on the kayak [TWSA Title 4 31.066(a)][CFR Title 33 175.15]
Children under the age of 13 must always wear their PFD [TWSA Title 4 31.066(b)][CFR Title 33 175.15(c)]
Type V PFDs must be used in accordance with the manufacturer's label to be legal [CFR Title 33 175.17(a)]
Inflatable PFDs may only be worn by adults over the age of 16 and weighing more than 80lbs [CFR Title 46 160.076]
All PFDs must be in good, serviceable condition without any cuts, tears, rotten material, etc [CFR Title 33 175.23]
All PFDs must fit each person properly [CFR Title 33 175.21]
Each PFD must be readily accessible to each person [CFR Title 33 175.19]
Distress Signaling Devices - Audible & Visual
On inland waters you are not required to have an audible signaling device [TWSA Title 4 31.073(a)]
On coastal waters you must have an audible signaling device capable of making efficient sound [USC Title 33 Chapter 34 2033(b)]
You are not required to have visual distress signaling devices on inland waters [TWSA Title 4 31.073(a)][CFR Title 33 175.5]
You are required to have USCG approved visual distress signaling devices suitable for night use when kayaking between sunset and sunrise on coastal waters [CFR Title 33 175.115]
Visual distress signaling devices must be readily accessible [CFR Title 33 175.120]
Visual distress signaling devices must be in serviceable condition [CFR Title 33 175.125]
Light Requirements
You must exhibit at least one bright light, lantern or flashlight visible all around the horizon from sunset to sunrise in all weather [TWSA Title 4 31.064]
All-around white lights must be visible for 2 miles [USC Title 33 Chapter 34 2022(c)]
Registration and Numbering
Kayaks, regardless of length, do not have to be registered [TWSA Title 4 31.022(c)]
Kayaks, 14 feet or longer, equipped as a sailboat have to be registered and numbered [TWSA Title 4 31.022(c)]
Kayaks, regardless of length, equipped with a motor (electric or gas) have to be registered and numbered [TWSA Title 4 31.021(a)]
If you register and number your kayak know that there are more minimum requirements that apply than listed above
Minimum Requirements Summary:
Lakes and Rivers: PFD and 360 light between sunset and sunrise
Bays and Gulf: PFD, 360 light between sunset and sunrise, sound signaling device, and night use visual signaling device between sunset and sunrise