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Re: Petition to re-open Squaw Creek Reservoir
05/26/06 04:15 PM
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MadCat 1985
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Re: Petition to re-open Squaw Creek Reservoir
05/26/06 07:11 PM
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I'm number 127. Hope it works.
Re: Petition to re-open Squaw Creek Reservoir
05/26/06 07:34 PM
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Re: Petition to re-open Squaw Creek Reservoir
05/26/06 07:59 PM
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Alex K.
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Re: Petition to re-open Squaw Creek Reservoir
05/26/06 08:01 PM
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Jay, I reviewed your link to previous board messages, all comments concerning the lake were speculative at best.
I googled "txu contract lake #1, it showed up in the small lake catagory.
I then sent tp&w an email inquireing about txu contract lake #1, here is the reply
It isn't Squaw Creek. TXU Contract Lake #1 is a 110-acre impoundment in Freestone County on the Big Brown power plant property near Fairfield, TX. TXU donated this lake to Texas Parks and Wildlife Department for used as a research facility. We stock special populations of fish that we want to tag and monitor. The lake is not open to the public.
Dyanne Fry Cortez Inland Fisheries Texas Parks & Wildlife Dept. (512) 389-8055
Re: Petition to re-open Squaw Creek Reservoir
05/26/06 08:04 PM
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Alex K.
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Re: Petition to re-open Squaw Creek Reservoir
05/26/06 08:07 PM
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#130 here. Just remember all of our favorite lakes were made for drinking water and some for generating electricity and none were made soley for fishing. Not that it'd ever happen, but what's to stop them from shutting down YOUR FAVORITE lake over biochemical threats in the drinking water? Or security concerns on a hydroelectric lake? Everyone of you that have ever bought a license or registered your boat have an investment in EVERY TEXAS lake and wildlife resource. You and I paid for it... You and I should be able to use it.... It's bad enough the state takes most of the revenue from license and puts it in the general fund for that state. Time for the sportsman to put his/her foot down and say enough is enough.
Re: Petition to re-open Squaw Creek Reservoir
05/26/06 08:08 PM
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Green Horn
Green Horn
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You got #135!!!
Right on JayInGrapevine.
I never got to fish it either, sure would like to some day. If they are truly so concerned why couldn't they just have one road in and out with a check point. We'd all be happy to go through a search, no problem!
Re: Petition to re-open Squaw Creek Reservoir
05/26/06 08:18 PM
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Right on, ya'll. Email the petition to people you know who fish but aren't on the board. Everyone that buys a license has a vested interest in this. Once it gets up around a thousand or so, I'll shoot a few emails around to TPWD with a link to the signatures and the petition. It may not get anything done, but the more people know about this issue, the better. Rattle some chains, make some noise. The squeaky wheel gets the grease and I hope we can get this one to squeak loud as hell.
The only true intercontinental champion.
Re: Petition to re-open Squaw Creek Reservoir
05/26/06 08:25 PM
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Dr. Chase
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thanks for getting this going jay. i have tried to get people to address this issue on the forum but everytime i get shot down and told to "take it somewhere else". keep up the good fight.
Re: Petition to re-open Squaw Creek Reservoir
05/26/06 08:33 PM
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hate to be the sayer of nay, but nay, it aint gonna happen this lake was built soley for the purpose of cooling a power plant, public access was just out of the kindess of the txu peoples hearts (lmao) they own it and no one can make them open it. If it had been stocked by tpwd using taxpayers money (and it hasnt) since being closed your only recourse for compensation would be tpwd not txu and there is no way to get fish out or lower the water level. i own a pond and if you or my neighbors or anyone else stocks fish in it and then i choose not to let them back on my land no petition is going to get them back in, its private property. Just be glad that theres nothing volatile enough or radioactive about hydroelectric plants that would make them attractive to idiots or terrorists, could you imagine the liabilty in todays world if they did provide security and open it back up and it were attacked. I thought by now this would stop coming up and the rumors would die. you might as well be petitioning them to let you in the secure part of the plant itself....good luck your admired for trying.
Re: Petition to re-open Squaw Creek Reservoir
05/26/06 08:34 PM
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Stacy Kennemur
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Originally posted by LizzardLippn: You got #135!!!
If they are truly so concerned why couldn't they just have one road in and out with a check point. We'd all be happy to go through a search, no problem! That is exactly how it is set up all they would need is security checking while you pay. TXU has a pretty big security for the plant. lets put them in boats and have them watch the intake and outlet. move the bouys out couple more hundred yards, and let the fishing begin.
Re: Petition to re-open Squaw Creek Reservoir
05/26/06 08:34 PM
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Jay, are you that dense. I just gave you the information you need to start another petition.
Ms. Cortez, of the inland fisheries admitted to stocking fish in a lake NOT OPEN TO THE PUBLIC, it is called TXU Contrat Lake #1. Pleeeese add that lake to your petition.
I want to fish it when lake fairfield is slow or to low to launch.
Re: Petition to re-open Squaw Creek Reservoir
05/26/06 08:37 PM
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wow im 137 lets keep it goin maybe they'll listen
Lone Star Mossy Backs Longview,Tx J R
Re: Petition to re-open Squaw Creek Reservoir
05/26/06 08:48 PM
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Ya'll need to petition TXU, not TPWD. Buena suerte!!
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